Why did anyone think this was a good idea?

Why did anyone think this was a good idea?

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it's multicultural, of course it's a good idea.

wasn't a thing back then, stop projecting modern ideas to history. Also, AH did have German and Hungarian cultural hegemony.

Many kingdoms looked similar to that before nationalism, it's just that the Habsburg Empire lasted the longest. It's not like AH was created from scratch in the 19th century. They had pretty much the same empire for centuries, tried and failed to keep it after nationalism.

Multicultural was a thing back then too, it just wasn't pushed for. You can find a lot of multicultural historical figures, speaking several languages and growing amongst different groups in A-H or even some interstate people ones.

It was just how the Habsburgs acquired land. Of course a Monarchy won't make much sense from a nationalist viewpoint.

>Also, AH did have German and Hungarian cultural hegemony.
Jesus fucking Christ where did you pull that one from?

In feudal days, most people didn't care what the people in the neighboring village spoke as long as they could talk with the people they needed to. Hell, I'd wager that most didn't give a shit what language their lords spoke; the difference in dialects between whatever peasant patois was in the region and the more standardized tongues of the aristocracy would've still rendered them unintelligible to each other even if they spoke the same language.

It's only with nationalism that this becomes a problem.

The Turks faced the same issue; the Ottoman Empire was heavily mixed on an ethno-lingual level because if there was a plague or someshit, the bureaucrats would resettle it with people from elsewhere - that's why you get Greeks in places they hadn't been in centuries and Armenian minorities in places they never really existed.

Why did nationalism ruin everything?

One very easy multiculti state was the HRE and the Kingdom of Sicily. Friedrich II was a a german king of Sicily who spoke six languages and ruled over a nation that had at least three major ethnic groups, and even more when he became Emperor.

Daily reminder there is nothing wrong with multiculturalism. It's the forced acceptance of trash individuals in society just because they belong to a different ethnic group by left that has to be removed.

>wasn't a thing back then, stop projecting modern ideas to history. Also, AH did have German and Hungarian cultural hegemony.
Multiculturism was absolutely a thing back then, it was one of two ways empires tried to keep themselves afloat in the era of violent and exploding nationalism. It was less popular than outright suppression but if the movement got too strong the empire would always try to offer multiculturism as a solution, such a Danube Federation or the federalized British Empire, both of which were proposals that never came about.

In fact part of the modern Eastern Europe's hatred of multiculturism comes form this era. The other is the violent and allergic reaction to anything to do with leftist politics after ~45 years of commie occupation. Which ALSO, by the way, encouraged multiculturism.

And modern western leftists wonder why Eastern Europeans despise them.

Because ethno-cultural boundaries weren't firmly grounded in geographical boundaries?

The Germans in A-H are an interesting case as they were almost all invited in. Transylvanian Saxons and other Hungarian Germans were invited in as skilled laborers, Bohemia and other Slavic states encouraged German immigration for similar regions. In Poland, Russia, and the Baltic states, ethnic Germans had served their nations faithfully even against German states. It's not until the Nazis and their active courtship of Volkdeutsche, which had followed on the heels of persecution from the first world war, did these foreign Germans look to "home."

The other issue in A-H that's pretty unique is that the Hungarians enjoyed tremendous privileges in the Dual-Monarchy and actively subverted extended similar rights to the other minorities. Even the Czechs, which is odd given their historical ties, but was probably prompted by their fears of Slovak insubordination. The United States of Austria would've been a very interesting development.


Give a decent example of the Russian empire supporting multiculturalism

Would have been cool, but I doubt the Hungarians would have allowed it due to their power under the Dual Monarchy

>tfw no modern federal state consisting of Austria, Czechia, Slovenia, and Trieste

>In feudal days, most people didn't care what the people in the neighboring village spoke as long as they could talk with the people they needed to
Actually it's funny that we in post Roman Europe went from a form of nationalism to feudalism to a form of nationalism.

Specifically what I'm talking about is what nobody seems to talk about and that is that tribal identities during the Migrations period were very very similar to nations that would emerge in the 10th century. Not the same in the sense they were the same identities (tribal identities would generally give way to regional markings such as Moravians for Moravia, Burgundians for Burgundy, Lombardians for Lombardy, Saxons for Saxony) but that the feelings of identifying with the group that the various tribes had were very similar to what we have today. They spoke the same language, they had the same ruler, they dressed in the same fashion and had the same customs. Some were closer (like various Germanic tribes) and some were further from each other (like a Germanic tribe and a Slavic tribe) but in general they stuck together until they settled and formed a feudal state or were forced into feudal state that grouped them together (such as HRE with various Germanic tribes) and sometimes they lost their identity too (such as various tribes that became the Franks).

They tried to destroy national identities and embraced the "one people of USSR" as this gray mass.

They brought a bunch of rooskies into Eastern Europe while forcing Eastern Europeans into Siberia.

Imagine if the Czechs and Slovenes had been turned down for the EU after the Cold War ended.
>Austria senpai, annex pls
>reinstate monarchy
>Habsburgs were nice

Funny thing is, there's a Habsburg that's been in and out of Austrian government for a while now.

>russian empire
And what you posted isn't even multiculturalism

Why do Hungarians always have to ruin everything? Imagine how much better everything would have been if they had never settled further west than Ukraine?

Are you a fucking imbecile? He was talking about the USSR.

>And what you posted isn't even multiculturalism
It's not multiculturalism but it's leftist hatred for national identity. Which translates into a hatred for leftism and their multiculturalism that both shit on western culture and any national pride.

I asked for an example from the russian empire here

Oh. Whoops.

Nah Russian Empire was chill. Everyone got to speak whatever they wanted, believe in whatever they wanted and celebrate whatever they wanted, provided they remained loyal to the crown.

That goes directly against what was said here

How so? I think you need to reread his post.

>russian empire was chill
>partitions poland three times

Hey just because they were chill doesn't mean they didn't conquer shit. They were an empire with absolute monarchy, afterall.

Did they offer and significant level of autonomy to the poles, or Ukrainians, or Belarusians, or any of the countless Caucasus ethnicities?

Tolerating different cultures =/= autonomy. The fact that they let them speak their language and keep their traditions was more than what could be said about USSR. Russian Empire was lenient as long as you remained loyal to the crown. Any pleas for autonomy went against that requirement.

>implying they could eliminate a language with millions of speakers

That didn't stop commies from trying.

Needless to say but anything the commies tried turned out very painful for the general populace.

C00l story bro

>Needless to say but anything the commies tried turned out very painful for the general populace.
What, no? Marxist agriculture was totally legit. If you just plant miles and miles of the exact same plants, they'll all be more productive due to their natural worker's solidarity. Darwinian evolution, after all, is a capitalist lie and does not exist anywhere in nature.

The Romans thought it was a real fucking good idea

>Even the Czechs, which is odd given their historical ties, but was probably prompted by their fears of Slovak insubordination

Slovaks were way more loyal to the empire than Czechs. I hate it when people completely reinvent history based on modern sentiments.

It was a good idea until the Ausgleich and giving so much autonomy to hungary. They were the ones going full lets shit on minorities. Cislethania was a warm and cozy place.

He's right you idiot. Look at its parliaments.

>Everyone got to speak whatever they wanted, believe in whatever they wanted and celebrate whatever they wanted, provided they remained loyal to the crown.
polish was banned even in private conversation outside of priwislanskij kraj(where it was banned only in official documents)

Volga Germans

(You) autistic little negro.

Fuck Poland.

I am laughing at all these meme posts. Go back to /pol/ you shitters

Daily reminder what replaced it was shittier.

>tried to destroy national identities and embraced the "one people of..."
That's not multiculturalism, that's literally the opposite.

Seriously, why do you doubt this? It is called A-H for a reason, they were the upper class and the two biggest ethnic groups.

It hoenstly could've worked, saying otherwise is just historical determinism. The UK is a successful example of a multicultural nation.

boo fucking whoo, you forget that the Hungarian revolution in 1848 against Austria failed because the other ethnicities did not unite with them, so there was a reason for the hate

>thinking upper classes were ethnic based

Tens of thousands of Slovaks joined the Honveds.

Christ almighty, can we ever have a discussion about history without you asswipes using it as a vehicle to air your shitty political opinions?

Dont forget Russian Blindsiding.

>gives home rule to most of the empire
>eases all the ethnic strife that had been building since 1848
>makes previously agitating populations loyal to the Crown and Vienna again
>diminishes Serbia's outside influence
>German-majority enclaves are given independent governance, ensuring that they both won't dominate local politics and that the local populations won't feel that an ethnic minority is unfairly driving their government, thus making sure that they won't use them as a reason to rebel

I don't know, OP. Why do you think it was a BAD idea? Clearly what they had been doing before sure as shit wasn't working.

Oh, whoops. My bad, that's not the map for the United States of Greater Austria.

If this plan had been adopted and the Empire survived the world wars, it could have been pretty based.

Because empire, lol.

>Serbia's outside influence
What influence? Serbia was pretty much under Austrian influence until 1903.

Blame the Serb cunt who killed Franz Ferdinand.

I'd rather blame revanchism, entangling alliances, rabid nationalism, and underestimation of the military-industrial destructive capability.

No, you should literally blame the Serb. He killed the guy who pushed for federalization which left only radicals like Hotzendorf in charge.

Okay, I'll blame the Serb for AH's fate, but Germany was still gonna start some real shit which may or may not have fucked them over too.

Yeah WW1 might have happened anyway, but the complete destruction of AH is on Gavrilo.

They became a huge thorn in their side after that, agitating the Slavs in Bosnia and Croatia.

smaller countries are easier to control… There was no homogeny and language and culture in the 16th century. so you would often have kingdoms and fiefdoms in the whatnot that looked more gerrymandered than an American election

just remember nationalism wasn't even a thing until the 17th century

The only reason A-H fell apart was because the Entente, mostly France, forced them to fall apart. This entire horseshit about historical inevitability is a retarded meme pushed by exactly the same people who WANTED monarchy to break apart. Other than Serbs there were not really even half assed independence movements.

Austrian economics are godtier, so are the Huns. Transcendents.

"While the others make war, you Happy Austria go on and make weddings"

The Magyars fear the Jelacic.

Can someone tell me why Hungary's PM, Orban, is a Pro-Putincunt, when he's supposedly Pandering to nationalistic Hungarians, who have always hated Russia?

German civilizing the less developed people, how is this bad?
AU was the the 3rd world power.


Because he's pandering to anti-EU people. Putin is opposed to the EU, so therefore he's a natural ally.

Haha le meme d'epique XD

>you hated someone 200 years ago so it means you have to hate him forever