Whats a historical event that hasn't been made into a film but should be
Whats a historical event that hasn't been made into a film but should be
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Honestly? Mao's life. His life was fascinating. That or Lenin. I mean it's inevitable that button gets pushed.
The Anglo-Zanzubar war.
I want a war movie longer than the war dammit.
Not sure if b8 or you're unaware of the movie coming out soon
The October Revolution
Battle of Marathon.
The Gracchi Brothers.
Founding of the Roman Republic
A "good" historical film, a Hollywood film (with all the usual tropes to win Oscars) or just any film in general?
I can't think of any film about William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings.
Or what about the Battle of Kadesh and the oldest peace treaty knowns?
Battle of Carrhae?
Battle of Lepanto?
I'd say the Komnenoi restoration. The Medieval Romans had politics that would give George RR Martin a run for his money
Plato's dialogues.
Maybe it would more aptly be a series, but I like the idea.
The Fourth Crusade
Wow so far pretty good content in this thread
I haven't heard of any on the first or second crusades. Only the 3rd.
The Persian wars outside of Thermopylae
The Peleponesean Wars
Crimean War
Fall of Constantinople
jfk assasination
>tfw no Baron von Ungern biopic with walton goggins as von Ungern
The journey of the Czech Legion
Actually, just about anything from the Eastern Theatre of WWI
>anything from the eastern theatre of ww1
yes please, or a good Central Powers pov like in all quiet on the western front. it was done well then but i havent found another good example of fiction like that.
The fall of Emperor Theodore of Abyssinia and the British punitive expedition against him after his seizure of a few hostages.
Collapse of Soviet Union/Yugoslavia and the shit that followed. A film like Goodbye Lenin basically.
I want a 12 episode, hour-long Netflix drama about the Donner Party.
a dunkirk movie came out ages ago, and there's another one next year
Battle for Castle Itter
The German army, Americans and Austrians all teamed up a couple weeks or days after WW2 to take a castle with some French VIPS that was being held by Waffen SS loyalists who refused to surrender.
I'm partial to a film on Nader Shah's life. As founder of the Safavid dynasty, he led a pretty chaotic existance, at times highlighted by wondurous bellic achievements, and other times plagued by a growing paranoia that led him to blind and subsequently kill his oldest son, only to fall at the hand of his second son.
World War 2.
>Crimean war
The 300 sequel has the battle of marathon
Belisarius and his military expedition into Rome. Also Julius Caesar in a series of films.
Hopefully Mel Gibson continues on with his project Berserker which is apparently a Viking-era film that's supposed to be analogous to Apocalypto in that it's supposed to feature period era language etc.
So I'm looking forward to that if it ever happens.
The life of Alkibiades
Gracchi brothers would be shit mate.
There's plenty of Yugoslav movies that deal with that subject and aftermath.
Alicia Vikander is a CUTE
The holocaust being a fraud.
The only movie that was ever made about it was sealed in a vault because of all the horses they killed during filming. It has never been rereleased, so it's not exactly widespread knowledge that such a film exists.
Since it's locked up and will never be shown again, it might as well not exist.
hurricane katrina
French Indian war
that war between austrailians and emus would make a pretty good aussie comedy
the Louisiana purchase, or whatever land deal b/w the indians where they sold their land for beads
The Anarchist revolt in spain
The Panama Canal
The Hoover Dam
Roe v Wade
>French Indian war
Short part of Barry Lyndon happens during it.
>French Indian war
...The Last of the Mohicans?
persian-byzantine wars with the islamic conquest as the climax
what a depressing ending
Movie primarily about Alexios Komnenos
Starts just before the Manzikert Disaster
Alexios takes power
Alexios asks the pope for help
Crusaders can be seen and the Crusades are mentioned
bunch of stuff to show off Alexios's diplomatic genius
Film ends with the death of Alexios having achieved great things
A full of events are included in brahmanedu.org
1st Cosmos Coup, 2nd Cosmos Coup in the viewpoint of immortal world through the eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
>The kettle war
Batavia shipwreck
There isn't a greater story desu
most movies about large events and large battles end up being shitty action-thriller stuff and not really interesting or accurate. I prefer movies about a small group of characters either within a small event or a small event within a large event. quite a few ww1/ww2 movies manage to do this fairly well.
Fall of Constantinople has already been done, however it was a heavily nationalized version (Made by Turks)
The Saxon Wars of Charlemagne.
And it was also made in like the 1920's. We need a new take on it.
Central & Eastern Europe right after WWI.
Didn't his fiasco with his ex wife, getting arrested by the Jew cop, and knotting up the panties of every large film publishing company with Passion of Christ ruin his career?
Passion of the Christ made a billion dollars
I concur, a good choice
Aurelian reunifying the Roman Empire.
Majorian reunifying Gaul and Spain then getting BTFO by the Vandals keeping North Africa safe.
The Thirty Years War
but focus on a band of mercenaries
That Byzantine emperor that had his nose cut off and exiled, only to come back for revenge.
Also Olga of Kiev.
Both would be great Kill Bill style revenge movies.
>made in the 1920s
Made in 2012
>French Indian war
North West Passage (1940). If you haven't seen it then you should.
>Anarchist revolt in Spain
Libertarias (1996)
>The Last Valley
>Fall of Constantinople
Too soon :~(
>Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who watched a special advance screening liked the film very much.[20]
So glad we have a redpilled leader. We shall be a superpower in this century I believe.
The Walsall Anarchists
the labor movement in america
specifically when the pinkertons broke heads under carnegie's orders
>Crimea war
What, like the charge of the light brigade?
Has there a movie about sulla becoming dictator?
Or the mithraditic wars? Imagine a scene of someone dying choking on molten gold...
I think they're making one called Denial or something with Rachel Weisz.
The Emu War.
They should make a comedy about Caracalla.
Valhalla Rising is a really great, if somewhat surreal take on the Vinlanders and Skraelings
Speaking purely about Hollywood here:
1. Sulla
2. A film about the Eastern Front in WW2 a la saving private ryan, it's mostly ignored by Hollywood except for 'Enemy at the Gates'. Stalingrad would be good, Kursk would be good, Leningrad would be good.
3. Chinese Civil War
4. Russian Revolution
5. Forming of the Sikh Empire
6. Cecil Rhodes
7. Speaking of which, Rhodesian Bush War
8. Meiji restoration + Boshin War
9. Tonghak Rebellion/Korean War
10. Battle of Tours
11. Self-strengthening movement eventually leading to the Xinhai revolution and fall of the last Emperor
12. An Lushun Rebellion
13. Ainu-Japanese wars would be fucking fascinating
If you use any of these Mr. Hollywood I expect royalties
Punic Wars (Specifically the 2nd Punic War)
>two shitty backwaters become revitalized
wow so le feelsy muh Byzantium
The conflict between the Thule eskimos and the Greenlandic Nordic people.
the reconquista.
Been done
Th Charge of the Light Brigade (1968)
Prussian evacuation would make for a good drama/tragedy. Follow a Baltic German family that's population swapped to Prussia, and then in the evacuation is among those who get sent by the USSR to an occupied Danish island where Danish medical technicians refuse to treat them and they're all stranded without support until the French take them as refugees. Could be pretty great.
Similarly, any of the ethnic cleansings in Soviet era. Deportation of the Tatars, Caucasus Germans, Volga Germans, those seem the biggest and best for a movie.
Anything to do with the Great Game would be amazing.
That didn't happen. There's no archeological evidence of it, and what we know points to the Norse having died out in Greenland quite awhile before the Inuit arrived.
The real great movie would be to show the end of the Greenlandic vikings. It was basically an extinction/apocalypse. Suddenly the climate was shit, contact with Europe had been cut off for hundreds pf years after the plague. For all the Greenlandic Norse could know, Europe was all dead and they were last people alive, and even they were slowly succumbing to extinction.
It would be absolutely brutal.
Yeah but that was disgusting.
>freedom fightas nigga!
The Saint Bartholomew's day massacres.
>The massacre began in the night of 23–24 August 1572 (the eve of the feast of Bartholomew the Apostle), two days after the attempted assassination of Admiral Gaspard de Coligny, the military and political leader of the Huguenots. The king ordered the killing of a group of Huguenot leaders, including Coligny, and the slaughter spread throughout Paris. Lasting several weeks, the massacre expanded outward to other urban centres and the countryside. Modern estimates for the number of dead across France vary widely, from 5,000 to 30,000.
>The massacre also marked a turning point in the French Wars of Religion. The Huguenot political movement was crippled by the loss of so many of its prominent leaders.
It would be amazing if a talented director contextualized the wars of religion in France, without giving away what was to come, and then in the second, the ploy starts, shocking all audiences as the streets of Paris start bathing in blood.
Normies were all over the Red Wedding, so give them this.
La Reine Margot
Peloponnesian Wars
>butthurt Araboo detected
Siege of Szigetvar 1566 desu. It literally reads like an epic movie (the LOTR kind, not Reddit epic).
Munster Rebellion.
>yes, I did find out about it from Prophets of Doom
That TV show with Michelle Jenner is the closet we've had
>Battle of Carrhae?
I have to admit, it would be deeply satisfying to watch one of the richest men in history die by having molten gold poured down his throat.
The life of Aurelian
The life of Basil
The life of Catherine the Great
The life of Aelia Eudoxia
The life of Galla Placidia
The life of Claudius
The life if Irene
The life of Leo III
The life of Simon de Montfort, 5th Earl of Leicester
To name a few
>A movie about an 800 year war
Niggah be at least a little realistsic
>It would be absolutely brutal.
I'd fucking watch some pessimistic shit like that.
didnt the people of Zanzibar later revolt and drive out/kill almost all of the arab elite? I thought i saw a life leakvid about it where they run into the waters.
If only we lived in a decent world
Why is all about wars or battles? Could you mention a historical event about great or peace moments that hasn't been made into a film bus deserves it?