Could she have saved Europe?
Could she have saved Europe?
>saving civilization
are you stupid?
do you know why we are where we are?
Not that with that nose.
>a communist Jew saving anyone
Is this a joke
>not ruining everything
Fuck off back to leftypol, commietard faggot.
literally /pol/ with dates
>if you ar enot with me you are with /pol/
the world is not as simple
>lel jews
>lel women
>I'm not /pol/ I swear
Go home, white trash.
If by saved you mean sparking a pro-Soviet communist revolution across Germany and then Western Europe at large?
Only if she and her Leninist cronies started kissing crazy amounts of WWI veteran ass.
In Germany they were the ones who came out in the streets and put down her shit.
She should have kissed their asses and asked for their help.
>implying you are not tumblr
I think you are further away from home than us
Probably. If not for the fucking Freikorps, communism would be a western and industrial philosophy as intended
Liberals are just /pol/ without open bigotry
You guys tend to side with /pol/ more often than aiding with us, just look at fucking Rosa
Rosa want anti-Soviet due to her staunch libertarianism and democratic beliefs
I guess you could make the argument that if the Soviets had pushed through Poland, they could have helped Luxemburg and Liebknecht and imposed their will, but I find this unlikely.
Hating communists is mainstream in our society. I have no idea where some of you delusional fuckers live that being a commie is considered normal there.
Think it's because Veeky Forums has more commies than liberals famalam
seems like nobody likes lefties then. ask yourselves why
I wish Leftypol and /pol/ would fuck off.
>Hating communists is mainstream in our society.
The 4 comments were about women/Jews. Obvious /pol/ is obvious. Back to your shithole.
I don't know how things would've ended up with a communist Germany. I don't think the Brits and Americans would've set by and watched.
It's convenient to believe "le world revolution", but the Red Army wasn't in any good shape to fight in western Europe.
Evil people like Rosa Luxemshit are rightfully mocked, you go back.
Aye you can be a democratic socialist but that isn't necessarily a good thing.
>white trash.
oh look, a fucking nigger
back to your shithole I said!
But those two things could combine.
no, she was well meaning but misguided
Death was too good for her.
>Saving anything
She wasn't evil in the slightest
>a communist
>saving anything
terrible bait OP.
>no Y chromosome
She was evil alright