>Tfw still no Hanging Gardens of Babylon
When will someone rebuild them?
>Tfw still no Hanging Gardens of Babylon
When will someone rebuild them?
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It isnt even sure if they ever existed
You have to unlock 'Tradition' in the culture bonuses and at least have the technology 'Mathematics'.
But I unistalled Civilization III in 9th grade to focus on my studies.
inb4 fucking LARPrs xtianity invented everything yahweh akbar XD
Too late. You have been visited by the Wandering Christian LARPer. Blessings and Whoppers will come to you if you reply to this post with "God bless the USA"
God Bless The USA
God Bless The USA
I'm sure Pope Francis will get to it soon enough
It disgusts me how Christians call one of the greatest ancient cities a place of evil.
Goes with believing asshurt jewish writings I suppose.
It was probably just a few hanging flower pots
There's a lotta stories that Saddam was trying to rebuild Babylon...
Granted, they are mostly /x/ tier, claiming that's the reason we invaded, but apparently there was some truth to it (the building part, not the reason that we invaded part - though that almost woulda been better.)
Given that they were considered a wonder of the world, and people all over the ancient world wrote of their grandeur...
...Musta been some really fucking big flower pots.
How are they /x/ tier? He was completely open about it and he literally reconstructed the Zikkurat of Ur for example.
>believing sandnigger fairytales
Dumb snow nigger subhuman fuck off.
They were written about from Greeks.
Snownigs are just jealous than browns were building civilization when snownigs were just living in slimy mud huts
Is Dubai the New Babylon?
You know how people sperg about the pyramids and babylonian astronomy? People thought he was doing some occult shit like calling Nibiru or retroengineering ancient spacecraft and other nonsense.
Why did the US have to oust him. It would have been great. So what if he gassed some cheese. The Swiss do it all the time!
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ,
“The Hour will not be established-till the people of the desert (the camel shepherds) compete with one another in constructing high buildings.”
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on the minor signs of the last day.
On being asked on the signs of the last day, the Prophet (peace be upon him) mentions: “you shall see the barefoot, naked, penniless shepherds competing in constructing high buildings.” This hadith describes people who become rich all of a sudden and then build not for need but only in competition.
WTF I think I'm Muslim now
When Iraq stops being a shithole.
>Cradle of Civilization, Knowledge, and Thought.
>Tourist spot for pedophiles, criminals, celebrities and big business men.
Dubai was built from the slave labor of foreigners. Don't fool yourself in think Arabs are capable of anything:
>wahh wahh some third world poor people are poor, do not visit one of the greatest and richest cities on Earth, a true wonder that will go down in history
Jesus I can't stand people like that.
God Bless The USA
>one of the greatest and richest cities on Earth
I'm 100% sure you have never been to Dubai. Name ONE (1) thing about Dubai that is great. And the buildings being tall does not in fact count. If anything that's the opposite of great when you in fact have all the space in the world to expand horizontally.
>And the buildings being tall does not in fact count
Why the fuck not? You simply cannot argue that Dubai is one of the greatest cities in the world. It's New York without the poor neighborhoods and niggers. It's Shanghai without the dirty skyscraper commieblocks. Pictures of it literally show a fucking heaven on Earth. An oasis of unimaginable luxury and grandeur amidst the desert sands. And night pictures of it are fucking breathtaking.
Guess what, slaves built the great Wall of China too, and nobody gives a shit. Slaves probably built large parts of Rome too.
>If anything that's the opposite of great when you in fact have all the space in the world to expand horizontally
>arbitrary ad hoc bullshit nonsensical standards to demote something from being called great
Oh I bet you absolutely despite all the cathedrals in the world because they expanded vertically despite it being unusable space and if they went more horizontal instead they would've been more practical.
And lets not forget it's the fucking desert. Who the fuck wants to expand beyond what's necessary into the fucking desert? If you lived there I'd bet all my money on you wanting to live in a cozy skyscraper in the center of Dubai and not on the outskirts in a desert fucking suburbia.
>I'm 100% sure you have never been to Dubai
Pretty sure noone ITT has been there.
God bless the USA
>turn 12
>not rushing the great lighthouse
They have the world's best air conditioning.
>without the poor neighborhoods and niggers.
Ignoring the sand niggers they import niggers in mass to keep the city running.
>Oh I bet you absolutely despite all the cathedrals in the world because they expanded vertically despite it being unusable space
Yes. I don't like aesthetics being more important than function or efficiency.
>And lets not forget it's the fucking desert.
Lets not forget that it's the coast.....
>Who the fuck wants to expand beyond what's necessary into the fucking desert?
Oh no... Now I live two minutes from the coast instead of one.
>they import niggers in mass to keep the city running.
Yes because it's the slave labor that keeps the city running. Uh huh.
>Yes. I don't like aesthetics being more important than function or efficiency.
No. You're just autistic.
The function of church is to bring in people and make them feel small in the face of the divinity that is God or Allah.
The function of skyscrapers is to attract investment and people and make them feel small in the face of all the grandeur.
You're an immense autist who lacks grasp of the most basic of things.
>inb4 the autist delves into a prolonged tangent on how only what meets his autistically specific standards of arbitrarily defined "efficiency" is allowed to exist, ignoring all related aspects of human nature that the autist cannot comprehend or take into account
>Lets not forget that it's the coast.....
Which is exactly why the city stretches along the coast. Your point...?
>Your point...?
Living on a hot beach is not the same as living IN the desert.
And 2000 feet from the coast is still the coast, unless you think the coast is only the waterline.
>The function of skyscrapers is to attract investment and people and make them feel small in the face of all the grandeur.
And here I thought they were to maximize square footage...
>And 2000 feet from the coast is still the coast, unless you think the coast is only the waterline
And they also have buildings 2000 feet from the coast. But obviously the most sought after real estate is closer.
Again, what is your point?
>And here I thought they were to maximize square footage...
Yes, and here you were, thinking that. Funny, huh? Because that has not been the motivating factor behind building highrises in most American cities.
It's almost as if this type of building has garnered a sought after image. Strange, because this has never before happened in architecture, right? Oh wait..
You can just say Allahu akbar, Allah is what Christians there say as well.
okay like 7 pots, maybe
It will all crumble into dust when the oil runs out
Arabs have shit taste. Arabs are shit people. Dubai is neither impressive or aesthetic and the people who live there are horrible, classless, ugly monkeys. Dubai is nigger rich: the city.
Dubai was literally built from the slave labor of foreigners. The Arabs had no involvement with any of the architecture:
Keep scrolling down.
God Bless the USA
Nobody disputes that. Move on you autist.
>Don't fool yourself in think Arabs are capable of anything:
Except stuff like governance, martial matters, mathematics, philosophy, literature, commerce, etc.
>Arabs have shit taste.
most of those breakthroughs were made by persians or based on the work of persians tbhf
I prefer those central asian mosques
The most important one ever, Ibn Haytham, is Arab.
Also this pol meme is fucking retarded. First of all it's simple untrue, and if you objectively measure the proportion of Persian to Arab scholars it will be near 50/50. And second of all, remember that the mongols killed near eighty percent of Greater Iran's population, and that before that the demographics were heavily skewed to the Persian side anyway.
Also the links he posted are to ARAB scientists retard. Not Muslim.
It's time to shut the fuck up, Pajeet. We get it that your 7 cousins got duped into slave labor with promises of instant wealth. We don't give a shit anyway. You can calm down now.
i think based saddam partially rebuilt them, didnt he?
I bet it was just some terraces with pot plants.
He started to rebuild Etemenanki, but didn't get very far.
Dubai isn't Saudi Arabia, most of the money there isn't Oil Money.