Anybody afraid of dying and standing face to face with the Creator, and him telling you to cast yourself into the endless pit of flames...
Anybody afraid of dying and standing face to face with the Creator...
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no, logically there is nothing after death.
How do you come up with this "logic" and who had told you the logic of death?
The great thing about meeting my maker face to face isn't flipping him off, it's showing everybody in Hell that I did
Are you afraid of dying and standing face to face with Yama and being sentenced to the Naraka for an entire kalpa? Are you afraid of meeting Allah and being cast to Jahannam for failing to believe in his prophet and for espousing Western values over Muslim ones?
Are you afraid of being sent to gloomy, dreary, Mictlan because your death wasn't glorious enough to warrant entry into the Thirteenth Heaven?
>Anybody afraid of dying and standing face to face with the Creator, and him telling you to cast yourself into the endless pit of flames...
Probably all the christfags on this board.
logic dictates that with my death my brain dies and when that happens my ability to perceive things such as life ends as well.
I'm more afraid of there being nothing.
Which would be my hell probably.
>Are you afraid of dying and standing face to face with Yama and being sentenced to the Naraka for an entire kalpa?
Yes, actually. Bureaucracy is hell.
I dought it.. you burn yourself with a match and its enough pain to make you rile in pain.. imagine a sea of fire my friend. you wont last
Honestly though, if it happens it happens. I can't try every religion in an attempt to appease the guy, it would be dishonest to both of us.
>Are you afraid of being sent to gloomy, dreary, Mictlan because your death wasn't glorious enough to warrant entry into the Thirteenth Heaven?
I was thinking yesterday what was the point of explaining to someone what they did wrong right before you killed them for it. What is the point of reviewing someone's life if the creator knows the verdict as already and there is no hope after death for retribution?
These things are done for the pleasure and validation of the punisher.
What do you think?
>not developing mystical magic arts and transcending all mortal worlds to arrive bodily into heaven at the peak of your power
>not overthrowing the remnants of the Creator's hosts of angels and conquering heaven for your own
I'm assuming it's to try make them understand the judgement.
>Am I terrified of being sent through the dreamsleeve only to be reborn as an elf?
You obviously believe in the rehabilitative theory of punishment and not the retributive theory
God diddent punish you.. the adversary got his way with you. . and You decided to not take glory and die off in the pit.
Am I terrified of not dying a warrior's death and being denied a glorious place in the battle of Valhalla? Yes, absolutely.
Christians are sociopaths who delight in the suffering of others, so they create a God in their image with the power to torture billions of human beings forever for the "sin" of rational intellect and not giving in to hysteria.
The way you type is an offense and I hope God punishes you for it
Vikings are gone.. . there false view has been done away with in the light of a true kingdom
he is the God of grammer.. but dont judge thy grammer, for thou grammer will be judged.
All warriors who die a death in battle will be granted the privilege of fighting with the Gods in the end of days for all of humanity, regardless of their beliefs in life. It matters not that the Vikings and their faith is dead, for their spirit lives on in the warrior brotherhoods of our day.
But why would that matter if it's permanent? And it's implicit that people understand the terms before death.
Well why have hell if there's no return? Why not just unexist them?
This probably. Kids especially like to hold it over other's heads.
Nothing exists unless God makes it. Nothing happens unless God allows it.
God is complicit in everything.
No trigger discipline, to the pit with this worm.
As the above image shows, bodhisattvas who attain the perfection of wisdom called as the human perfection, bodhisattva-mahasattvas, and buddhas who attain the supreme enlightenment in accord of buddhadharma are not afraid of dying.
======= The below is about bul-seong(불성, 佛性) wrongly known as buddha nature===============
Bul-seong(불성, 佛性) means bodhisattva-mahasattvas' and Buddhas' souls and souls' bodies. It consists of 20 neutron souls and 10 positron souls.
Seong-ryeong(성령, 性靈) is the soul and soul's body of bodhisattvas who attain the human perfection. It consists of 24 evolved proton souls, 2 neutron souls and 4 positron souls.
Seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮) means a man's soul and soul's body. It consists of 24 proton souls and 6 electron souls. 18 proton souls is named as one's soul and 6 proton souls and 6 electron souls are named as his soul's body.
Death itself is not a logical concept.
I don't get it why it's impossible to die, see God, learn all that shit is real, and then sincerely convert
It's like being shown 12 different doors, told they're all right, opening the wrong one, and getting shoved into a rape dungeon for eternity
>bodhisattvas who attain the perfection of wisdom
>mfw god exists and life is a test of rational thinking
>mfw atheists go to heaven and believers are sent to hell
i dont think you understand logic
can you prove consciousness is derived solely from the brain?
>not repenting and asking for forgiveness on your deathbead
Ultimately, everyone has to attain the supreme enlightenment.
At least, people have to attain the perfection of wisdom. When they attain it, they start to be called as bodhisattvas or arahats. This is the purpose of human birth.
Bodhisattvas or arahats can be called as buddhas who attain the human perfection.
After attaining the perfection of wisdom, bodhisattvas have to continue to evolve. But arahats have to enter bodhisattva path in order that their souls and souls bodies continue to be evolved to bul-seong(불성, 佛性).
Entering bodhisattva path indicates stellar evolution.
Table. 52 Stages of Avatamsaka(華嚴 52位 or 菩薩之修行階位 52位) :
>repent on your deathbed and claim Jesus as your savior
>wind up being sent to hell for worshipping the wrong god
Womp womp
>everyone has to attain the supreme enlightenment
>everyone has to
>When they attain it
what part about 皆已成佛道/개이성불도 don't we understand?
ya'll should watch this shit
Is God going to pick me up and toss me in if I refuse to do it of my own volition?
What else would it be derived from christcuck? Your soul? Thats not real
No, because there is no evidence for the existence of such a place beyond christard fearmongering.
I tried to explain attaining bul-seong(불성, 佛性).
I don't understand what you said to me.
Did I have a mistake to you?
Materialism/Determinism ends in a logical dead-end. It operates on the assumption that there is a physical fundamental elementary particle that is indivisible. We haven't found that yet but we will. You then reach the dead-end question of "where did that elementary particle come from?"
>well it came from the big bang
Well where did the big bang come from?
>it just happened, it just "is"
well here we find the logical dead end of materialism
it just doesn't make any rational sense.
In this video Tom Cambell PhD theorizes that reality is a top-down, probablistic virtual reality where the fundamental unit that comprises the Universe is conciousness:
Also before you call him a wackjob
>Campbell has had a long career as a scientist and physicist. He received a B.S. in Physics as well as an M.S. in Physics. His Ph.D. work specialized in Experimental Nuclear Physics with a thesis in low-energy nuclear collisions.[4] He worked as a systems analyst with Army technical intelligence for a decade before moving into the research and development of technology supporting defensive missile systems. Subsequently, he spent the better part of 30 years working within the US missile defense community as a contractor to the Department of Defense.[4] Campbell most recently worked for NASA within the Ares I program (follow-on to the Shuttle) assessing and solving problems of risk and vulnerability to insure mission and crew survivability and success.
Imagine an universe where there is only you and a copy of you facing each other through time. If they have the same physical properties, what makes person A have subjectivity from person A and person B from B? Which property distinguishes them?
There are a human body's death, death of a soul's body, and a soul's death, etc.
A human body is like clothes to one's soul and his soul's body because his soul and soul's body can put on new clothes named new human body.
One's soul has three bodies named as trikaya.
1. His soul's body
2. His physical body in the human society
3. His star
There is a soul's execution as a punishment.
Deities are very afraid of their souls' deaths.
As long as I know, Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha as the only true original Creator respects your own volition.
So he gives you a lot of opportunities for your salvation.
People don't know their own souls and souls' bodies fall to hell but their physical bodies feel something wrong.
Some people are living as zombies now, which is included in Maitreya Buddha and Messiah's teachings.
Position in space.
>can you prove consciousness is derived solely from the brain?
I'll speculate
Where we see objects that have brains we observe they are conscious.
Where we see systems that don't have brains (gaseous clouds, rocks, planets) we don't observe consciousness.
Where conscious people's brains are destroyed or if they die, we observe that they are no longer conscious.
This evidence seems to indicate that there cannot be freestanding consciousnesses.
Perhaps we will one day construct a silicon brain that is conscious, maybe one day we will find some self-perpetuating harmonic waveform which demonstrates consciousness, which would invalidate this theory.
Sounds like a party to me. All the cool kids go to hell. Hail Satan
No, this is a lie perpetuated by Paradise Lost, which is heretical and was written by a heretic. Hell is genuinely awful.
If you are righteous Tengri will do you no harm
Addendum, we see self-forming chemical bonds and tissue/membranes/protein chains, but these systems appear reactive and not proactive. You could argue if single or multi-celled organisms that have no nervous system are conscious or not, it would be interesting to define. Perhaps some metric of sophistication already exists.
So would consciousness arise from brain structure and position in space? Is space a thing, which could hold properties, or a property itself, existing only as a relation between two other things? If the latter, then both have the same distance from each other.
A Just God wouldn't send me to hell. And if he isn't Just I don't want to follow him.
Yeah right I bet you are just trying to keep people from having a fun time.
Is that what you told your father when he struck you for being such an edgelord?
>morality is edgy
>accidentally implying that Christian fathers hit their children
Redneck detected
Heaven and Hell are both fictional places. You can't actually go to them, nor does your consciousness continue to exist after your brain dies.
Maybe there is something like to be a rock, or a protein, a bat, a cat, maybe consciousness arises from simpler structures, varying in degree of course.
I guess so.
Well obviously I think you're wrong.
Hmmm ok
A just and righteous god would understand why people would doubt and lack belief
If god is understanding and rational then he wouldn't be upset about my doubts and lack of belief
Jude 1:22 m8
No, salvation comes eventually even to those in hell
If he tells me to jump in fuck it Ill fucking backflip, its not in my nature not to make the best of the situation
>salvation comes eventually even to those in hell
Eh, I know that's in the Coptic church, but aren't you meant to not publicly reveal it?
Theirs no taboo on revealing it.
The hellfire is meant to cleanse the evil from you. Jesus will eventually come and quench the flame, but when your in it just bask and be purified.
We were taught this in ccd (catholic childrens classes that taught you about faith). Its supposed to be a fact anyone can know about
And to be honest hell cant be that bad, I can scream memes at half you autists in person while im thier
>caring about you
he's driving a dump truck and you're the manure. You aren't asked to drop. Enjoy being the earth from which a new generation will sprout from
One's soul and soul's body are the evolutionary subject in his human body.
One's soul and soul's body are named as one's seong(성, 性) with 30 gungs(궁, 宮).
One's seong(성, 性) has several his alter egos who have different physical bodies in the human world.
This webpage,
Another example is births of the planet Jupiter, Earth, Moon and Mars.
(Reference :
Spherical Coordinates of the Present Cosmos :
>itt: people who can't understand that the materialistic view of death (your consciousness "ends" and you fade into nothingness) is far more horrifying than the religious view(s) of Hell
If some God sends you to a very, very bad place to suffer, you're still you.
But if there is no "you" anymore... than what?
You can't even imagine not to be (conscious).
If there is a God who doesn't want bad people to be around, he would choose the materialistic version: he'd simply erase people (their consciousness or soul or whatever).
And yeah: why would a good God send people to a very, very bad place anyway?
Eternal suffering for being in a place where you can't have proof of him?
Oh, and I heard Hell is a dark and cold plane of existence, not a hot and "fiery" one.
Are there any descriptions in the Bible?
Is their any solid proof of an afterlife?
>If some God sends you to a very, very bad place to suffer, you're still you.
>But if there is no "you" anymore... than what?
>You can't even imagine not to be (conscious).
And? So what? Does the year 1023 scare you? You didn't exist back then either.
Dying is like when you drink too much and you pass out, except you don't wake up. You've experienced being unconscious before, you know what nothing is like, you experience it every day. It's just nothing.
>make any rational sense
Tough shit, the alternatives make even less.
My god is Baethelmotok. A being, who called himself the father of the Etruscans, Walker Among Shadows, Merciful Beast Beneath, The Dial-Turner, King of Under Earth. I have written down all of his Word, how he walks through shadow and shade to the ending of the earth's light, how he carries the mirror of the world from shattering, how every 100 years he chooses a "Baethson" (like a form of reincarnation) to carry his word on the lips of flesh so that man may learn the importance of his message and willfully come to him as the children that we are.
It is not a religion of force. But of peaceful acceptance that all peace is the "Breath Before the Devouring", how one day he will consume all the earthly plane in shadow, breaking the mirrors of all worlds and from those shattered pieces reforge it into anew.
And this cycle will continue, until all of man choose to walk the Long Walk.
Praise to the walk! To the God of Endless Faces!
Remember those billions of years before your birth? Yeah me either. That's death.
I have heard population in the world is growing now. I think there are more souls and souls' bodies who are reborn after they stay in hell, etc in order that Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha as the only true original Creator gives the souls and souls' bodies opportunities to repent their wrongdoing in their samsaras.
I think the solid proof is continuous human births and death on the ground.
Some people said that they saw some dead acqaintances in their dreams.
I don't think science is the most logic part because they don't explain how people dream when they sleep, how people experience dejavu, etc.
Some people said that they were in dark matter layer and felt dreadful.
Location of Hell :
No, I might aswell be afraid of Aliens kidnapping me and torturing me forever with the help of some incredible technology.
There's no point in worrying about such things, there would be no way to avoid it even if it were a possibility.