In case you are ever curious, don't even bother reading this book. It is 600 pages of 1920s fedora, featuring long rants against Jews and social democrats. Do not waste your money on this book
In case you are ever curious, don't even bother reading this book. It is 600 pages of 1920s fedora...
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying social democrats aren't also fascists
Tell me about Adolph, why does he wear the moustach?
On a serious note, if you've read the entire thing, could you explain his hatred for the reds? And also what was his "endgame" so to speak, we have all heard the common narrative of "evil ruler who wants to conquer the world" but what did he really hope to achieve?
He basically wanted Europe destroyed "to be reforged into the Greatest Reich; for all Germans!"
Have you read the Second Book?
>don't bother having your own opinion
>just let me regurgitate leftypol memes
Fuck off
Mein Kampf holds little literary value. Nobody stops you from reading it, but your money might be better spent on secondary sources, that cover Hitler's rise to power and the national socialist ideology itself.
Generally speaking, I've found that reading primary sources only makes sense when you're very knowledgeable on the subject. You need to understand who wrote it, why it was written, what it's target audience was, and how it interacted and related to the world around it. Reading isolated original sources doesn't really deepen your understanding of a subject.
Implying I need to pay for this.
There is version on net and also I can borrow it(no pay) from public library.
They're not. What makes you say the opposite?
>buying books
>what is libgen
>Nobody stops you from reading it
>In case you are ever curious, don't even bother reading this
Stay consistant, leftpol
>Implying everyone that disagrees with your standpoint on Veeky Forums is /leftypol/
>Implying all of /leftypol/ has to be internally consistent
That's a lot of Implications you're implying there.
He's not your mom, user. Even if he says you shouldn't bother doing something, doesn't mean he can actually stop you.
You must be such a pushover IRL, which does explain your use of /pol/ memes.
Leftypol is a bigger hugbox than /pol/
>not hating myself for being white is wrong and a /pol/ meme
>hating myself for being white
the fuck?
tje creation of more self hating whites is the endgame for leftypol, afterall
There was a thread on /leftypol/ a few months back where all posters agreed that economics is snake oil even though they don't understand it, just because it speaks in favor of capitalism.
Then there was another thread where tgey played Tropico 4 and somehow their countries always ended up being a failure.
>tfw commies manage to fuck up countries even in videogames
what does your meme have to do with this thread, tho?
keynesian state capitalism, also social fascism
It is in nature of white people to hate themselves, it is how they progress, instead of being niggers, who is alright with living in mud hats.
Well a leftpol turned accidental fascist thought ""he"" could tell other what they can think or not, and it snowballed from there
What a load of fucking shit. I go to /pol/ daily. It's a way bigger circle jerk for rightism.
same reason the other facists, namely Italians. hated communists. From a very philosophical viewpoint lenin's communism was seen as anti civlization. It was extremely anti nation, anti culture, anti race, and anti religion in nature. Facists see these things as the spirit that drives the creation of new things as well as civilization. essentially a stand against marxism on a nihilistic basis.
your obviously way too ideological to take seriously
his endgame was to colonize and balkanize communist russia
Pretty sure the economy in tropico isn't based on reality. I've played it communism mode and done well with the economy. Stop meming. This board isn't /pol/ with dates
>memeing against communism is now a /pol/ exclusive thing
>Its "memeing" if it takes the piss out of SJWism
leftypol, everyone
t. stalin
the 3rd period was a catastrophic blunder
>could you explain his hatred for the reds?
Fascism is fundamentally about exceptionalism of finite groups whereas communism is about non-exceptionalism of everyone. So the two are diametrically opposed from the basic principles .
>you have to be /pol/tard to hate communism
in other words anarchy vs hierarchy
I'm curious for anyone who has read it, are these quotes accurate?
No it's not. Literally half of /pol/ is bait and contrarian opinions. From the front page on /pol/ RIGHT NOW:
>pro-islam thread
>Anti-Trump thread
>"Why don't you support Mexico retaking its former territory?" thread
>"Does Europe have a beta male problem?" thread
>"Monogamy is not the solution" thread
>black apologist thread
Good post.
They basically saw it as an existential fight, and the commies for their part hated the fascists for the same reasons.
>this board
I was talking about /leftypol/ not about Veeky Forums you fucking retard
In pure form yes but in historical USSR vs Nazi Germany form it was one type of hierarchy where everyone was dirt poor but the communist elite vs another type of hierarchy where only pure Germans mattered and were well off but everyone else was to either be ruled, enslaved or killed.
>Do not waste your money on this book
You're right. Just download the .pdf.
Make sure you read it.
It is a fine example of someone saying exactly what they mean, no one paying attention, and then everyone being surprised when he does exactly what he said he would do.
Now. Are you going to discuss its historical significance or are you going to take this to .
Why not? Even if you're not a nazi, it's a historically important witness account of the rapidly changing post WW1 world from a nationalist perspective.
>Buying a book whose only reliable editions have been produced in the 30s and 40s.
>Not just downloading the official version in your language that was produced during the time of the Nazis
Does the state of Bavaria need the income so badly?
it was more along the lines of "totalitarian dictatorship seeking to invade europe for infrastructure and then setup and extremely ideological anarchist influenced society" vs "totalitarian dictatorship invading other dictatorship to prevent spread of said ideology and to preserve things that would go away if marxism was to succeed"
I think you're missing the point. No one reads Mein Kampf for its literary prose or good reading, they read it to see into the mind of the man who plunged Europe into war and committed mass genocide.
>in your language
>not reading it in German
Stop bothering with him, he's an autist from Veeky Forums. The other day there was some moron from /tv/ who argued that some movie was "Veeky Forums approved" just because it had great cinematography and acting (read: shit we don't care about) even though it was completely inaccurate.
>there was a thread on /leftypol/
Wait I thought Veeky Forums was supposed to be /leftypol/
What the fuck, I am out of the loop of alt-right shitposting.
It being wrote by Hitler seems like enough reason to read it to me.
Tried reading it in high school when me and friends were looking for comically dated books, stumbled into Mein Kamph, read a bit of it until i noticed he was an angry racist idiot who wants things to be better but had no ideological education so he latched onto conservative power men and created foot soldiers of the depressed youth.
Overall unless you're really into looking at the psychology of movements and especially movements with little to no ideological base
This is what scares me. Neither the Safe Spacers nor the Alt-Righters have a solid ideological base
I'll read what i want fag and i've been thinking of reading mein kampf for a long time because i'm interested in ideologies.
Veeky Forums being leftypol is a /pol/ boogeyman and a leftypol delusion
in truth we are a collection of different ideologies from many different boards
It's actually true. The reason they ran away from /pol/ in the first place was because they were tired of having to defend their ideology so they just created their own hugbox.
I once questioned them on their ideology in their hugbox and i was banned for "shitposting". Meanwhile on /pol/ you can hold any belief you want.
there's /leftypol/ on 8ch, if you want
>Thinking hitlers book is bad means you hate yourself for your race
Fucking what? Excuse me? Where the fuck is your logic?
t. 12-year-old
>don't learn things it's bad for you
What could be in mein kampf that you want to hide from me so badly?
>Two antecedotes about a strawman
Are you trying for shitposting gomd or what?
>Captcha: Bosco STOP
*Shitposting Gold
Fuck its time for bed
There was a thread on leddit where commies were celebrating that communism could work in Victoria 2's hilariously broken economy.
Wasn't talking to you cuck
/leftypol/ is a commie hugbox board on infinitychan, they come here from that place and act like Veeky Forums is their territory and safe space
I thought it was pretty interesting, just to get Hitlers perspective on himself in his own words, not to mention his take on the politics and society he grew up in
I mean its poorly written and he is legit aspie about shit but still
So literally a left wing version of /pol/?
Yes, literally that. Except unlike /pol/ they ban everyone who criticizes leftism.
Fair enough
'social fascism'
Yup, that's a phrase that actually means something and totally isn't cooked up by a 15 year-old basement dweller to justify his libertarian fantasies
hands down the most boring book ive ever read
and thats coming from a guy reading menger atm