Who is your favorite barbarians Veeky Forums?
Who is your favorite barbarians Veeky Forums?
Germanics because muh heritage.
Just one?
Underrated IMO.
Mongols of course
steppe peoples=celts>germanics>slavic tribes
What about Finno-Ugric tribes?
>What about Finno-Ugric tribes?
Island Southeast Asians
like the russian equivalent of the magyars
xiongu >
huns > magyars
mongols > tartars
Sheeps were the original barbarians
Smokers of cannabis, neighbours of werewolves. Couldn't get BTFO'd because no houses. Bretty gud.
>steppe peoples
I dont know if they can be considered barbarians per se but the zaporozhian cossacks were pretty awesome
Ancient Magyars.
What's with the norse looking guys next to them?
>liking the external destroyers of Europe and scourge of all good and honest Europeans.
The 紅毛番 of course.
For some reason I read that as "who is your favorite lesbian" and was about to answer Queen Chrsitina of Sweden...
Exciting stuff.
not really barbarians desu
Khitans,but all steppe people are absolutely lovable imo
>not Mary Read and Anne
Queen Christina is the worst and a strong argument for the opinion that women shouldn't be given a position of power, since she abandoned all her responsibilites and single handedly destroyed the house of Vasa like the clueless woman she was. She's a blight on the royal line of Sweden and doesn't make the list of my favorite lesbians.
What book is this from?
How was he a barbarian lmao
Sarmatians are better Scythian desu.
>Posting glorious Turanic masterrace
You have good taste, my friend.
That's the most stupid answer ever.
Every fucking tribe was called "Germanic" by Romans.
What in the bloody fuck is going on in that picture?
Except the tribes they called Celts and Scythians, etc
Tibetan sky burial. Once you die, they cut you up nicely for the awaiting vultures,who then strip you lean in a matter of a dozen seconds.
There were plenty of blonde people in the steppes. The Alans come to mind.
The ones who destroyed roman empire
Its an hate love relationship
Alans were iranic and I can't say I've ever heard any particular mention of their blondness and if modern Ossetes are anything to by as being directly descended from the caucasian Alans I wouldn't think it was a particularly prominent trait of theirs
Cumans on the other hand spoke turkic, were steppe horseniggers and were widely described by everybody as being blonde haired
not much have changed
D-Did female barbarians take men as concubines and rape them?
I'm of course asking for research purposes.
proto-Aryans of Andronovo, writers of rigveda, DUDE SOMA
Late Iron Age and Early Christian Ireland
Even a millennium later, there was a Scythian tribe known as the "Haoma (Soma) drinking Sakas"
>Revolutionised military tactics later used and immortalised by Huns, Turks and Mongols, which are actually named after them
>So good at war even the experienced, disciplined Roman legions couldn't touch them
Pretty cool people.
Do they count as "barbarian" tho?
American did nothing wrong
Easily the Seljuks, followed by the Kipchaks.
the Romans
Fuck you.
Fuck. That was supposed to be "Aleric did nothing wrong."
Gauls were pretty based especially their habit to collect the heads of their enemies and to use them as collars.
None, I prefer to be a man of civilization. But I ever were to become a barbarian, I'd want to live in the mountains. So perhaps the Helvetii.
Britons because they knew they had to die
someone is about to get shanked in the armpit
is it correct that they spell the guys name in a different way each time they mention him by name?
The Irish desu
because I am one, and we're still pretty barbaric lol
Well if you want to be civil AND be a stateless barb, why not try Zomia?
>and were still pretty barbaric lol
Finish your junior cert before you post cringey shite and embarrass us all
They started as barbarians. Yuan dynasty was mongols too.
lol epic Irish bro XDXD
>single handedly destroyed the house of Vasa
what are you talking about?
what movie is this?
>Every fucking tribe was called "Germanic" by Romans.
but that's wrong
No I mean those Vendel era helmets and the raven heraldry on their shields. They are trying to portray Norse people.
He meant Roxolans more likely, since the name refers to "light" or "radiance". But most of Sarmatians were referred to as often having light skin and light-hair. The Alans must have been the least likely though, since they were the last to arrive from the east and had the most Asiatic admixture.