If you had access to all of wikipedia through some brain implant and you were thrown back into the roman empire what would you do?
If you had access to all of wikipedia through some brain implant and you were thrown back into the roman empire what...
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Do some pederasty
I've been imagining this exact same scenario for months except I existed during the fall of the Han dynasty.
I still have no definite idea what to do but it inspired me to read a whole lot of books on China and early science so I consider it one of the greatest wastes of time in my life.
You must save Lu Bu and Diao Chan.
The question is, can wikipedia knowledge help you in a society that lacks the infrustructure of contemporary society.
fug rome, I'd create a big expedition to america and build a civilization there
and ensure none could follow
Trajans Forum
Not bathe in urine
Not put lead in wine
while you're at it, convince them to not chuck literal shit in the streets
Lu Bu was a cunt and Diao Chan was invented like a thousand years later.
But you have no idea how much I fretted over the proper way to approach the Sima clan in exile and support them gaining back influence at court.
That's exactly why I was reading books on early science.
But the hardest part is translating scientific concepts and the scientific mindset into something understandable by the ancient Chinese. I mean, East Asians pulled it off in the late 19th/early 20th century but that was after several scientific revolutions and modernization movements and they still needed to coin thousands of words for Western concepts. There must be a better way than teaching them how to read and grasp all those deeply Western-centric modern works that wouldn't have made much sense even to the Romans, and it was a condition of my fantasy that I wouldn't reveal I had access to works written by people from another world.