Why doesn't God help starving children?

Why doesn't God help starving children?

Everyone has a role in God's Mysterious Plan, theirs is to starve.

Maybe god is punishing those wicked sinful children for willfulling and shamefully choosing to reject his divine grace and mercy.

To bait well-off westeners into charity

Because the devil.

He does through the church which provides aid and assistance to countless malnourished children every day.

Even those who do not receive this support may still find comfort in believing God loves them despite being forgotten by the world.

Because they're black.

u trippin

You could also ask why god didn't help kill of the jews in the late 30's, but you just really won't ever know.

They won't find comfort ultimately if they believe the same thing about Allah or any other god

Why worship God if he can't stop the devil? The devil's powers seem more tangible. Maybe I should worship him instead.

What does this have to do with history. We all know the answer to this anyway.

there is only one god

no roi


It is the will of Tengri, do not question it.

Michael Jackson right?

Because they are poor


Hail the eternal blue

Citation needed.

Because he is to busy, or simply does not know.

It would be like going up to an Emperor and ask why children starv.

Or maybe they just negleted paying homage/sacrifice to their deities. Wouldn't suprice me considering niggers are lazy after all.

Its the only way he can get off

He helps them through the Church, thereby providing people with an opportunity to practice their faith by doing good works.

And generally speaking when children die they go to Heaven, so it's not like their wretched existence in this life is the totality of their fate.


1 Corinthians 8:6

Says you, who as far as I'm aware is a spokesman for the devil.

Praise lord Michael

why don't starving children turn to christ?

he can stop the devil. he already has, you just need to return to him

So starving children are just tokens for some fat white guy to collect so he can get to heaven? WTF?

Yep. You may as well ask why God didn't help Christ, or why he doesn't "help elderly Christian people". Help them do what? Not die? They're certainly getting eternal life.

Ad hominem.

Cause they're niggers. They aren't human

>Explaining one's power with another one's action
>implies the second obey the first, and not the other way
Not sure to agree user

I meant scientific quotation. Your book endorse all sorts of bullshits.


Free will exists
Their starvation is caused indirectly by the free will of others (gluttony, greed, overpopulation).
God respects our free will and intervenes as little as possible. If he eliminated starvation and suffering, he'd be essentially elimating free will, because he would have to intervene constantly to prevent suffering. Almost all of his miracles (citation needed) serve a specific purpose, like to deliver a message. In the new testament at least, pretty much every miracle is used as an example or publicity stunt. Jesus didn't just go around healing every person in all of the levant without saying a word.

They are starving due to acts of men and the societal situation around them that was caused by men
Free will allowed these children to starve, god allows men free will thus children starve

Free will isnt bad, but the choices that allowed that child to starve to that child and obviously to you are inherently bad

Devil logic

On what evidence do you accuse me?

Because those traitors are harboring skeletons. Skeleton sympathizers deserve no charity, no mercy.


.......there is a skeleton inside of you right now.

But I keep that fucker contained beneath my glorious burger layers. Those degenerates are letting theirs rise to the surface.


I ain't going there without my Rascal




Because he isn't real

*tips fedora*

So there's literally nothing wrong with letting children starve.
So the Turks are totally justified in the Armenian genocide?

Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17:
"Thou shalt not murder".

But if letting someone starve is murder than isn't god a murderer? Especially considering he has the power to give them food at no cost to him whatsoever?

You're not god, you are corruptible therefore your words aren't true.

That'd be negligence at worst, since he didn't conceive those children or wage the wars that often result in starvation. But he seems to prefer to allow humans to continue operating in this current state of affairs because it results in some greater good.

>proving christianity by citing christianity

Every time.

Why dosent OP help starving children?

>compare omnipotent hyperwizard with a Veeky Forums poster on Monday night

We're talking some pretty disparate power levels here.

Because God is dead and we killed him.

If you want Christianity proved by citing Christianity, the prophecies about zionism are pretty impressive tbqh.

Ezekiel 20:34
Isaiah 11:11-12
in particular, these were written hundreds upon hundreds of years BC but they predict the scattering of the Jews and then their return to Israel.

Dogs see us as gods for bestowing food, but we put down their excess numbers. They don't seem to make the connection, and love us still.

He doesn't exist

Who says its the materially poor that need help?
If a man is poor in disease do we consider him unwell?
You phrase your question so arrogantly and so confident of your fickle values, you imagine your life far superior merely because you have amassed an agglomeration of things in a society that tells you you're doing it right.
Yet none of us can escape the gnawing emptiness that comes with consumerism, materialism, and greed.
We are enslaved to our desires, these children have it good compared to us.
They do not succumb to nihilism or resignation as easily as we do.
Their wills are far stronger.
Even biology knows habitual well-being is not advantageous for an organism.

Essentially, you're an arrogant prick and these children merit the kingdom of heaven while you walk the path of destruction.
You guys are idiots.
Your position is an unthinking stance of empty rhetoric.
Go back to LeReddit.

Is this guy serious?

Of course not, why am I even asking

Was me

>implying I was serious
>implying the church cares about poor people
>implying people care about poor people

It's sad but true

he hates them as much as i do.

so, he's working on it?

Spoken like a western faggot who's never been hungry. Poverty isn't noble, it's filthy and it's lawless and it will make you do things you're ashamed of. All morality goes out the window, as it is a luxury you can't afford. Thievery becomes trivial, murder becomes excusable. The "gnawing emptiness of consumerism" is nothing compared to the literal gnawing emptiness of having your body eat itself alive. Besides, consumerism the West hasn't been consumerist since the 90s. If you want to see consumerism, go to the middle east. As for "enslaved to our desires", well I can guarantee that whatever "desires" you may have (I doubt you have much if you are like most westerners) have much less control over you than a hungry man's. They "succumb" to nihilism by default because when you're starving you realise how superfluous all morals are. Even your patronising bullshit is proof of how spoiled you are.

Struck a nerve?
I'm guessing you didn't live under Communist oppression in Eastern Europe?
Morals are built ten times stronger in men who face challenge.
You sound like someone who is ashamed of their decadence, you should be.
You've never been hungry, I can tell because you speak of it as the worst fate a man can suffer.
Try going 3 weeks with nothing living in a flat on the bloc.
You'll realize that virtue is all you have left and you guard it dearly.

Decadent self loathing Westerner.

>Poverty isn't noble
Those with nothing find happiness in the smallest things.
I think you're just a shitty human being.
Those with plenty go crazy when they lose it.
Perhaps you've been homeless and lost material property, try being born without it.
The gnaw of hunger is still the gnaw of decadence when the wealthy lose their wealth.

>I'm guessing ...Eastern Europe?
No but I know many who did. I also highly doubt you're old enough to have done that.

>Morals are built ... who face challenge.
Bollocks. You've obviously never spent time around actually poor people. And no, Eastern Europe isn't poor. I've spent months in Eastern Europe. It's fine.

Everyone should spend some time in poverty, I do think it helps with perspective and it helps to make you a more generous and empathetic person. But that only works if you find some sort of sustainable living afterwards.

>You... decadence
I'm not decadent and neither is the average westerner. Like I said the most decadent place I've been is the middle-east, Lebanon in particular. I spent the same day talking to Syrian refugees with literally nothing and rich lebs who would spit on them from their sports cars.

>You've never... a man can suffer.
I have, it's not the worst fate obviously, but it puts things into perspective pretty quickly. Any sense of shame or modesty is the first to go, I used to pick breadcrusts from the bottoms of bins in public and laugh at the people who stared at me. Respect for property goes next, trespassing, stealing etc. Note that this goes two ways, people will start to respect you less and less.

>Try ... bloc.
I think a year without a flat or a block is worse than 3 weeks with your family and friends. I can't say though, the worst houses I've lived in, while being squalid, half-built mould ridden shitholes with no heating, were in the countryside, so I don't know the commie experience.

>You'll realize ... it dearly.
Or you'll turn into a junkie, alcoholic wife beating retard. It goes both ways.

>Decadent self loathing Westerner.
Western culture is the best that has ever existed. I'm far from self-loathing. The faggot I was replying to would lose his "noble savage" bullshit pretty quickly the first time some third world kid pulls a knife on him.

You must be retarded. Poverty is the mother of crime.

Why don't you help starving children?


what did he mean by this?

Starving children? That would imply God allowed them to survive infancy. What I want to know is why would God not prevent the rape of a baby? Or not help a newborn left in a dumpster? Those seem more like questions that I want answered.

>muh free will

t. Plantinga

Why doesn't OP help starving children?

Why should god take responsibility for someones else selfish actions. If you can't feed'em don't breed'em

>atheists first question he thinks reks religion
every time

The adherents of a "loving God" everyone

When they aren't covering for their absentee sky Daddy with lame excuses, they put the onus of all sin onto Man's shoulders to resolve. Okay I'll feed the children myself. So then why do I need God?

>he thinks the problem of evil isn't an enormous challenge for theism

it's not at all, actually

Yeah it is, or else there would have been a satisfying answer by now instead of cop outs like "this is the best of all worlds" (lol) or "we just don't know God's plan bro" (lmao)

You do know that with the exception of north Africa, Africa is deeply Christian. Joseph Kony is the leader of a Christian terror group

It is. Even Christian apologists openly admit this.

Do people on this board actually believe in God or is it just a meme?

blacks have a lot of corruption and lack of infrastructure, also they breed like crazy off UN food rations

So God is an ends justify the means kinda guy.

>mfw christcucks have no answer to the problem of evil other than skeptical theism, which is literally an academic version of the "God works in mysterious ways" meme

No, desperation is the mother of crime.
You're correct to a degree.
Continue to doubt.
I put in time at the local mission specifically because I know it makes their day when you look them in the eyes and treat them like humans. They find genuine happiness.
>the average westerner is not decadent
You do realize our entire society is based around acquiring material wealth? We are the definition of decadence.
People do respect you less and less, in a Western Materialistic society.....
It does put things into perspective, fortunately humans posses an innate morality within them and this is what they cling to when times get tough.
Watch "Chuck Norris vs Communism" to see what I mean.
>you turn into an addict or abuser
Let me guess, this mostly occurs when wealth is lost and not when one is born into a society where wealth is scare....
Western Culture is the best, however it is taking a sharp nosedive. Material wealth does not create happiness nor does it generate virtue.
Western Culture has lost its courage and thus its virtue, thus the loss of wealth (a fate almost as bad as death in Western eyes) makes men mad, makes them desperate.
Men who are born into poverty are far better off because everything they receive from then on is akin to a divine gift.
There was no noble savage. It was only the supposition that challenge builds character, in line with the old adage "Soft land breeds soft men."
In hardship you find far more interesting and complex characters, forged by challenge.
Most third world kids would turn violent when they take on the Western mindset of materialism.
Even here you posit that the "losing his bullshit" because he is faced with death is legitimate.
You are viewing it through a materialist lens, to materialists, death being the end of gain is truly the worst fate of all.
To one who is not a materialist, death is just another path, one that we all must take.

>mfw only atheists see evil as a problem and then push their morality but when questioned instantly backpeddle to subjectivism

>christcucks pretend the problem of evil doesn't exist while spending 2000 years laboriously thinking up theodicies

>for theism


Only for people who think god is necessarily "good".

That doesn't sound evil to you?

naw. he misterious Senpai

LARPagans and fedoras, move to Africa to be with your kind. Even China knows Christ is Lord.

>Most third world kids would turn violent when they take on the Western mindset of materialism.
The fuck you talking about retard? Aborigen clans fight eachother and even cannibalized just fine without western influence. In fact before "civilization" that you seem to be so quick to damn that was the standard. Kill or be killed.

Read Ecclesiastes you spergy nigger.

Because there's no "god"

Man created "god", I'm sorry to burst your religious bubble.

wtf we're all africans now

Not an argument

What I notice is Christians trivializing suffering, since they can't actually provide a good explanation, and it's frankly more disgusting

>"Well, erm, yes, many people suffer..."
>"Why would God allow this? B-Because, well... let's see... Oh, because suffering is actually GOOD! It's a gift given from God that only we can experience! That's it!"
t.the privileged Christian living in the West who has never experienced poverty or starvation in his life and the hardest moment of his day is deciding what to order for lunch

You have to be over 18 to post on Veeky Forums, son.