So, is it actually objective to say that black culture in the US is inferior or did I get meme'd by /pol/?
So, is it actually objective to say that black culture in the US is inferior or did I get meme'd by /pol/?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dresden 98% German
>objectively inferior
Next you're going to tell me morals are objective as well.
Wow, really makes me think
Middle of Manhattan, the heart of the Greatest City in the World, America, 2016
Good that you used two places from the same country on that pic.
So the real question here is: Why does a state allow that certain regions inside of the country are so poor?
I thought capitalism was supposed to bring propserity and freedom to everybody.
wow really makes me think
fuck off to tumblr
Morals don't inherently exist, though.
Why do people get black culture, ghetto culture, and gang culture mixed up? I get that there are certain similarities and commonalities that they share but they are different.
legalise hemp
create hemp farms
boom colonial america round 2
Veeky Forums - History & Humanities
Couldn't be further from the truth. In order for Livonia to exist there must exist a few Detroits.
Remember: For every millionaire guy out there, it means that there are 100 poor guys to make him rich.
For every millionaire that owns 50 houses, it means there will be hundrends without a single home.
I wonder who could be behind this post...
Enlighten me, senpai. What's the difference?
You got meme'd by /pol/, you blithering idiot.
The difference is that not all black people are criminals and welfare queens. That shit is for poor people. There is a large intersection between being poor and black but the two don't always go hand in hand.
jews dun did it
Ah yes, a shame they didn't copy white culture.
What's wrong with what they're doing? Explain to me. They're clearly happily celebrating something and aren't hurting or harming anyone or anything. Please explain.
Nothing wrong, I suppose. They are free to live like subhumans.
>white culture
>black culture
americans will be the death of us all, I'm telling you now
>enlightened fedora.jpg
They're white (and male) and unashamedly so, therefore they should be the target of ridicule and disdain despite being the backbone of the U.S.
Bunch of guys having fun. What's wrong with this picture?
>backbone of the US
I'm pretty sure putting a bullet in their heads would be a net positive.
Is this a trick question? They're unfit, unkempt, uneducated, uncouth, inbred, and generally filthy and disgusting.
it's degenerate
Are you on the autism scale? Serious question.
Fucking degenerates. Why cant they be civilized people like these fine dark skinned citizens?
What's so degenerate or subhuman or niggardly about being poor? Whats up with disdain for salt of the earth types?
Either autism or the typical superiority so many city people like to feel over those living out in the country.
I love it how libshits how their true colors.
When libshits show their true colors, I should say. It's not about being against oppression, discrimination against the poor or any of that bs. It's about showing preference for their favorite group.
I see nothing wrong with this picture. Just a man expressing his 1st amendment rights by displaying his political views, enjoying an adult beverage (21st amendment) and enjoying nature by taking a little cat nap outside. Very patriotic desu senpai
Look, either you're on the side of civilization or you can go play in the dirt with your feces in company of all the salt of the earth types, the feeble-minded, the noble savages and the romantic gypsies.
>uneducated, inbred
And you can tell from looking at a single blurry picture, wew.
The words "black" and "culture" should never be put together
The genetic damage from consanguinity is actually clearly visible, just look at their limbs. As for their lack of education, I can indeed tell at a glance.
>STOP blaming black people! Their crime rates, broken families and drug abuse are the result of poverty, we NEED to stop poverty in this country and stop denigrating low income families
Yet another proof that libcucks don't really care about economic problems, it's just FUCK WHITE PEOPLE: the ideology.
>Detroit, MI population - 680,250
>Livonia, MI population - 96,942
Gee i wonder why a city with 6 times as many people has more crime
Livonia makes it related, you see?
Where did you get this strawman from
7 times as many*
>STOP blaming rednecks! Their crime rates, broken families and drug abuse are the result of poverty, we NEED to stop poverty in this country and stop denigrating low income families
Yet another proof that /pol/tards don't really care about eugenics, it's just FUCK BLACK PEOPLE: the ideology.
Did you read the thread or are you being purposefully ignorant?
What strawman? Literally read this thread.
Rednecks have an extremely low crime rate amigo.
The bastardised ghetto thug culture that is promoted by rappers and the media is undoubtedly inferior. If they were to idolise Louis Armstrong, MLK and post NOI Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X then the black communities would prosper greatly
>I don't understand what a crime RATE is
Also empower black families instead of single mothers
Couldn't have those niggers voting Democrat for the next two hundred years if that was the case, now would they?
>a bunch of american whites living like subhumans
>"they are le close to their roots"
>indians crap in the fields
>"Filthy subhumans - POO IN LOO PAJEET"
eric, simply eric.
Do any of you bother to read before you post in these dumb fucking bait threads?
>getting this butthurt over designated shitting streets
Calm down, Pajeet.
Where in this thread does anyone unironically defend black people saying that their crime rates and drug abuse are the result of poverty (which they are) while at the same time making fun of the rednecks from the picture in this thread while at the same time demonstrating that they dont care about economic problems AND that modern "libcucks" literally follow "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE: the ideology"
>I don't understand what a CITY is
>(which they are)
Deepak pls
Nope, it's what Dinesh D'Souza calls the urban plantation since although the blacks are free, their living conditions are still very similar to those they had under slavery.
Hopefully Trump will win their vote otherwise he will probably lose the election and Hillary will continue to stir up tensions between racial communities for her gain.
You don't understand anything. Boston is a several times bigger city than Detoilet and doesn't have such a 3rd world murder rate.
>le bigger cities always have higher murder rates maymay
Guess that's why murder rate in rural Mississippi is through the roof.
>violent crime rate in Livonia is 127/100k residents
>violent crime rate in Detroit 2137/100k residents
Detroit has 7 times more people but relatively has 16 times more violent criminal incidents.
It's not poverty,
it's their toxic culture, affirmitive action allowing even the lowest of thugs to survive and breed, lack of fathers in families, lower IQ and Democratic policies intended to keep them leeching. Same reason why illegal migrants are accepted, since they'll be after the gibsmedats and keep voting for more leftist government. The niggers really don't have a very good chance at being civilized, lawful citizens.
>a single comment on le reddits
get a grip people.
Purposefully ignorant it is then.
It's less than expected because they live in low-density areas, but in crime categories that are little affected by population density (child and spousal abuse, notably) it's through the roof.
Rednecks aside, the white lumpenproles in the cities are certainly trash.
Crime RATES do increase with population density.
>Correlations obtained from unsourced data
gee talk about gish galloping
>population density
>I live close to other people so I have to murder them
Streetshitter logic
>density is the ONLY factor
There are cities blacker than Detroit that don't have their murder rate. There are cities with no blacks at all that have a higher murder rate.
>blacker than Detroit
Such as?
It's cool, you can deny reality if you want.
100k people is a city, we're not talking abour fucking hamlets here.
>g-get out of safe space.
You're the one denying reality, Sanjeet. You have places like Charleston West Virginia or Boise Idaho that have nowhere near the crime rate of Detroit and St. Louis despite being both cities and poor. It's because they are majority white.
>Livonia is a village in Putnam County, Missouri, United States.
So says Wikipedia and what's on Wikipedia is internet canon
Dude, there are probably no Indians at all on Veeky Forums right now. You can stop trying to offend them.
We're talking about Livonia, MICHIGAN not MISSOURI lmao
Stop pretending.
I would post you something if the system didn't think absolutely everything I try to post is spam.
Race, Wealth and Incarceration: Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
kek what a dumb fuck. typical right wing corruption lover.
seriously we should kill all people that have this mentality right here. They are just a waste of space, resources and oxygen and are stoping the evolution os the species.
>its just a meme bro, you are subhuman because you shit in streets
>unlike our red blooded and genetically pure backbone of our country who just does that in front on their porch
>Boise, Idaho
>205,671 people
>50,404 people
Charleston is 15% African-American so apparently that's not enough to significantly impact the crime rate at low density, how does that impact your narrative?
Not an argument
That's about as biased and stacked as an example as can be. Detroit is infamous for its self-inflicted segregation. I'm not saying nigs are KANGS but poor white Detroitfags are just as deprived. If all the rich people leave the city limits, the local tax base and services will be shit.
But as to your OP, well, mainstream American culture is intertwined with black culture it's simply retarded what you ask. America wouldn't be America without its contributions from blacks. That's plain history, not any SJW revisionism.
Jazz, blues, rock and roll, and obviously hip-hop are all derived from black culture (which had absorbed some elements of European culture of course). Even country music, considered about as white as you can probably get, has strong roots in black folk music.
A lot of foods Americans eat (BBQ for example) are derived from black culture.
Spent part of my childhood in a tiny ex coal mining town in West Virginia. And having now lived in both suburbia and a city, rednecks are beyond debate as bad, if not worse, than hoodrats.
It has nothing to do with poverty. Some of the better off ones were still ingrained into the stupid fucking enclosed, willfully ignorant cracker society that raised them. They're as anti-intellectual and anti-establishment as any other hoodrat /pol/ likes to worry about fucking their women. Fuck rednecks and fuck yo culture n' 'eritage.
Ever heard of a sewer?
you're not on /pol/, so keep the discourse on track or go back to whence you came and you can meme and conspiracy theorize to your heart's content.
People in general are pretty damn anti-intellectual, you know. Do you not interact with people, or don't you just notice how most people hold illogical and irrational ideas and even when presented with evidence will fall behind their cognitive dissonance and ignore everything?
ever heard of an outhouse?
>tfw I don't exist
well thats a relief.
Well for one the image you posted does not belong to that study and incarceration rate is certainly a much different thing from violent crime rate.
>eric, simply eric.
What does this mean? Haven't seen this meme before.
As far as I know rednecks don't have designated shitting porches.
There's a difference between cognitive dissonance and "what are you reading a science book for?" or "art history? you a fag, son?" Rednecks generally fall in the second category.
It's from the Color of Crime, but the system wouldn't allow me to post anything.
I agree, it's a relief.
>you a fag, son
Well, are you?
It's the same goddamn thing with just a different wrapper. Their preconceived notions are different, but the way they go about them is exactly the same. Both sides just think themselves superior to the other.
As far as I know Indians don't have designated shitting streets either.
>inb4 /int/ screencaps
but then, who was shitpost?
I'll stick with the guys who think art history is more important than pro-wrestling rather than the opposite, thanks.