Can you teach me what you know about this religion?
Seventh Day Adventist
Church is on Saturday
They try to say this is all, but that's bullshit.
They believe things equally as wacky as mormons
>Church is on saturday because 'we wuz jews' and they believe the Catholics changed the day to Sunday to appeace pagans who worshipped the Sun god, and sunday worshippers have the mark of the devil (not withstanding that saturday is named after saturn and christians celebrated the Lord's Day on Sunday for differentiation)
>believe the pope is the antichrist
>Young Earth Creationism
>born out of the Millerite Great Diappointment (some Miller guy believed in the second coming in 1844 and again later), followers formed SDA
>now believe Jesus started some judging thing in 1844
>purported adherrance to Sola Scriptura yet incorporate prophet Ellen White's writings eg vegetarianism recording 'visions' (she had a history of head injury)
>claim to be the remnant church
>Branch Davidians were an offshoot
>annihilationism (at last judgement those not saved are eliminated instantly)
>soul sleep (no heaven, the dead are in a unconscious 'sleep' state awaiting the second coming)
also they eagerly await the second coming any day now
>>believe the pope is the antichrist
This is true though
Jack Chick pls go and stay go
>VI. There is no other head of the Church but the Lord Jesus Christ.[13] Nor can the Pope of Rome, in any sense, be head thereof; but is that Antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalts himself, in the Church, against Christ and all that is called God.[14]
they've been considered a cult due to exclusivity claims of being the remnant church (despite being founded in the 1800s) and claims sunday worshippers are worshipping the sun god and are pagans
also there are some controversies pertaining to their christological formulas (early SDAs were nontrinitarian) and whether or not they adhere to the five solae of protestantism
Shits dumb. If you are going to be Christian, you may as well go all the way and be Catholic.
Oh, you're just an Evangelical. Same thing.
SDA pls
You're retarded
Do you honestly believe that there should be no-one in charge of representing the church? No-one's saying the Pope has more authority than Christ, and he can't over-rule the scripture, but it's fucking retarded to go "Oh, the church just shouldn't have anyone to represent it and attempt to address issues at hand".
Stuff that has not been mentioned:
>Pay us 10% of your income or you're robbing God!
>Crazy conspiracy shit, the US, Catholic Church, are the antichrist
>Some prophetess named Ellen White
>Extreme anti-Catholicism
>no salvation outside their church
>No souls, or souls are not infinite
>Picking and choosing which laws of Moses to follow
>Insular culture
>Basically as that user said they made up doctrine as they needed to excuse for prophecies not happening
>Keeping the jewish sabbath
basically a joke that went too far, or a legit cult modernized so that it wont fit the label. if not cult then at least cult-like.
A Pope is no mear leader or representative of a church, a Pope claims to be a vicar (substitute) of Christ. A Pope claims to be infallible, able to overturn scripture.
They have pretty great clinics, and their weird ethnic jesus portraits all over the clinics are comedy gold.
Ellen G. White is a treasure!
>I bet you haven't even read Steps to Christ
The Seventh-day Adventist church is a controversial organization. With its founding prophetess, Ellen G White, they teach that the proper day of worship is Saturday, that Jesus is Michael the Archangel, that ultimately Satan will bear all of our sins, that when a person dies he does not exist anymore, that hell is not eternal, and more. They emphasize dietary laws and what many consider to be a legalism, especially since they teach you can lose your salvation.
If you're going to go to heaven, you may as well go all the way and go to hell.
See how that doesn't make sense?
>>no salvation outside their church
This is the easiest way to see that someone is in a cult. Mormon, JW, Catholic, Orthodox, SDA; they all say you have to be in their group to be saved.
>forgot to mention that the pope as bishop of rome is the 'de jure' succesor of Peter. And that Jesus himself said Peter would be the rock to build his church on, aswell as that the apostolic councel apointed the pentarchy of patriachs, and the pope of this day is the only patriach who still holds his bishopric, and there for the only one who can rightfuly claim to be leader of the church on earth.
>>Extreme anti-Catholicism
Nothing wrong with that
Rome had a Presbyterian polity until the 3rd century, there is no Petrine successor
Found the Independent Baptist
>Rome had a form of clergical leadership created during the reformation in 16th century until the 3de century
Dude what ?
>Rome had a Presbyterian polity until the 3rd century
Please put some sauce on this retarded bullshit. I want to laugh a bit.
Isn't saying "no salvation outside the Church" just a somewhat more narrower way than saying "no Salvation outside the Religion?"
>that when a person dies he does not exist anymore
That's wrong, they believe when you die you stay dead until the second coming based on some verse in revelation that 'the dead know nothing' basically they're jut triggered by depictions of people going to heaven or hell as soon as they die.
I went to an SDA school and yeah they're pretty much a cult. Aside from the wacky pope is evil, be a vegetarian, church on a Saturday and YEC stuff. The big thing I noticed is everything is run though the church; jobs, where you live and shit like that. Also it was rife with shady backroom politics so far as I saw.
Clement's epistle to the Corinthians
Mormons believe you can still get salvation without being a mormon, just there are different levels, everyone gets salvation unless they were a mormon and then deny the faith.
and apparently you get shunned if you leave, like with jws.
What's Veeky Forums thought on her writings?
>soul sleep
So... the basic adherence of Christianity that Christ's successful sacrifice for the greater good of humanity's afterlife is not true to them? How can they even be Christians at all? Smells like heresy, heinous and foul if you ask me
But Adventists do believe in heaven, just not immediate ascension after death. I mean think about it how will the dead in Christ rise from their graves at the second coming if they are all in heaven already?
Happy Sabbath Veeky Forums!
Judaizing heretic
Keep praising the sun and eating disgusting swine blasphemer.
You're worse than arianism and I hope you get removed.
They go to Church on Saturday instead of Sunday.
They think that sinners are annihilated instead of suffering forever.
Other than that, same old Christian horseshit.
Aren't they still bound to Moses approved food also?