If Hitler had won, would every girl look like this?
If Hitler had won, would every girl look like this?
I want someone like Hitler but directed against females instead of Jews.
Why would every girl bleach her hair if Hitler won?
>Vagina tattoo
huh, really made me think
dat arm hair
> implying you wouldn't do these aryan beauties
I would do them, but I have pretty low standards
eagle eyes user.
Those Aryan hotties got ravaged by waves of Soviets
The girls look pretty Slavic themselves.
no they would look like this
More like pic related. german nazi camp guards
>German women of yesteryear are more masculine than German men of today
Plastics really did a number on their testosterone levels huh
No you fucking retard
You're stupid. Germany, due to its position in the center of Europe, has always been such an ethnic clusterfuck of Meds, Slavs, Scandis and basically every ethnicity in Europe, that all the efforts (see Lebensborn) to breed people selectively in order to achieve a nation full of blonde Aryans wouldn't have sufficed.
Lots of Germans are kinda swarthy-looking, especially the further South you go (no, it's not because of refugees, it's always been this way). Just look at how many Nazis had Germanized slav names (Globotschnigg) or dark hair.
If you want to see an abundance of blond people, go to southern or central Scandinavia
I think this board is more your style.
Slavs and Germanics are basically the same thing.
nowadays for sure
No, more like disgusting inbreeds.
The average Russian is more"Aryan" than the average German and no, posting pictures of members of a dying, post-Soviet subculture won't refute my argument.
The divisions that were responsible for the mass-rapes were predominately of Asiatic and Caucasian origin, the Soviet generals and high leaderships wanted to inflict a final insult to the "Aryan race" by unleashing the lowliest of the low Soviet society on the German women.It was a well-planned operation,albeit brutal to a fault.
> Just look at how many Nazis had Germanized Slav names (Globotschnigg) or dark hair
I don't understand this tendency to associate dark hair with Slavs when we statistically have more fair-haired people amidst our ranks.
>You're stupid. Germany, due to its position in the center of Europe, has always been such an ethnic clusterfuck of Meds, Slavs, Scandis and basically every ethnicity in Europe,
Massive overstatement and basically complete bullshit. They are on the whole ethnically/phenotypically homogenous.
The idea that north germans are blond and south germans are dark is overstated and an oversimplifcation.
>Lots of Germans are kinda swarthy-looking, especially the further South you go (no, it's not because of refugees, it's always been this way). Just look at how many Nazis had Germanized slav names (Globotschnigg) or dark hair.
Dark haired people are a majority in every country on earth as far as I'm aware. And its dark haired germans who tend to have paler skin and fairer haired germans who have a more tanned golden/bronze complexion.
Slavs have nothing to do with dark haired germans so I don't know why you're seemingly making that connection. Slavs have more blondism then germanic countries and they are paler skinned then germanic people, not swarthy.
>If you want to see an abundance of blond people, go to southern or central Scandinavia
There's an abundance of blonds everywhere in germany especially the north
Kind of, honestly. When I travelled Germany, Poland and Czech republic I expected the people to look significantly different from each other but they looked pretty much the fucking same.
>dark haired op people are a majority in every country on earth
What are the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Finland et cetera?
Yes OP, every female human on the planet would instantaneously transform into a blond-haired blue-eyed bombshell. Even in Africa and Asia.
Veeky Forums really is a quality board, isn't it?
It's almost like two groups who live next to each other for a real long time are genetically pretty similar.
Have you heard of the Prophet Mohammed friend?
Looks like a dwarf.
If Hitler had won a great number of us wouldnt be here.
That thought is the only thing hindering me from feeling bad about his demise.
she almost looks albino desu
>Man jaw with really thin lips
Thank god no
Speak for yourself.
Veeky Forums is Aryan A E S T H E T I C S: the board
That's because ethnicity isnt determined by arbitrary borders that were drawn up 70 years ago. Western poles living in what used to be Prussia, and Czechs living in what used to be Bohemia, were two areas that were heavily assimilated to German culture and experienced a ton of German settlement over centuries of political union. Its common sense that they would look the same or very similar
Do they at least have plenty of vodka at the KGB IDF?
I sincerely apologize for not historically illiterate.
Western Poles were mainly Polish before Prussia assimilated those territories in the 18th century and Bohemia was never heavily "German" in terms of culture, at least not until The Battle of White Mountain.
> A ton of German settlement over centuries of political union
A ton?Highly unlikely but some?Certainly.
> Its common sense that they would look the same or very similar
The presence of Germanic genes in the Western Slavic nations is redundant at best, with the exception of the Czechs, but even they possess a less than satisfactory admixture.
If the Umayyad Caliphate had one every girl would have looked like this.
Europe could have been a land of qt brown girls but Christcucks had to ruin it.