What's the American Bible Belt really like, Veeky Forums?
What's the American Bible Belt really like, Veeky Forums?
Was it or is it now? I'd say it was from the 70's-2009 or so, but it's changing.
It's a place where using fear to indoctrinate new members isn't bad.
I've seen plenty of church displays that say something threatening like "there are no athiest in hell"
>Was it or is it now?
>it's changing.
How so?
I don't know. I only live in the rust belt.
Grew up & still live right smack dab in the middle of the bible belt & grew up having to go to a southern baptist church.
Fear is a hugely used tactic by everyone in general for getting people to go to church or be baptized. If you meet a christian, they will most likely straight up ask you if you are also one or not. If no, then they will immediately begin their testimonial to you. Then at the end they never fail to ask you "if you died today, would you go to heaven or hell?" or ask if you think you're a good person. Their selling point is that you will go to hell, and you should be afraid. You should also feel guilty. If you are not a christian, you are naturally an amoral person.
Once you are in the church and baptized, the fear tactics don't stop. I remember every single sermon either being entirely about, or wrapping up with, how you will go to hell if you don't believe in Jesus, or if you sin & don't ask for forgiveness.
They're nice to you, don't get me wrong, but you can be sure as shit they're talking shit about you & gossiping about you when you're not around.
Wouldn't it read "there are no atheists in heaven" ? If there are no atheists on hell, they either went to paradise, or simple stopped existing, both far superior choices compared to hell.
No, you're not thinking like a bible belter.
When an atheist goes to hell they'll finally see the word of God as true & that Jesus died on the cross as our Lord and Savior, but it will all be too late. They will forever be separated from the Lord & suffering for their sins.
I think what they're trying to say is that everyone in Hell realizes that God is real and they wish they had realized (or admitted) it. I say "admitted" because a lot of conservative churches seem to have this subconscious (sometimes even conscious) belief that atheists know God is real but choose not to believe in him
That's the spirit! I grew up in a super traditional church so it just seems natural to interpret it that way, but I guess someone with a more secular upbringing might not have the same thought process