Can someone explain me why the Arab nation identifies itself with the middle moon? Any historical fonts will be welcome.
Can someone explain me why the Arab nation identifies itself with the middle moon? Any historical fonts will be welcome
It was first a Byzantine symbol, then when the Turks took over they started using it, then in the 20th century it became a symbol for Islam in general
>the Arab nation
>It was first a Byzantine symbol
user, that symbol predates the Byzantines by millennia
Arabs used moon symbolism long before the Conquest of Constantinople.
It has a double meaning. The crescent moon is also a reference to the horned moon goddess Isis
here we go again..
ask me how i know you didn't do a single research
how do you know i didn't do a single research?
1.the fact that you don't know early muslims (aka muhammad and his people) didn't have any symbols on their flags, just white,green, or black colors for identifications
2.the fact that muhammad told all pagans (including egyptian and hubal worshippers) to fuck off, Therefore the crescent cannot be a pagan symbol. (hubal worshippers and muhammad's people actually had a war)
>The crescent moon originally was a pagan symbol therefore it cannot be a pagan symbol
It was popularised by the Ottoman Empire, but it had been used since the Crusades at the earliest. This may be a Wikipedia link, but it's accurate:
Like i said earlier, muhammad --despised having symbols-- and therefore had coloured flags just for identifications
the reason crescent moon exists is because of the ottoman empire who conquered almost all muslim land,
It's pretty much cultural, and doesn't have anything with the religion itself
forgot pic
Why Muhammad hate symbols?
They still worship Hubal.
Hubal = HaBaal = the Baal of the Moabites, Mohammad's father's god = allah
They were deemed paganic or as idolatry.
The statue of the pagan god they worship, Hubal, literally has a crescent moon in his lap.
That's not true though, why do crescent symbols appear frequently predating the ottoman empire in Muslim culture?
You're full of shit you fucking fag
And? like i said, muhammad despised having symbols. and the use of crescent moon was only used during the ottoman empire
>why do crescent symbols appear frequently predating the ottoman empire in Muslim culture?
nope, the only flags muhammad's people had was the shada (the phrase), and just solid colours. no symbols
It is a little strange; it's hard to say it's because they kept a lunar calendar, because the Hebrews also kept a lunar calendar.
I guess if your enemies worship the sun, you worship the moon.
You realize today most islamic countries have a moon on their flag, yes? As a sign they worship the moon god of the Canaanites, Hubal?
>Hubal = HaBaal = the Baal of the Moabites, Mohammad's father's god = allah
confirmed for never knowing any middle eastern history
allah, hubal, and baal are seperate things
Baal was the god of the phoenicians
Hubal was the god of arab pagans
Allah literally stands for "god" in arabic,
And those three names you listed don't even remotely look similar, why do you even tie them to each other?
Yet the Seljuk Turks were using it before the ottoman empire was even a fucking thing
Just because they were running around with plain scraps of cloth in 600ad don't mean they stuck to plain scraps of cloth until the modern era
yes you nigger, arab countries have crescents on their flags, because it was cultural, because they were all conquered by turkey at some points, so they keep it as history/heritage thing
Holy shit
You mean this entire time we've been unwitting pagans?
t. Arab Christian
It's one and the same pagan god, the god of Mohammad's father, the main god of the kaaba, and the main god of the Qureshi.
A = B Allah is Baal
B = C Baal is Chemosh
A = C Allah is Chemosh
And Hubal is the Baal of the Moabites, not the Phoenicians.
So moon god worshipers put moons on their flags as a sign they worship the moon god.
Glad we could agree on that very basic fact.
No Christian prays to allah.
Except y'know, Arabs
Why are you worshiping God/Dios/Whoeverthe fuck?
Muslims pray to allah, but it's unclear if demons can even hear prayers, unless they're in the vicinity.
>Why are you worshiping God/Dios/Whoeverthe fuck?
Purely selfish reasons, I assure you.
No fucking shit, I wonder why.
Cause the crescent moon is one of the earliest recorded symbols man developed, being that the moon has been with us from the beginning and all
>tfw Jesus spoke Aramaic
>tfw god in Aramaic is Allah
Good to know that Jesus was a pagan you fucking retarded Burger
No Christian, and no God, prays to allah.
>Yet the Seljuk Turks were using it before the ottoman empire was even a fucking thing
Yes, because they were Turks, using Turk symbols such as the crescent. Muhammad and his Arabs didn't use it. Even nowadays most Arab countries don't use it. Look at flags such as Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, U.A.E. or even the ISIS flag for example. They are colored banners incorporating the Arab colors of red, white, black, and green, often including Islamic religious text, but have no crescents to be found. Turk flags, on the other hand, often have stars and crescents. Look at the flags of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, etc. for examples. Even the flag of Mongolia incorporates a crescent into its emblem.
tengri biz menen :-DDD
>No Christian prays to Dios
That's how stupid you sound.