Why did western martial arts die out?
Why did western martial arts die out?
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Idk why did chariots in war die out
they didn't?
Guns, I'd assume. But you gun guys still gotta watch out.
Okay, better question is why did martial arts stick around and have such reverence in the east?
Because katanas can reflect bullets back at their shooters and slice main battle tanks in twain.
Or because there's more of a cultural connection to it.
Is fencing considered a western martial art?
Self Control and marital traditions I guess.
They're making a comeback with HEMA
Ritualized warfare
Because martial arts in the East had a spiritual, cultural and psychological aesthetic about them, beyond simple warfare. Not to mention they continued to engage in melee warfare until the introduction of Western technology until the 19th century. Western martial arts were largely practical; once firearms and bayonets superceded melee weapons for footsoldiers on the battlefield, they became superfluous.
That isnt to say they became completely irrelevant, but though. Just replaced with more practical forms for the Modern Battlefield
There were changes in aristocracy and warfare and the way they related that caused changes in the Western military ideal. Still, people obviously trained with swords and fought with them until the early 20th century, and duels were pretty common too. Then the world wars taught the new martial ideal to everyone and that was pretty much that.
Also, because the term has traditionally existed to identify traditional eastern martial teachings, and the wider use is recent?
This isn't true. Even when armies became completely dominated by muskets there was still an incredible deep fencing and equestrian culture.
Battlefield evolved too quickly. Weapons and tactics became obsolete within a couple of generations.
Afaik it's not like all of the traditional martial arts practiced in Japan are the "actual" historical martial arts of yore anyway
Kendo at least is a reconstruction for example
I want you to picture this man as a warrior sage from a distant land, wearing a strange costume, who was recognized for a time as the highest such sage in that land, and in that time disseminated a doctrine which teaches that true and stable peace can be forcefully imposed through subtle positioning of destructive capacities alone. Paradoxically, the doctrine holds that peace is achieved by preparing for war, and war is achieved by preparing for peace.
And because sages were afforded a high status in the martial culture of his land, this doctrine was adopted far and wide. The subtle principles it invokes are common cultural knowledge, even if many people only partially understand them.
Because Japan had little contact with the west until the modern period.
Also, it should be considered that Japan lost a lot of its original martial arts too. Few of their schools can be traced back directly to the middle ages and even when it comes to those it's questionable to which extent they still resemble what has been practised back then.
What, cunt?
>israelis dont use Krav maga
>krav wasnt built off Imi Lichtenfields experience with boxing and wrestling
>boxing and wrestling arent still Olympic sports today
Nigga what
Boxing never died out in the west, and neither did folk wrestling in its many forms.
lol. this guy just revealed OP to be a total fag.