What is freemasonry?

What is freemasonry?

doggerland sinking fucked some shit up
brought it back with the knights malta & hanseatic
sort of irrelevent.
true masons are in military underground bunkers using satelites to listen to our thoughts and interact though signals communications

Is a really old secret club that all the cool kids are a part of. Except for girls because they're icky.

Just a semi religious cult that claims to be "secret" it's literally Scientology.

Taking their member's money talking crap about a higher being.

A bunch of pathetic cunts nothing more.

>really old

>secret club

It has never been secret stop watching dumb movies.


watch the simpsons stonecutters episode


It's like a Russian doll. You open one doll and then another, and so on until you open the final doll and find that there is nothing inside. Likewise, you rise up though the ranks, for years, perhaps generations, until you realise that no one really knows what they're doing, there's no "plan for golobal domination".

There is a hierarchy of sodomy & pedophilia. The new "initiates" normally undergo some kind of gang rape like many gangs, and the younger members give the older members sexual favors. As they rise up though the ranks they start to cotton on to the fact that the whole thing is just a glorified ego-booster/bath house. When the "sex magick" is introduced (eating your own cum, getting fucked by old men and eating his cum, both to restore "sexual energy", and so on) people are too far committed to leave. Like Scientologists they introduce more and more layers of rape and lies as you become more committed.

It only takes a few years to go from "just believe in a higher power and try to b a good person :)" to being bound, blindfolded, and raped by a group of old men.

Hitler interestingly enough banned them because he knew they were fucking degenerate, I believe the communists did too. Whenever anyone with any balls tries to ban their pedophilia the masons turn around and say:

"muh freedum", "we wuz a religious order", etc

They do not scheme to take over the world, they probably have raped/murdered children and covered it up though.

Bourgeois esotericism based around the sacral practices of medieval guilds and roman corporations.

My grandfather was a mason, I have his apron around somewhere, He was very secretive about it though

Old timey Veeky Forums

You are retarded. They don't claim to be secret, the rest of the world claims that. You can sign up and join right now if you wanted to.

>Just a semi religious cult that claims to be "secret" it's literally Scientology.
Meanwhile in mainstream religion.


They litterally walked up to my father, and inquired on whether he wished to join them or not, not caring one but that they could be overheard.

Also it isn't much of a cult. You're not bound to it by leasing them money, and in fact, all you're tasked with doing is to prioritize fellow members in your day-to-day life. It's something that's pretty useful if you're in the banking world, but aren't Jewish, as its something akin to being Jewish basically: you're in a small group of people that favor each other, and it will help immensely if you belong to them.

Dude I never said that other religions are better did I?

Stop implying stuff.

That's Ireland GL. It's much older than that.

>claims to be "secret"
When have we ever done that?
>Taking their member's money
Only to keep the lights on. No more than that.
>talking crap about a higher being.
*Tips fedora*, besides, it's mostly about science and philosophy.

if its not a secret society then why are you bound by oaths of secrecy?
the bible warns against that sort of thing.

the kinds of oaths they take is like "if I reveal any of these secrets you can cut out my tongue and bury me at low tide" and they will always tell you they don't really mean it.

well shit. it sounds pretty serious to me. I don't understand how a bunch of fully grown rich guys can make such serious oaths while in ceremonial robes and not mean it.

>if its not a secret society then why are you bound by oaths of secrecy?
Because it's from a time of illiteracy, where privacy in teaching was the only guarantor of quality.
>the bible warns against that sort of thing.
It actually doesn't.
>the kinds of oaths they take is like "if I reveal any of these secrets you can cut out my tongue and bury me at low tide"
No, the obligation (which is certainly meant) is that, "If i break any of my promises, then i'm a bitch-arse nigga who ain't worth shit, and deserve for everyone to know that i'm not at all trustworthy. Word."
Your thing is akin to the antient penalties, which are alusions. Not actually used.

sure it does. there's stuff in there about deeds of darkness, walking in the light, jesus straight up says don't make any oaths just let your communication be yea or nay

also, murder and treason is accepted in the masons, and that seems pretty evil to me.

>sure it does. there's stuff in there about deeds of darkness, walking in the light, jesus straight up says don't make any oaths just let your communication be yea or nay
The passages say that oaths shouldn't be neccesary, and that one shouldn't make a false or impossible one, but not that obligations can't be taken.
>also, murder and treason is accepted in the masons, and that seems pretty evil to me.
Might want to reread your ritual monitor, because murder and treason are two of the crimes mentioned being grounds for straight up grassing and expulsion. No criminal may join, or remain a member (BoC).

>That seems pretty evil to me.
Because your a Christcuck.

Treason and Murder are usually a bad state of affairs, but that does not mean they can never be an acceptable solution. And you know that, hypocrite.

Sekrit club for LARPers

Murder is always bad. Murder =/= killing. Killing can be beneficial, but the point of murder is that it isn't, or it's for selfish desires.
Treason is pretty much universally bad, too, but it would depend a bit on circumstances.


Define Murder

Petty killing. Killing for the sake of it, or for the sake of other crimes such as theft or fraud.

no thats killing

Yea. Murder = killing without just reason.
Or do you have another definition?

It's a fraternity that helps people to network, that's pretty much it.

It's especially helpful if you have no community to fall back on. Basically the idea is favouring other people who are also Freemasons, and then paying back the favour when they need help.

So pretty much its only murder if you don't get away with it. Thanks I thought that's what you'd say.

>do you have another definition?
Unlawful killing.

>So pretty much its only murder if you don't get away with it.
That's not even remotely what I said.
>Unlawful killing.
Yes, but that's oversimplifying.

Is that bait? No, I'm really dont get if he's serious

Freemasonry arguably goes back further than this but the modern society has its origins in a European enlightenment-era club. Basically an organization of deists who would meet to share ideas, shoot the shit, and help eachother out. Members were expected to be cultured and educated. It's really not that much different from any other social club or interest group there's just a lot of mysticism and ritual they like to include for the fun of it. Sort of like those Ivy League secret societies or the ones in Britain where you fuck dead pigs or whatever to join.

Most of your local lodges amount to drinking clubs and charity organizations with the higher minded ideals of securing knowledge and culture mostly being left behind. There might be a few more exclusive lodges that benefit you professionally but in my experience that isn't the main motivating factor in joining for most lodges.

It's a senior fraternity, I have a number of family members in it although I'm not myself due to being atheist. Basically, besides the meetings and stuff it's just organised back-scratching, lots of secret favouritism in aspects of ordinary life, whether that's a discount on your TV when you buy from a mason-owned electronics shop or a selection to be your local government representative if the higher-ups are masons. I can understand how it can seem unfair to outsiders but it's not some organised conspiracy group, just guys looking out for one another's interests.

Clearly taking the piss.

A fraternity dedicated to making good men better.

Beautiful digits btw.

Never understood that picture. Members can't be fedora-fuckers.