Do SJWs attract leftists or does leftism attract SJWs?
Do SJWs attract leftists or does leftism attract SJWs?
SJW's don't attract anything, so the reverse.
Also SJW liberals =/= socialists
leftism and SJWism are both symptoms of the same disease
The terms and alternative definitions used by SJWs come from liberal control of academia, especially sociology, so while self-perpetuating, the left came first.
If you mention that whites were also poor and/or oppressed or that class privilege was important, not just race and gender, SJWs will say you're a seksitsraycistwhitesupremist, even if you are a leftist.
They think everything is race and gender. Class is either at the bottom of the list, or simply ignored. This is because many of them are spoiled rich kids themselves.
Aryan race shitposting intensifies
Can you post some more pics of fat bolshevist LARPers, friend? The shitlibs often post a lot of fat people wearing stahlhelms during debates so i want to be able to counter this in the same manner
Well speak of the devil...
This shitlib illustrates what i mean quite nicely
Fuck off
This isn't your autistic epic battleground between different flavours of /pol/
I'll never understand marxists who defend human rights.
It's not my fault you are a degenerate redneck. Stop blame others for your shortcomings.
Ace quads of truth.
/pol/tards btfo'd
/leftypol/ wins another battle against our enemies
keep on fighting the good fight comrades
How is this a Veeky Forums thread? What are the jannies doing?
/pol/ is being raided. Guess janitors allow them a safe space in Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums has cancer and the cancer is altright fedoras.
If you want to feel better about yourself so much, go to any YLYL, cringe thread on /b/ or /pol/. You will find tons of fun memes.
Jannies never do shit, it's like we permanently have 1/4 of our fucking threads be blatant /pol/ shitposting at all times. What does a /pol/ raid even consist of? It's a fucking board where a bunch of closet faggots ramble on and on about black dick, what could possibly be bad enough to push them out?
Except that those very same black dick threads are the /pol/ equivalent of Veeky Forums' /pol/ threads. atleast 9/10 threads on /pol/ should be removed and the OPs banned, but janitors, as always are busy eating their hotpockets.
Why do leftypol always talk about black dick?
Is it a White guilt thing?
>It's not my fault you are a degenerate redneck. Stop blame others for your shortcomings.
They had some Hillary posts in recent months and all the altright edgelords jumped on the autism bandwagon and shitpost their own board. So I stand corrected, they shitpost on /pol/ themselves for attention and (you)s which triggers some /pol/aks that come in here.
>Your an edgelord if you're not a white guilt faggot
wew, leftypol strikes again
What about it? Everybody who wants to fight in the class struggle is welcome. That means even you degenerate redneck. We don't get triggered by people's looks and sexuality.
>We don't get triggered by people's looks and sexuality
stop posting for fucks sake
go outside
This thread is completely irrelevant to this board
Attention seeking altrighters are edgelords.
Ah, so it's just their shitposters who leak out, makes sense.
Not even leftypol, but the reason is because every /pol/ poster outside of /pol/ has to bring black dick and cuckolding into every fucking topic.
Really reminds me of old /b/, just a bunch of bored attention whores.
Wow, a random post somewhere on the internet.
>being alt right and not hating yourself for being white is bad
>but being leftypol and organizing raids is OK
>hating yourself for being white
Keep telling yourself that, faggot.
>Ah, so it's just their shitposters who leak out, makes sense.
Yes, it's the same people who shit up /pol/ that shit up other boards with their bullshit as well.
>Not even leftypol, but the reason is because every /pol/ poster outside of /pol/ has to bring black dick and cuckolding into every fucking topic.
That's only the vocal and loud retards.
>black dick and cuckolding into every fucking topic.
Its SJWs like you who bring it up, It's not our fault that you people hate your own race
It's from revleft you know, the place you came from before discovering leftypol
>Keep telling yourself that, faggot.
Then why was the first leftypol response against ITT white pride?
Raids are just internet banter. Nobody owns banter.
>We don't get triggered by people's looks and sexuality.
>Nobody owns banter.
Don't try to tell me that Veeky Forums posters have never called for the extermination of blacks, arabs, asians etc.
>Implying /pol/ doesn't do the exact same thing.
>Then why was the first leftypol response against ITT white pride?
Why was OP's first thought to post a fat guy? I doubt the guy in the pic claims he is inherently superior because of muh genes. The KKK on the other hand do, but reality shows otherwise hence the other pic.
I have proof of lefttypol organising raids on Veeky Forums, you don't have proof of /pol/ raiding any boards
>Veeky Forums posters
So leftypol wants a shift in Veeky Forums culture?
>people shouldn't be proud to be white
>but black people should
Leftypol "logic"
>/leftypol/ wins another battle against our enemies
>keep on fighting the good fight comrades
Kek, what a faggot
>What are Tumblr raids
You have screenshots of random posts and Veeky Forums and this thread right now are proof of /pol/raids.
Since when wanting to influence opinion is a bad thing? Guess it's bad only when lefties do it.
Veeky Forums isn't a safe space. Deal with it.