Did any Americans on Veeky Forums grow up in fundie proddy households? How was it?
What is the Bible Belt like?
Did any Americans on Veeky Forums grow up in fundie proddy households? How was it?
I love the south
>What is the Bible Belt like?
It's fine, I have never lived anywhere else so it's not like I know the difference. A few friends growing up had super Christian parents but other than making them go to church camp or bitching about playing a videogame named "Diablo" they seemed like normal parents. Christians are nice, atleast they don't try to throw their religion in my face all the time.
My grandmother's family was Pentecostal. When she died my dad had to go down south for her memorial and was almost bitten by a ritual snake.
>playing a videogame named "Diablo"
Its always funny to me that almost every video game is about killing demons when they come up, never being part of them.
You'd figure a christian would like that, but that would require research into it.
Christianity and national identity are intertwined in a way that's weird. Like if you come out as atheist, people basically will look at you as a fifth columnist.
>confederate flags in foreign property
>unaware that Southerners are incredibly xenophobic
t. dumb coastal faggot
Midwestfag, actually.
And no, even the Confedreate-flag toting rednecks here complain about anyone who isn't a redneck.
>cowboy hate
>bikini top
>daisy dukes
>blonde hair and freckles
>giant tits
It's clearly depicting an American, so what's the problem with the confederate flags?
Well, for one, it's not prtraying her wearing an American Flag, but rather the goddamn traitor flag.
Two, it's akin to a weeb making fanart of some sort of Japanese nationalist girl. It's just ironic.
are you being autistic on purpose.
To add to this, my religious family on facebook are constantly posting prooftexts from Isaiah or Jeremiah or one of the prophets about how Israel should repent and God would bless them, but they post them like it's talking about the USA in the 20th century.
Kinda sucked, could have been Muslim, though. So it could always be worse.
Didn't grow up in the bible belt. My parents were fundamentalists and still are, but privately they've relaxed a bit.
It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. You can't ever live as a normal human, as that is being part of the world and you need to be separated. That means no non Christian music other than classical music, no drinking alcohol (the no alcohol thing also comes from a misreading of a verse in the new testament), no cursing, and no public schooling (I now believe public schools are shit educationally, so I still wouldn't put my kids in there).
The most damaging thing I believe is the lack of self confidence it gives someone young. Since God must be perfect, he cannot be blamed. However, since humans are imperfect, no successes cannot be claimed. This line of thinking causes anything bad to be a personal failure and any success to be God's and not yours. This causes me huge anxiety as a young person and the further statement that pride goeth before destruction made me afraid that taking any credit would cause God to take away the successes in life to bring me to a point of greater need for him. Preachers often talk about how, if you leave God and try to make your way on your own, God will allow misfortune and pain into your life, and they justify this by saying that sometimes people only turn to God when they have nothing left and thus it's good that God royally fucks up your life. It now sounds to me like an extreme case of cognitive dissonance.
My parents are more relaxed now, and many of the people, including the pastors, are nice, genuine people. I hold no hatred or anger towards them, but I realize that this belief is something I can never have. It works for some, but I personally cannot see how doctrines like the above ( and many others) can be intellectually justified. It seems ridiculous to me, though as I have said, I do my best not to go full fedora, because there is no way science or philosophy can answer the religious question.
pray for california yall
Reminds me of Pic related
i was raised mormon. like my mom talks the 'suggestions' of the 'prophet' literally to point where growing up i literally wasnt allowed to watch pg13 movies until i was literally fucking 13. does that count?
>dwight yoakam
GOAT taste desu
>Did any Americans on Veeky Forums grow up in fundie proddy households?
Well, it's not the westboro baptist church if that's what you're asking
>How was it?
Really boring for the most part. Sunday in church, afterschool church events, having to pray before EVERY fucking meal, Parents wouldn't let me play any FPS vidya or watch anything more violent than Batman; TAS (though there were no qualms about raunchy comedies. It was strange being able to watch Animal House at age 7)
My family toned it down after my grandma died (age 8). None of us really had any interest in carrying it on after that. We mostly did it for her and now that she wasn't living with us anymore there was nothing really enforcing it
>What is the Bible Belt like?
Humid as fuck
My first girlfriend was the daughter of an Adventist preacher. Family was very nice, but she was a bit clingy and we didn't share much common interests, so it only lasted like 2 months. As for Bible Belt it was pretty normal, I think. Couldn't play M rated games or see R rated movies, but that isn't special to the Bible Belt. The beach is great for acting like a huge stereotype, and hanging up your Confederate Flag because black people never went to the beach that often. The Confederate Flag is less about hating blacks to me, and more about a symbol of The South. I never used the Confederate Flag, though. I just used the Alabama state flag.
its not treason defending your homeland.