At what age did you guys grow out of Austrian/Chicago school economics?
At what age did you guys grow out of Austrian/Chicago school economics?
die commie
Around 19 honestly
>God tier
>Marxist economics
Kek you need to be 18 to post here
>debunks homo economicus
at the end of the day if you run with austrian and reject all socialism you won't have a problem exploiting people who are dumber then you as you owe them nothing and it is thus morally just, nigh responsible, to exploit them.
godtier corp examples:
knights of malta
hanseatic league
dutch VOC
fuck i hate nation statism... literally only a legitament example in like 2 places in the world (only works for island empires - australia, britain, antarctica, the moon, mars etc)
sorry dude
You have to be 18 to post here
Capitalism utterly fails.
Governments around the world property up system.
Failure guaranteed sooner than later.
Is this picture a trolling attempt or was it done by someone who is completely ignorant about economics but wants to teach others about it?
Most economists don't think about schools.
Right when I found out they are both bourgeois attempts to refute Marx
Read complexity science desu, it will cure you from communism and anarchism (among other stuff).
It's obviously a troll image
>muh labor
When I was like 22. And I was only a fan for like two weeks before I started seeing the holes.
Marxism is great, but only when you realize it's a categorically distinct way of viewing economics from what modern economists do. Neoclassicism fails, liberalism is a failure, neoliberalism is the worst, and Marx is right.
Many economists are aware of the different schools and sway sympathies different ways.
The only people here who support Austrian economics are the kinds of people who paraphrase ReasonTV and Stefan Molyneux and think they are well versed in economic theory.
Capitalism didn't fail. The idea of big government failed.
Marxist economics in a nutshell "GIMME DAT"
Capitalism literally had to be bailed out by the government. It would have collapsed otherwise.
That thing about the invisible hand from Adam Smith on the wealth of nations kek.
Bringing religious arguments in order to justify your economic model kek.
People still believe that crap 200 years later top kek.
Most economists also think that human beings act according to mathematical models.
I don't get why the surplus value should belong to the workers.
>being socialist in 2016
Big government bailouts had induced a false sense of security in the banks to increase the rate of loans to risky and unreliable sources. These sources inevitably could not pay back the money effectively losing billions. The result of this was again more government bailouts resulting in further government control of finances and a "too big to fail" attitude with the banks. Capitalism does not endorce bailouts.
>Most economists also think that human beings act according to mathematical models.
In aggregate, they do.
Fixed your image, OP
These are some unprovable mental gymnastics.
Wrong image OP
Fucking commies never learn. Show me a country that's communist thats also thriving. Come on show me.
Nice counter argument
None of those arguments even make sense.
I don't need to argue with someone who is delusional. It'll be like winning the special olympics.
Dumbass leftard would probably fail this. Kek
"Artificial capital account deficit = artificial current account surplus"
First, how does this even make sense?
Second, what exactly is artificial? What is natural?
im sorry you feel that way OP, I hope things get better for you
government is a corporation you bluepilled jackass
OP does your teacher by chance have a picture of Che on his wall?
we want origi
we want origi
The only so-called communist countries that ever existed involved the state stepping in to take control of the means of production as a surrogate bourgeoisie. The leading "communist" state exported this ideology world-wide. Most of them were also poor as shit even before this. To boot, mismanagement and inefficiencies ran rampant due to their peculiar way of doing things.
This does not mean that there is no merit to the idea that we should not let some guy take 90% of the profits from the things we make because he claims to own the tools we used and the state will shoot us if we say otherwise.
>Hmm, the government isn't doing such a good job controlling corporate abuses because of how much influence they have, I wonder what we should do? Oh, I know! Let's let them do as they please! Surely with no rules in place, everyone will act fairly and we'll all get rich.
It's almost like communism never seems to work.
Really makes you think.
So to summarize, only poor countries turn to communism and the government always fucks it up.
>i only behaive right if i have the threat of force at the back of my neck
why not follow government through to its logical conclusion and just remove all these types of people from the genepool fullstop
This kind of bullshit is why no one takes you seriously
>Hmm, the government isn't doing such a good job controlling corporate abuses because of how much influence they have
"Lets make the government bigger so their influence is even higher! Now those who lobby will anihilate all competition and the free market!"
>they must perish in revolutionary holocaust
I hope some day you gigantic retards realize that you are constantly questioning established historical facts that have huge evidence behind them, and yet post fake quotes from neonazi sites without even checking them. You literally chose to believe infographics and fake quotes over history. How do you faggots not understand how retarded that is? It's mind boggling.
>Redistributing wealth back into 'the mass of people'
>Means of production controlled by the society as a whole
>A good idea
When these memes die?
The amount of Marxist shills on this board boggles the mind. Even a cursory reading of history shows that Marx was wrong about nearly everything.
Communists don't want a "bigger government".
Maybe not a troll image but the creator had the intent of provoking a low level of discussion.
Big government wasn't giving shitty loans, user.
don't fucking post in these threads if you're completely ignorant, gommie.
Nice argument.
not even you believe that shit, fuck off.
>i've never read the definition of communism
Failure, just look at my home country (Venezuela).
yeah, and Islam is a religion of peace.
How the fuck is this an argument? If being peaceful was part of the definition of being a muslim then islam would tautologically be a religion of peace. If that is not the case, your analogy is garbage.
>muh big gobment wanna tak muh guns and gib me tagses becuse dey be communist!!
>capitalism fail
Confirmed for having absolutely no idea what capitalism is.
Pro tip: 2008 was not capitalism, it was socialism through and through.
>2008 was not capitalism, it was socialism through and through.
Ah yes, 2008, the year the market crashed due to workers owning the means of production.
>governments securing loans
>government buying up massive amount of loans
>government then using taxpayer money to bail out any company that goes south during this socialist experiment
Not capitalism.
You have to explain how it was "socialism through and through"
The year [no year ever] when socialism worked.
I just did, if you can't understand then that's on you.
Except nothing you just said is socialism.
so now socialism IS communism?
Traditionally socialism was used either interchangeably with communism, or as a step previous to it. In both cases, workers are supposed to own the means of production. In both cases has absolutely no idea about what he is talking about.
no no
you red bastards have pushed the dogma that they're not the same for decades you don't get to backtrack on that
It's irrelevant in this argument, user. I don't know who "you reds" is referring to either.
cringe, /her/ at it again
the state functions as an organ of the bank in this case. governance is merely the means of production of a highly lucrative commodity called debt.
>socialism in one state = communism
150 years later and people still don't know how to read
You can't separate marxism from statism
>"worldwide workers revolution"
>happens in multiple countries, different approaches to the ideal
>fails catastrophically every time
>nod real gommunism ok :DDDD
A federal reserve bank was one of Marx's planks of communism and they were the ones who caused the crisis with their artificially low interest rates which spurred misinvestment
>at what age did you grow put of the only viable economic system, the one that is responsible for all the technology and advances that separate us from our ancestors
Marxism should be reclassified as a form of mental illness. You retards are on par with the flat earthers and alchemists
i won't take responsibility for your secondhand misreading of a text you haven't read.
the audacity of thinking the only present system is the only possible is mental illness, especially when the entirety of human history proves precisely the opposite.
ah yes, the "you just don't get it" escape route.
see you next week, moron.
the entire human history proves corporate merchantilism and capitalism is what brings about greatness and usurpassed progress.
not for you
you missed the part where a violent, coercive authority (the state) is necessary to enforce property rights in the first place because otherwise no one would respect them (they would have no reason to)
Show me something better then fucko
i believe the pudience i'm displaying by spending wealth slacking off on the internet while feasting and masturbating to the finest porn all day speaks for itself.
>the lazy uneducated fuckabouts who are unwilling to work or apply themselves wouldn't respect private property rights
explain to me why
if Marxism is so wonderful
people must be forced to share
that which they produce
by a ruling class
they wouldn't, nor would anyone else
>God tier
Fuck off Peter Schiff
That's not what Marxism is. People keep what they produce. They only share the capital.
>Capitalism killed more than socialism
In the same way car accidents killed more than the Nazis, maybe
not even the working man wants marxism
it's dead
only leftypol teens want it
>cars (invented by capitalists) kill people
>airplanes (invented by capitalists) kill people
>trains (invented by capitalists) kill people
wtf I hate capitalism now!