If you had access to all of wikipedia through some brain implant and you were thrown back into the roman empire what would you do?
If you had access to all of wikipedia through some brain implant and you were thrown back into the roman empire what...
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Do some pederasty
I've been imagining this exact same scenario for months except I existed during the fall of the Han dynasty.
I still have no definite idea what to do but it inspired me to read a whole lot of books on China and early science so I consider it one of the greatest wastes of time in my life.
You must save Lu Bu and Diao Chan.
The question is, can wikipedia knowledge help you in a society that lacks the infrustructure of contemporary society.
fug rome, I'd create a big expedition to america and build a civilization there
and ensure none could follow
Trajans Forum
Not bathe in urine
Not put lead in wine
while you're at it, convince them to not chuck literal shit in the streets
Lu Bu was a cunt and Diao Chan was invented like a thousand years later.
But you have no idea how much I fretted over the proper way to approach the Sima clan in exile and support them gaining back influence at court.
That's exactly why I was reading books on early science.
But the hardest part is translating scientific concepts and the scientific mindset into something understandable by the ancient Chinese. I mean, East Asians pulled it off in the late 19th/early 20th century but that was after several scientific revolutions and modernization movements and they still needed to coin thousands of words for Western concepts. There must be a better way than teaching them how to read and grasp all those deeply Western-centric modern works that wouldn't have made much sense even to the Romans, and it was a condition of my fantasy that I wouldn't reveal I had access to works written by people from another world.
Any good books on early China?
So language back then was much more basic? l
I would make you a reading list but 5 am is not the best time, I was supposed to sleep 2 hours ago.
That's not really the proper way to look at it. Maybe it'd be best to compare alchemy (including early chemistry) and modern chemistry (post-phlogiston, roughly)
The classic scientific vocabulary was certainly much more basic, that's why they trashed it all and replaced it with neologisms/translated terms in the modern era. Of course we did the same.
Help Persia defeat the Romans
> Predict decisions with your total knowledge now that you would make with 1000x the knowledge you have.
Please be bait.
id get the fuck out of the roman empire
I'd prefer to have my brain linked to WikiHow instead.
The san guo zhi states that lu bu was actually a pretty decent guy and dong zhuo and lu bu quarreled over a serving girl. Not saying that the SGZ should be taken as law but its by far the closest we have to the truth as to what really went on.
Predict the outcome of some dramatic event/help the Emperor somehow. Become advisor/mystic aide.
>I can now feed inventions to the Romans
Teach them how to make telegraphs.
>The Roman state can now be truly centralised, way less concern about not knowing what's going on in the provinces, able to expand indefinitely without losing contact with capital.
Invent gunpowder. Invent muskets. Make enough to arm 100 men. Demonstrate thunderstick. Impress top brass. Teach a division to use pike-and-shot tactics.
>Pike-and-shot unit is (predictably) terrifyingly effective
>Muskets cheaper, easier to master, more effective than traditional legionnaire gear.
>Rome adopts gunpowder-age tactics before anyone had even properly figured out armoured cavalry
Invent steam engine. Invent steam train. Use influence from revolutionising Roman warfare to get them to start building railways.
>Rome now has a military force literally a millennium in advance of any other on the face of the planet, the ability to ship whole armies overland in a fraction of the time it would take to march and with no negative effect on the army (exhaustion, lack of supplies, desertion), and the ability to communicate with all corners of its Empire instantly. Obviously it would take time to build all this shit, but muskets should be very quick to implement, probably a matter of 5-10 years or so, telegraph wires would take a bit longer but main lines connecting Rome to Iberia, Gaul, and Greece should be done within 10-20 years or so, with more connections following after. Undersea lines would be more difficult to do but I think 50 years is a reasonable timeframe. And railway lines would take a very long time, but the main lines should again be done within 50 years. Naturally I'd also be using all my free time to write theses on mathematics, chemistry, mechanics, civil planning, architecture, astronomy, and everything important thing I can think of, as well as all sorts of inventions.
id go sightseeing, travel, meet interesting people, avoid major wars and stay out of trouble
>bunch of autists thinking they could alter the course of history by being smartasses
>not getting raped and murdered in the roman empire
>Implying that knowing literally everything that's going to happen, be invented, or be discovered for the next 2000 years doesn't make you powerful.
Become a fortune teller for rich famous people.
>implying the wikipedia implant also gives you the phisical, mental and social skills and experiences necesary do do shit about anything
youd probably end up as that one-armed guy that tells you stories about the future the gods put in his head for a copper coin
>people say hes just some crazy old ex slave but i know this dude from salona sais he totaly predicted the whole pompei shit, im telling you man...
Well, I can't speak Latin so I'd be treated like some gibbering kook
So skip the predicting shit step. Just invent something insanely useful like the musket and you're bound to get the attention of the Roman elite. Just make sure you do it in the capital otherwise your invention will almost certainly be co-opted by someone with a rebellious bent.
Can I also have my speech synced up to the place I live in? For example would being sent back to Rome grant me the power to understand and speak Latin?
no, your invention will be co-opted by everione immediately, they didnt realy have intelectual property laws, best bet would be to just start some workshop, or find a job at one, then develop a reputation for being that guy that invents usefull things
but even then youre not realy changing much one way or the other, maybe just accelerating things, but at least youd be respected and have a good living
and actualy it would be better if you do this somewhere other than rome, less of a chance of getting stabbed for numbers of reasons
in fact when you think about it the best way would be to produce antibiotics - since you have all that wiki know how it should be easy right - and go around selling the wonderdrug to rich people
give them some alchemical explanation to how it works tho, or they wont buy it
i'd just be a smug wiseacre
kill a bunch of peasants with my next generation bacteria before dying because of some extinct microorganism
I'd go tell Caeser that I'm an oracle and can give him advice on how to not fuck up Rome
Most "miracle drugs" back then were simple mixes of medicinal herbs and some more plants to spice it up. Just claim you got your secret recipe from India or China, roman elites swallowed anything oriental without question.
Caesar was once Pontifex Maximus, he was probably sick of oracles and extremely cynical about religion in general.
Die because wikipedia is useless for any sort of practical knowledge.
Your inability to turn theory in to practical knowledge is a failing within yourself, not one that is ingrained in humans. If you knew all of Wikipedia, you would probably know that.
You can probably earn your bread teaching about high school physics, showing off cool tricks or drawing reasonably accurate maps of foreign lands.
Depends on the time period
I'd go use my wikipedia knowledge to become a great orator and then make money and live comfortably
Honestly, the best thing you could do is work very diligently at recreating and producing more of that device in your head. That would have, by far, the greatest impact on human history.
This map alone would be enough to buy you a nice villa in Southern Gaul.
Also the knowledge of the Parthians would help immensely, no more Romans going in blind to a territory they dont understand, i'd be able to hand them topographic maps of the entire region, the tactical advantage along would make you one of the best military advisors in history.
You can dazzle them with an invaluable relief map of the Parthian empire, the Chinese were already doing them so it was well within Roman capabilities:
And if you have access to Wikisource you can basically just rip off future writers with minimal editing. Military treatises, essays on metallurgy and agriculture, merchant navigation guides etc in ancient Greek and Latin, all ready to be copied.