Why are they taking down Lenin statues? Does Russia not like history?
Just because someone did some stuff that you don't like, doesn't mean you get rid of anything commemorating their existence.
>getting rid of monuments of a "person" who wanted to censor and destroy history
Those aren't from Russia though.
No idea what country, reverse google didn't give me anything,
They are ridding themselves from memories from when they were ruled by Russians and I can understand that as the more I read about Russians the more I get the impression they are only happy when their neighbors are oppressed and kept down.
Should have let the Nazi's have it, then there really would have been a Holodomor.
No real sources of Generalplan ost ever being planned to be set into effect you know.
>you will never be as assblasted as this SJW
>getting rid of statues celebrating a tyrannical mass murderer who was only a few notches below Stalin when it came to censorship and paranoa
Shoo, Veeky Forums is that way, take your roleplaying with it.
>destroying history
Lenin is beloved in Russia, these are butthurt Poles
Happens all the time.
>mass produced statues
Is your local gardening center a historical monument as well?
Same for Holodomor
not an argument
please, go back to leftypol if you can't handle the banter, SJW
There's proof of the Russians fucking up the food production system though.
You mean kulaks? agreed
Don't see it i'm afriad
>Le Kulak boogeyman maymay
Nazis and Tankies got so much more in common than anyone of them want to admit.
>leftpol is so devoid of creativity that they have steal /pol/ memes
holy shit hahahaha
>le proof maymay
yet to see it kiddo
>you're so devoid of intelligence you don't provide arguments or sources
holy shit hahahaha
you don't even need those when arguing with leftpol subhumans, hahahaa
this post really makes you think...
>complains about infographs
>posts inforgraphs
>muh 60 gorillion
>>complains about infographs
where did I?
>not reading
>he thinks normal people would bother reading "his" SJW propaganda
only this level of anti intellectualism can come from a nigger desu
do not reply to me again, I will not respond
>leftypol claims to be allied with black supremacists
>calls people niggers
>only this level of anti intellectualism can come from a nigger desu
>do not reply to me again, I will not respond
>the whole area in Nuremberg is made of granite
>some buildings, the tribunes, the tiles on the floor
>lots of parades and propaganda festivals during Nazi times
>American occupation after the war
>let's blow it up, that'll show those Germans, yee haw!
>scrap together all their explosives
>ask their experts if this is enough to level the area
>lolno what the fuck do you know what granite is?
>how much more?
>way more than all your salary is worth tenfold
>let's just blow up the swastika and film it, yeah that'll do... yee ha
The tour guide had a good time telling this story, probably because he has a job now because of this.
>says "he" will never reply to me again
>replys to all my posts
The Swastika is a symbol of oppression and genocide. Vladimir Lenin wanted to free the peoples of the world, including the Poles who now destroy his statues out of nationalist petulance.
I'm not being ironic.
>Vladimir Lenin wanted to free the peoples of the world
You see, unlike you ( a 16 year old american "communist") the Poles and the Ukrainians had to suffer through the bullshit that lenin put into motion
Jesus Christ, what kind of moron could have thought that was enough rope to prevent the statue from falling?
Ukraine had already been free since the beginning of 1918, so was Poland.
While tjag may be true Lenin was the symbol of a state that oppressed their rights just like the swastika started as a religious anf cultural symbol but became the symbol of the Nazis.
In practice the capitalist in me agrees, these are shitty countries with no money so they should have sold the statues for scrap.
Though lenin's version of your ideology was as much a symbol of oppression as nazism.
Nominal independence as a bourgeois republic isn't freedom. To your early 20th century Polish farmer, trading a Russian Tsar for a Polish Plutocrat meant nothing.
It's meaningless symbolism, like all the women voting for Hillary solely because she's a woman.
If you are going by that line of thinking I don't think switching to Lenin meant much either.
I really don't like Lenin much as an individual but I gotta play devil's advocate
Other than not being able to open a business, how did the rights of the prole Proles change under communism?
Except Ukrainian People's Republic was socialist.
They got locked in behind the iron curtain. The USA offered them to take part of the Marshall help which the Russians forced them to deny.
>Thinking history is statues and buildings
There's no real way to "destroy history" only petty people think shit like that is history.
That being said, how history is taught to the young is the bigger issue and in that case every fucking country on earth "destroys history"