>yfw Armenians still sacrifice goats to their corrupted version of a Christian "god"
Heresy thread
Yfw Armenians still sacrifice goats to their corrupted version of a Christian "god"
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>Christian infighting thread
For such a peaceful religion you seem to hate everyone that slightly disagrees with you in any way
There's nothing wrong with this. Besides Armenia was the first ever Christian country. They're just keeping true to its roots.
Why are brown people so weird?
Go back to /pol/
Isn't this a jewish tradition practiced by muslims too? I don't see the issue.
>keeping true to their Christian roots
>Madagh is literally a leftover from pre-Christian paganism that never ended which involves pagan animal sacrafice with pagan methods
>true to their Christian roots
>For such a peaceful religion you seem to hate everyone that slightly disagrees with you in any way
>Be Christian
>Your immortal soul is on the line
>Some heretics are re-using Pagan practices and potentially jeopardizing millions of souls
>Get mad
>Pointing out flaws in supposedly Christian religions/societies jeopardizing millions of souls by performing pagan rituals is a /pol/ thing
>Tradition of Hebrews and Canaanites before becoming Jews
>A Jewish tradition
>Asserting the authority of a certain practice just because it's also performed by ISLAM of all possible religions
Countries where there Christianity contains synctetic aspects of their previous faiths ate pretty neat.
Better then nations where they have an complex of making their Christianity ads barbones as possible to remove indigenous influences because " we don't want to look primitive" shame
>ads barbones as possible to remove indigenous influences because " we don't want to look primitive" shame
That's not what it is you fucking moron, it's about abandoning sinful pagan practices so that you can ensure your soul can reach heaven. If you still practice pagan faiths such as worshiping trees and sacrificing victims to "god" while at the same time venerating Jesus, guess what, YOU ARE STILL GOING TO HELL AND YOU ARE DOOMING OTHERS TO HELL BY SPREADING IT.
Sounds like you're the one most likely to end up in hell
Good thing you're just LARPing and you don't actually believe in this nonsense.
They do it in Greece too
That happened everywhere though. We're just used to the more Germanic and Greek syncretism of Europe. Christians in the Levant are probably more similar to the original apostles and early churches than the Orthodox or Catholic church.
Even American protestant churches carry that English puritan bent to create their own unique, and very unaesthetic, brand of Christianity.
Why when atheists care about Christianity it's always about pushing the most unorthodox and heretical version?
Because the kind they grew up with is boring to them. I don't think most atheists actually care about promoting gnosticism or whatever, it's just more interesting than their basic bitch baptist church or whatever else.
"Sacrificing" goats, in Judaism and paganism, was just like a toast: you dedicate the animal to God, and then eat it. The burning was done of the leftover, generally just the bones. In Judaism, there was three days of eating, and then you burn whatever is leftover (presumably to prevent people from eating spoiled meat).
>first ever Christian country
Ethiopia beats you to that
Yeah but being the first Christian couture is all Armenia has got.
Abel gave god a a lamb, so again, why you u so mad?
Who gives a shit? Shitloads of commonly practiced Christian rituals and dates are reskinned pagan rituals anyway.
>says the user who most likely celebrates Halloween, an Irish pagan celebration to honour the dead
>says the user who most likely puts up a Christmas Tree, another pagan ritual
No Armenia beats them as the were the first christian kingdom.
Ethiopia was the first Christian empire.
They actually mattered and werent a puppet of the romans and sasanids and later the caliphate.
Muslims in denial.
Hallows eve was a holiday sanctioned by the pope, and the Christmas tree has been in use for Christmas celebrations since St Boniface you dumb fuck, and the Christmas tree in modern use is not meant to be worshiped as a tree. It is not an alter, nor is it a sacrifice to god.
>tfw put nativity scenes and angels on, near, and on top of my christmas tree.
Feels good man.
>Boniface and his friends arrived at the time of the sacrifice, which was interrupted by their presence. In a show of great trust in God and born from a desire to enkindle the fire of Christ in the German pagans, Boniface grabbed an axe and chopped down the Thunder Oak of mighty Thor.
>The Germans were astounded. The holy bishop preached the Gospel to the people and used a little fir tree that was behind the now felled oak tree as a tool of evangelization. Pointing to it he said,
>“This little tree, a young child of the forest, shall be your holy tree tonight. It is the wood of peace… It is the sign of an endless life, for its leaves are ever green. See how it points upward to heaven. Let this be called the tree of the Christ-child; gather about it, not in the wild wood, but in your own homes; there it will shelter no deeds of blood, but loving gifts and rites of kindness.”
>Awed by the destruction of the oak tree and Boniface’s preaching, the Germans were baptized.
Fuck off
How is that not stealing a local ritual?
He just swapped an oak tree with a fir tree and said it was the tree of the christ-child, instead of thor.
I don't know if it's "heresy" but snake-handling is a peculiar thing done in some communities in the USA.
Christianity borrowed many elements from various local faiths. I don't see what's wrong with that; those traditions would disappear and would remain unknown if that wasn't the case.
>Implying this stuff ain't awesome
...And because they are used to slaughter many oxen in sacrifice to devils, some solemnity must be given them in exchange for this, as that on the day of the dedication, or the nativities of the holy martyrs, whose relics are there deposited, they should build themselves huts of the boughs of trees about those churches which have been turned to that use from being temples, and celebrate the solemnity with religious feasting, and no more offer animals to the Devil, but kill cattle and glorify God in their feast, and return thanks to the Giver of all things for their abundance; to the end that, whilst some outward gratifications are retained, they may the more easily consent to the inward joys.
-letter from Pope Gregory I to Mellitus
Because they used those trees as altars and sacrificial places.
Christians don't pray at their christmas trees nor do they sacrifice people in front of it
>Listening to the pope who uses a holy pagan title he got from the Romans
Thankfully you don't have an immortal soul and you cease existing after you die