How did he gain popularity? Why were the Germans obsessed with idolizing him? Did they love him or did they fear him?
How did he gain popularity? Why were the Germans obsessed with idolizing him? Did they love him or did they fear him?
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Read a book.
It's iritating how some people seem to start thread just for the sake of starting them. If you want to create a discussion, read some books, watch films, think about it meditate, formulate hypothesis and propose hypothesis with some evidence to us and we will discuss it.
Faggot, the OP was the first step of scientific method. It starts with a question.
It's just another stupid Hitler thread leaking from the edgy teens of /pol/.
>le hitler is not history
>le hitler is politically incorrect xD
>history of radical nationalist behavior
>targets communists and jews, two of the most hated groups in history
>proposed overturning a treaty that fucking everyone in the country was bitter about that they didn't agree to
He and his party presented themselves as redemptive saviours.
Same reason whitetrash supports Trump
thank you for correcting the record
>If you want to create a discussion, read some books, watch films, think about it meditate, formulate hypothesis and propose hypothesis with some evidence to us and we will discuss it.
Far too Reddit for my tastes
>Did they love him or did they fear him?
both. Hitler came at a time when many Germans were desperate and promised them paradise and followed through on some of what he promised. Same with Mussolini in Italy.
Problem is, Hitler also slaughtered millions of his own people+others and went on an autistic crusade. I honestly believe Hitler would be considered one of the greatest men in history if he hadnt enacted such a horrible genocide. This is why stormfags try to shill "t-the holocaust never happened!" so much.
erwärmen diese Öfen, weil Sie als nächstes, jew sind
At first it was love; he was a strong & enigmatic leader for Germany in a desolate and uncertain time. He promised everybody who was starving and unemployed due to the harsh sanctions of allied powers after WW1 & the great depression jobs, food and prosperity.
He greatly increased quality of life in Germany during his initial rise to power, whilst promoting a feeling of strong community for ethnic Germans - this is how he got everybody nationalistic & geared up to "Defend Germany" - this is about the time he started justifying an invasion of Poland/Prussia, Belgium & Czechoslovakia, because he said they are German's by right and the peoples have Germanic blood.
Everybody ate it up, and he built up a strong military willing to follow his idea of a Reich of German people, once the army was strong enough he started to push the "Anti-Bolshevik/Jewish sponsored communism" rhetoric - and begun denouncing Jews. He managed to convince an entire country that the reason things sucked so bad was due to hidden forces at play in the banking system at the hands of Jews.
The SS & Gestapo would shut down any opponents to his opinions - they'd be sent to political prisons or executed - it was around this time that it went from love to hate, and he begun to be feared by his own people.
Depends on the region and the social status
I'm from a deeply catholic area and people here didn't like him and his party so much
Many Germans did not view democracy as sacred or every authoritarian regime as tyrannical.
Germany's borders had been chopped up, they felt as though it was a necessity for defense, to stop Germany being exploited and seeing more losses in the future. They believed veterans like Hitler who had proven they were willing to risk their lives and had a lot of rhetoric and high ideals would not be excessively corrupt or abuse power. They had positive past experiences with statesmen like Bismarck.
It was only 5 years and a few months between the end of hyperinflation and the 1929 crash, it is like the weimar republic failed after a single term in office. People were open to the idea.
Mass media shifted people's views away from religion and traditional authority figures to le zany edgy new brand of politics.
>Germans obsess with a authoritarian leader figure who promises the destruction of the white man
Does this surprise you?
Yes i'm surprised by your stupidity
You mean:
I am also surprised by your stupidity.
Shut up
lomao kys
I don't fucking care
>muh science
wow jfc kys.
>muh fedora
>negro memes
wow kys.
fucking seriously?
>1 dollar has been deposited into your account
Just wrong.
>google translate
Anecdotes aren't facts. Idiot.
lmao idiot
Crash course history on Adolf through early 20th century German pov:
>be officer in Imperial Army during ww1
>government surrenders
>have no job, no income
>countrymen have to pay off massive reparations
>friendly US loansha- bankers arrive to lend us money
>we accept
>slowly but surely pay off debt and reparations
>US stock market crashes
>whole world is in deep economic shit
>US bankers lost money and want it back from us
>can't pay off debt, massive poverty ensues
>don't trust our own government etc etc
>nationalist ww1 veteran shows up
>promises us he will bring back jobs and welfare
>he will make Germany great again
>he is quite popular with my poor countrymen
>he can't win the elections and thus tries to take everything over
>coup fails miserably
>ww1 veteran is imprisoned
>he is however powerful at this stage
>manages to get out of jail faster than a game of monopoly
>wrote a book in prison (Mein Kampf=My fight)
>through coercion and votes, ww1 veteran becomes 'prime minister'
>has more than 50% of votes
>this essentially makes him the most powerful man in Germany
>he replaces Hindenberg (?) as president and becomes Führer
>Become glorious officer once again
>muh perfect genetics
Germany was broken, Hitler came with an easy solution to the poverty and shame.
What role did Hitler's desire to kill all the jews and take over the world play in this? Did the Germans choose him because they hoped he would be Bismarck 2: electric boogaloo and kind of ignored the whole jew thing?
After the war many Germans claimed they simply did not know. Whether or not this is true we'll never know for sure.
My personal guess is that people were looking for a scapegoat, and that the rich jews were seen as a logical choice at the time.
Germany had no worthwhile colonies during Europe's imperial period, I can imagine they wanted to gain more land as a result of their growing population and the shameful note that, for example, its tiny western neighbour had larger colonies.
Race studies and nationalism were a big thing during the first half of the 20th century.
But I advise you to take everything I say with a grain of salt and to do your own research.
>ww1 veteran is imprisoned
>he is however powerful at this stage
Not really. He was a popular guy but only in Bavaria. During the 1928 parliamentary elections NSDAP got 2.6% votes.
You must be 12.
Check 'em.
I don't recall where he was imprisoned, but he got out quite easily.
I'm pretty sure he had SA covering him inside as well.
He might not have been as popular or powerful as I stated above but he certainly had some strings to pull, even before he took office.
The rise of Hitler was the failure of the Weimar Republic.
The treaty of Versaille for example (signed by politicians of the SPD), while it's material consequences weren't that big, played a big role in the psychology of the people. Many viewed it as humilation and it was constantly present in politics, so the nazi party could still use it for it's propaganda against the political establishment in 1929-1932. Another factor was the "Dolchstoßlegende" (stab in the back) invented by Hindenburg stating that the revolution of 1918 was the major reason for germany's capitulation and that the german army remained undefeated in the field. So he gave birth to the mythos that the foundation of the weimar republic was a product of traitors responsible for germany losing ww1 and responsible for the treaty of Versaille. Because of this the republic and it's representives were seen as a foreign and/or jewish implementation. Lots of germans wanted their old Kaiserreich back and didn't identify with the government, some historians speak of a "republic without republicans".
Another problem of the republic was it's constitution giving the president huge power and the ability to close the parliament and govern against parts of the constitution (Articel 25,48). When Hindenburg was elected as a president, who never was a friend of the republic, and the failure of the colation of 1930 (because of party patriotism and huge ideological differences with the economic crisis as a catalyst) Hindenburg saw the right time to implement his presidential cabinet, governing with articel 25 and 48. At this time the republic already ended and the political elite lost it's already weak support. Hindenburgs cabinets were unable to solve the economic crisis. During this time the KPD and NSDAP got more and more support because they offered alternatives to the old and weak system. Hitler seemed like a strong leader brining back germany to it's former glory who doesn't let himself bully (cont.
by the western powers. Hitler's main goal was gaining power so his party acted completley opportunistic. They adjusted their porpaganda in a way that they could adress all of germany's social classes. Compined with hitlers charisma and his rhetorical brilliance, it is no wonder that they gained so much support. Still, even with all these factors, Hitlers rise wasn't a nessecity. Hindenburg despised him, infact I would doubt that he would have ever appointed him as a Reichskanzler if it wasn't for his NSDAP friendly consultants, especially his son Oskar von Hindenburg. They underestimated hitler and thought that appointing him in a conservative dominated government was enough to stop him. Maybe he also thought that hitler would fail like the Kanzlers before him and by this actually weakening the NSDAP as they were suddenly part of the elite they despised.
But forget what I wrote it was actually the eternal teuton destroying europe again
Edgy waste of Internet space
You have much free time don't you?
>What role did Hitler's desire to kill all the jews and take over the world play in this? Did the Germans choose him because they hoped he would be Bismarck 2: electric boogaloo and kind of ignored the whole jew thing?
The antisemitism wasn't that present in the 1929 propaganda. It was mostly subtle.
He got out because he was a good prisoner and the judges sympathised with nationalists
I think this picture of Hitler and Hindenburg shows how Hindenburg felt about him
It may surprise you but antisemitism wasn't that popular in 1920's germany hence the voting results of the NSDAP at the beginning when their propaganda was hardcore antisemitic. The lebensraum idea wasn't popular either, most germans simply wanted their pre-versaille borders back
Wow what a great non-contribution
He was sexy af