Why is the modern college professor in America 90% of the time a liberal/leftist? Seems like that wouldn't be diverse enough. If 90% of college professors were men I'm sure there would be an uproar, why not for this lack of diversity?
A that's regional, B talk radio did it, C Veeky Forums is not the board for present day politics
Historically though this trend is still prevalent. I'm asking what the historical causes are
Damn what a great and original thread. HISTORY AND HUMANITIES
Get fucked. I know who you are and this is a thinly veiled /pol/ thread.
Education has always lead to liberalism. The educated were usually the first to articulate (with each other) the need for societal change. This has been carried down. There is also the obvious trend of youths being more liberal in the first place, thus influencing professors. Typically college freshman are the most liberal students...so the idea of liberal indoctrination is pretty weak. There is also a modern conservative stance against higher education that historically stemmed from resistance to gentrification but nowadays is largely a inferiority complex. Also liberals are more concerned with education thus teachers see their support coming from them.
T. Liberal fag
OP: America, is and always has been a hyper-liberal country, regardless of how it views itself internally. The institutions will promote the dominant ideology, and for America that's liberalism.
America is actually one of the most right wing countries on the entire planet.
>Why is the modern college professor in America 90% of the time a liberal/leftist?
Civil rights movement was a guise for soviet infiltration. It may have been about civil rights for the people on the ground, but for the leadership it was about power.
The vast majority of leadership of civil rights groups were openly communists and/or had soviet ties.
>so the idea of liberal indoctrination is pretty weak.
"The constitution is open to interpretation"
"Islam is a religion of peace"
"judicial activism is legitimate and necessary"
"The south was evil and racist, the civil war was only about slavery and definitely not illegally instituted by Lincoln"
"faux news, amirite :^)"
"Malcolm X was a good man"
"uncle tom"
"The La Raza reconquista is a legitimate movement"
"Only offering a course in english is racist"
"America is a mixing pot, immigrants shouldn't integrate"
"I have an anchor baby"
I've heard this type of shit directly from teachers and textbooks for my entire k-12. Liberal/statist indoctrination is 100% real and legitimate.
Fuck off. This slow ass board needs conversation. I got banned for posting an atheism thread on the religion board.
This board is almost only used by grad students anyway so whats wrong with talking about the culture at our schools?
It's really fun to read this post in as many different ways as possible
"Waaaahhh the kooks that share my ideology have always been persecuted"
"I'm a member of an ELITE GROUP of people who aren't LIBRULIZM'S SHEEP"
>my teachers are retarded and textbooks won't support the indoctrination I got from /pol/
>man fuck /pol/ and its indoctrination, take some leftie indoctrination instead
Academia has always been left-leaning.
It doesn't make sense to compare it to men vs. women because they don't have major cognitive differences, while your ideology is a significant cognitive difference (they choose vastly different fields).
>It doesn't make sense to compare it to men vs. women because they don't have major cognitive differences,
Wew lad...
Women and minorities are quite disproportionately statist/liberal.
True intellectualism is simply bundled with "leftism". That is how it's always been. Pick a great mind in history and you'll find someone that was "liberal" for his era.
Conservatism correlates too heavily with an incurious mind. To be a good conservative you must follow cultural authority and not question too much. "You must honor the gods and your king." Your first instinct is to ask back "Why?" then you are not much of a conservative.
Intellectuals always challenge the common wisdom. Einstein never would have gotten anywhere new if he just accepted everything he was told. They seek out weird and different ideas for stimulation sake alone. These are liberal traits.
>the entirety of society is involved in a leftist conspiracy to prevent people from being complete retards and I don't like it
>leftist conspiracy has enough faithful conspirators to staff every elementary, middle, and high school in America with teachers who wholeheartedly believe in the agenda without slipping up and revealing it
>Women and minorities are quite disproportionately liberal.
Only by the dumbest criteria. It's a fact that "minorities" are almost always more culturally conservative than whites. Women are a mixed bag but they tend to be more religious, and more authority supporting. So they would naturally be on average less supportive of the Jacobins in the French revolution. The original definition of right wing.
>Conservatism correlates too heavily with an incurious mind.
>To be a good conservative you must follow cultural authority and not question too much.
That's called being a statist and is just about as far away from conservatism as you can get. Being conservative relies upon limiting the state as much as possible.
>Your first instinct is to ask back "Why?" then you are not much of a conservative.
>Intellectuals always challenge the common wisdom.
Complete bullshit.
>Einstein never would have gotten anywhere new if he just accepted everything he was told.
>and his name, was Albert Einstein
>They seek out weird and different ideas for stimulation sake alone. These are liberal traits.
Although liberalism isn't inherently connected to being a non-thinking member of the hive, in the modern day that is the reality beyond a doubt.
>Only by the dumbest criteria.
Voting records and personal identification?
>It's a fact that "minorities" are almost always more culturally conservative than whites.
You do know that the majority of immigrants in america are not soviet asylum seekers, right?
>Women are a mixed bag but they tend to be more religious, and more authority supporting.
They seek stability and resources. They can use their vote to get the state to give them that.
Women are disproportionately liberal.
>the entirety of society can't be indoctrinated
>the teacher themselves aren't indoctrinated
Like I don't even believe in this but it's ridiculous how naive you are
How naive I am? Yeah, society can be indoctrinated, but I think it's kinda telling that the people that have the most "insight" into the workings of this leftist conspiracy are people like Alex "Screaming Retard" Jones
Liberalism is a right-ideology
Now you're just arguing semantics.
In the US, a liberal refers to someone on the left of the political spectrum, typically advocating greater social freedoms and increasing government intervention in economics. Yes, the US is the only country in the world where this is the case.
>US liberal
>advocating greater social freedom
You're more than a bit out of touch...
But liberals aren't leftist. Even Tumblr is just a bunch of particularly zealous political centrists who want to give agender polyromantic Aborigines the same ability as white men to oppress the working class.
>But liberals aren't leftist.
They most certainly are now.
Liberal hasn't meant classical liberal for more than 100 years. Blame dems who falsely claimed themselves to be liberals.
Nowadays liberalism is code for statism and conservatism is code for classical liberal (for the moment (if pseudo-conservatives don't fuck off it won't stay that way)).
As a result of the name game most people can identify themselves as libertarian, but the differences between where they stand on differnt issues in terms of ideals vs compromising with reality means that simply calling yourself a libertarian is almost meaningless.
You two are playing the name game. But the game ended a couple of decades ago.
I don't think you understand the meaning of the word statist lol. Also, liberals advocate and protect capitalism, if watered down therefore they can't be construed as leftists
>liberals advocate and protect capitalism
Just because they advocate capitalism over complete communism (mostly), doesn't mean they are pro-capitalism.
I would argue that almost everything liberals want is in line with statism.
They are against economic freedom, property rights, and freedom of association. That sounds pretty statist to me.
Tell me how supporting "intersectional imperialism" is leftist
All liberalism is statist and capitalist
>intersectional imperialism
Define intersectional imperialism...
>Being conservative relies upon limiting the state as much as possible.
Allowing rich women and rich black people to participate in the subjugation of the third world and the perpetuation of capitalism
But liberalism is a statist ideology
Nigga what
Authoritarian monarchism is the most right-wing ideology imaginable
That Margaret Mead is still taken seriously and that there are people tenured for "me studies" show that this ideological unbalance is not productive.
>Pick a great mind in history and you'll find someone that was "liberal" for his era.
Like Plato? Or Von Neumann?
>To be a good conservative you must follow cultural authority and not question too much
Right now, the cultural authority is liberal.
One of the functions of the state is to prevent other states from taking control. So some military spending is legitimate. The Founding fathers were against a standing army but they did not think the people were suitable defense on their own.
(thus the part in the federalist papers where the talk about the civilian and state nature of the militia and the dangers of what might in effect be a standing army)
But you're right. Just because something is the case however does not mean it is proper. Military spending should be reduced and America should remain out of conflicts unless congress declares war. If we did was was proper, then the constitution would be obeyed and we wouldn't need to worry about invasion as a result.
And, ideally all(most of) the military spending would be paid for via voluntary contribution.
That's called faggotry. It's not my place to stop anyone from trading with the third world.
That is what I said.
Ghostbusters 1984 said it best.
>"The constitution is open to interpretation"
this has literally been debated since the beginning of the nation
It's either absolute laws or laws that have no meaning.
Arguing otherwise is just for the sake of preserving poorly written laws and abuse of power.
1. Modernist and Post-Modernist philosophy took academia by storm thus giving liberal biases an academic credence.
2. Conservatives are actively bullied out of academia for not bowing to Post-Modernist bullshit (among other things).
>Being conservative relies upon limiting the state as much as possible
No that is classical liberalism and is derived from Enlightenment thinkers like Locke, Montesquieu, Smith and Mill. American conservatism is simply moderate liberalism, as R.L. Dabney wrote "American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition". America has never cultivated a true conservative tradition because it has never had an hereditary aristocracy.
t. American Tory
>No that is classical liberalism
Exactly. Read: