Is religion the only reason for the separation of India and Pakistan in 1947?
Is religion the only reason for the separation of India and Pakistan in 1947?
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Probably, and it didn't even work because they started a war anyway.
Pretty much. Indian civilization was born in todays Pakistan or Alexander the Greats campaign in India and fight against indian warlords were completely in present day Pakistan.
There are of course large historical and cultural differences between the regions, but that is true also for India today or even todays Pakistan (with say Sindh or Baluchistan or Pashtunistan even having their own language and very little in common besides being muslim).
Besides religion, India and Pakistan and Bangladesh are all the same and what was considered as 'india' throughout most of history.
Slimy Anglos wanted a puppet to continue the great game.
Honestly I believe that's one of the reasons. Look at formation of Israel , it's another example of how anglos wanted to destabilize a region. They did this shit all over the world.
>Muslims want 2 exclusively Muslim states carved out of India
>Muslims still demand they should be allowed to live in India, despite Hindus not be allowed to live in Pakistan
Punjabi Muslims were largely loyal to British elite because they are a martial race, as are the past hums though they are much more autonomous. Anybody who says all of india, including Bangladesh and Pakistan are the same minus religion are retards.
>south Indian dravidian:
Northwestern Aryan:
>perfect skin shade, can't get sun burnt but not negros
>staple of diet is meat and grain
>began civilization in mohenjo daaro and Harrapa before Mesopotamia and comparable to ancient Egypt on a time line
>warrior culture that stopped Alexander's Conquest to defend the far east against western imperialism
The only reason Jinnah invoked religion was to gather more support to actually create separate states bc muh lack of education. He was himself an agnostic whiskey drinker who attempted to model a state after the US and UK.
Of course they wanted to separate themselves from poo in the loo Indians who worship monkeys, elephants, cows and blue niggers. They just the scared Bengalis with them as a eastern line of defense.
didn't dravidian muslims also move to pakistan?
But Pajeet
Why are northern india and pakistan a hotbed of illiteracy, violence, primitve culture, poor infrastructure, and public defecation on top of being rated among the world's ugliest people?
Y'know, in contrast to southern india which is the most developed area of the region?
high population levels and far more vicious political parties mostly. Southern India had a thriving political scene that was often different from northern India, with several political parties campaigning for social issues and that retained their identities post independence, often solidified by the anti hindi agitation in the south.
Due to this healthy political climate south india was managed far better politically and right now they are gaining the benefits of being well managed for at least a generation or two.
>ugly north indians
have you seen how your average south indian looks? South India has many things to be proud of, looking like human caricatures isn't one of them. Everyone's favorite sikhs come from north west india and border pakistan.
found the paki nigger.
your people have always been trash, will always remain trash. The martial race meme started when the british began recruiting a lot of sikhs post company raj collapse, and later punjabi muslims because Sikhs were at the forefront of indian independence. The martial race of northern India lost 3 continuous wars against rice eating vegetarian baniyas and brahmins even when they had access to a shit ton of american made top of the line hardware.
Now make like your ancestors and chimp out.
There are good looking south Indians though.
yes, but by far and large they look ugly. I have lived in south india for much of my life, and parts of north india as well.
You can't help how you look. you can help how your society looks, and in that way south india comes out so much better than Northern india and pakistan that its not even funny anymore.
Mesopotamia is where the first civilization began not India
he is a deluded paki, don't bother.
Although by all accounts civilization in india began independently.
>south india comes out so much better than Northern india
Other way around mate.
sure thing.
Would you live in drug addled punjab with it's huge per capita income, or will you live in kerala with lower income but far better social indices on all fronts and generally clean environment?
There is a reason why North India is called the BIMARU belt.
Its ALWAYS the eternal Anglo.
Even when you don't think its the Anglo's you need to check, double-check and triple-check.
Look at how many wars in Africa, the middle east and Asia were started because of the Anglo obsession of using the MS Paint's Line tool.
How do Pakistanis feel about this movie?
Dude, north india is a hellhole
True, just compare Kerala to Bihar.