New Atheist Hate Thread

This thread is dedicated to the hate of New Atheism.

The kind hailed by Dawkins and

The one that is currently spreading through millenials by storm.

It is a religion that promotes hedonism, simple pleasure seeking, libertine attitudes.

Its philosophical foundation is pathetic and near non-existent.

Its adherents are intellectually lazy.

It promotes masturbation and pornography over family and children.

Its leaders are scientific failures, sophists, Jews, and often clowns (Maher, Minchin, etc).

It permits anything unless the Jewish media says its bad.

It has an eschatology in global warming.

It evangelizes and has no tolerance of other faiths.

Will this cancer end or will it be the dominant western faith in 40 years?

Other urls found in this thread: american electorate

Report, ignore

>hurr durr New Atheism is a Jewish conspiracy

>all the good scientists on the left are Jews or dissidents opposed to Nazism

Heisenberg was apparently called a "White Jew" which was the opposite of a honorary aryan.

A little heavy handed but mostly accurate.

I was raised Catholic but never believed in God. Your archetypical reddit atheist back when reddit began. Complete materialist.

A couple of years ago I had a realization that my beliefs had made me nihilistic and morally bankrupt. They made me lazy and short-sighted. When I decided to take responsibility for myself I saw that was no shame in not being the center of the universe.

There was no hope for me without God.

>half-developed arguments based entirely on emotions, anecdotes, and self-pity
>expects to be taken seriously

So you need God because you never really grew up and you still need to feel that someone is watching over your shoulder to do anything productive? At least you realized you're a pathetic manchild I guess.

>half-developed arguments based entirely on emotions, anecdotes, and self-pity
Pretty much, yes.

>So you need God because you never really grew up

>you still need to feel that someone is watching over your shoulder to do anything productive?
No, the realization that it was indeed laziness and not somebody else's fault did that.

>At least you realized you're a pathetic manchild I guess.
WAS a pathetic manchild.


New atheist detected.

You still are.

>When I decided to take responsibility for myself I saw that was no shame in not being the center of the universe
Who were the ones that thought they were in the center of the universe before getting btfo again?

Former atheist, I became a Christian after going through a season
of depression (breakup causing emotional turmoil
I was 18 gimmeabreak) and now that im all fixed I
am wondering if I used it as something to get me
back up on my feet or if there is essence to it still?
I don't want to turn my back on God (existence pending) because of shortsightedness.
Really fucking with me lately I don't feel like these set of morals are for me and I don't relate with Christians very much.

What denomination user? You may have picked the wrong one if you feel like they don't share your values. I don't want to suggest that you just need to pick a different flavor or something, but if you got into it through depression you probably didn't fully "get" it. Most serious Christians I know would encourage you to get over your depression Christianity and try again with a proper mindset.

I recommend reading to start. C.S. Lewis' serious Christian works are all good without getting into weird justifications. John Macarthur is a pretty serious current-day theologian worth listening to. And try reading your Bible more -- I don't do it incessantly, a few chapters in the morning and at night.

It's not bad to use religion in times of need, but if you weren't quite in your right mind I won't call it serious. If it bothers you, try again with an open mind.

Final thought, Christianity leaves a lot of room for your personal moral system. There's a pretty developed system about how to interact with God and how to love other people, but you could be an edgy feminist or the stormfront advance guard and still be Christian.

Read Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard. It will address your issues.

Also, you don't get to choose your morals. There simply are morals.

This is the problem with new atheism. Eveyrone is the master of their own world and nthing is sacred. Except homosexuals and global warming light bulbs.

>>It is a religion that promotes hedonism, simple pleasure seeking, libertine attitudes.
Sounds pretty gud to me faggit. You sound like a butthurt little manbitch.

>muh vidya
>muh space videos

Nye's quote really isn't that bad. He's showing doubt, and not making an absolute statement like the his contemporaries.

Thank you based op, I recently converted to Islam. Any advice guys?

I know this is a bait thread, but you should at least keep all the Jewish conspiracy nonsense until the 3rd or 4th post so that you get people in thinking they're going to get a good argument from you.

I agree but at the same time must answer to Kant's critique of pure reason other wise he is just rambling on like the meme scientist he is.

Nah man this theory is seperate from /pol/ theory.

Jews control the media and nobody is kidding themselves about that. Jews aren't Christian another obvious fact. Jews actively promote other religions and attack Christianity.

All obvious facts. Not in their blood. In their religion they do this.

But you are an idiot if you don't see it. Everyone shits on Christianity all day but other religions get a free pass. This is not an accident.

All the top New Atheists are Jews. Look at this pic i pulled from plebbit.

You say these are obvious facts, but I don't see you backing it up with any evidence.

the pic was related.

Unless you are naive enough to think christianity hasn't been weary of Judaism for 100s of years.

It even dates back to the 30 ad if you ask new testament scholars. (the jewish ones).

Actually, Sam Harris is a pretty strident critic of Islam. I guess you'd have to listen to him for more than 5 minutes to get that, wouldn't you?

>All the top New Atheists are Jews
Wow, first you claim not to be being racist but making judgements based on Judaism but then you attack people for being racially but not religiously jewish

It may not be old atheism, but at least it isn't alt-right religious larp

If the Jews are promoting other religions and attacking Christianity why didn't you create a Jew hate thread for Christians?
Why hide your true intentions?

I'm aware but that doesn't redeem him in my mind. Not sure why it would?

Then I couldn't include other leaders like NDT, Nye, and Dawkins.

Or perhaps this other top mind?

Aren't harris and dawkins outspokenly against islam though? Doesn't that go against the agenda you're trying to promote?


*tips banana*

>heh, those fucking ATHEIST REDDITOR KEKS will never understand my SUPERIOR Veeky Forums INTELLECT when i put it ALL ON THE LINE with my EDGY ICONOCLASTIC BELIEFS that i advertise with EDGY ABSURDIST MEMES and HALF-BAKED IRONY.

>everyone is dumb but me
>brags about his stupid godless marraige

new atheism the video

what agenda am i trying to promote other than new atheism hate?

I have the feeling that that pic was posted unironically on reddit.

So far the New atheists that have come here have done nothing but say:
>yeah but not letting jews attack christianity is antisemitic
>yeah but some of them don't like islam

not really the defense of new atheism i was hoping for banana boys.

>Veeky Forums INTELLECT


"New" Atheists just don't like religion, and are a part of the Western, 95% Christian heritage. Athiests that come out of the Middle East are very anti-Muslim.

Also, why does it matter that quite a few of them are culturally Jewish?

You're not going to find a defense of new atheism on Veeky Forums. A large portion of this board is atheists but most of us aren't that kind

> why does it matter that quite a few of them are culturally Jewish?

It's fascinating is all.

Disproportionate number of new atheist figures are Jewish.

The media almost exclusively attacks Christianity.

Jews strongly dislike Christians and prefer Muslims to Christians despite Christians highly approving of jews.

This isn't really debatable. Pic related.

I was dissapointed that /pol/'s atheist group is almost exclusively new atheist.

I can atleast respect classic defenses of atheism but that sort of atheism usually requires several years of education and isn't accessible via youtubers.

When did Christianity become so cucked?

I wonder who could be behind this post?

Actually, your pic only proves that Jews dislike Evangelical Christians, which is a pretty normal reaction, desu. Catholics have an above-neutral 54.

bc catholics are usually democrats. Even if you took 30% of the catholic score and 70% of the evanglical score to make a total christian approval rating the number is absurd. Jews just hate christians.

Although, I'll hear any mental gymnastics if you want to try to prove otherwise.

Anyone want to adress any of my points from the original post?

Or are we Veeky Forums an agreement that New Atheism is a trash Weltanschauung

You write like someone talking out of their ass.
I can guarantee it wasn't.
Thinly veiled political shitposting and general alt-right cancer. No wonder you jackasses have a reputation as children with no sense of nuance.

Catholics aren't usually democrats, they're conservatives for the most part. Just because the pope is left leaning doesn't mean every catholic automatically is.
By the way, this is the same pope that said capitalism is terrorism against all humans so most americans aren't his biggest fans.


All Atheism is trash

>name calling

New atheist detected. american electorate

Here's a book on the american electorate.

The Catholics in the US have traditionally voted Democrat and do so at about a 75-25% ratio as of 2012. This dates back to the 50s when WASP protestants were Republican and Catholics found themselves voting democrat for Kennedy.

The US used to be Protty vs Catholic politically even though now it seems secular vs Christian the religious groups still cling to their political dogma despite it not making sense. (catholics and abortion) (protestants and wealth taxes).


Yeah, I don't think you know what atheism means kid.

Captcha = store front

another case of my god hate your god

>he thinks atheists dont have faith in their beliefs.

Why are most atheist intellectuals clowns by profession?

>ignores the evidence presented to him
>attacks the person presenting argument
>calls other person stupid

yeah man you atheists are the ones with logic who also happen to hold the moral high ground. Most of you seem to be very educated in science and philosophy and it is unlikely your knowledge of such subjects comes from reddit and youtube videos.

I am now a #NDTmissile

Since when was he an "atheist intellectual"? His show was much more focused on politics than religion. In fact I can't remember a time that he ever said that he was an atheist, though he probably he is

*he probably is

Most of the adherents of the New Atheism feels like Christians/Jews/Muslims without a god to me . They have so many underlying beliefs in common with these ones.

Actually he's not. He even defneds religion on his show. But not Christianity. I meant to post Bill maher.

If you're going to criticize someone for ad hominem when they call you a /pol/ baiter, please refrain from confirming their suspicions.
wtf i hate atheism now
but really what you're describing is positivism fostered by pop science, stop trying to coin phrases.

Bill Maher constantly attacks Islam, and I never hear John Stuart directly attack Christianity.

>y-yeah but your from /pol/

>more ad hominem

anti-/pol/ fags are the worst. What does /pol/ have to do wtih any of this?

Having families and children is something that monkies have done for over 3 million years.

What has it gotten us?

Nuclear bombs and space program was developed by scientists. Not people who stuck their dick in women because they were horny.

So this is how religious people cope?

>The kind hailed by Dawkins and
>The one that is currently spreading through millenials by storm.
Are you insane? This kind of atheism went out of fashion with the UK Labour party winning elections.

It's been killed by SJWism and excess tolerance for Islam. Atheism+ is a fun microcosm, and RationalWiki is a fascinating place (watching it transform from vaguely left-wing rationalism to more strident social-justice activism.)