Why were Poles so bitterly opposed to Communism?
Was it because they were Catholcucks?
Why were Poles so bitterly opposed to Communism?
It is associated with Soviet Union, which is seen as another incarnation of the Russia, a.k.a. the Eastern opressor
That's pretty much it.
Even countries that used to like Russia now hate communism thanks to the Warsaw Pact faggotry.
Notice that anti-commie butthurt is the strongest in Ukraine and Poland
Ukraine is understandable considering they've been hit by communism the hardest, I mean holy fuck they actually greeted the nazis as liberators when they rolled in, that's how bad the commies treated them.
Communism actually was very popular in Poland before 1914. The watershed moment came in 1920, during the Polish-Bolshevik war. Communism came to directly threaten the Polish newly-regained independence and Polish workers and farmers took arms against it. Later on, it became even worse. The Soviet Union was a hostile, imperialistic neighbor who constantly send agents and saboteurs, incited unrest among minorities. Members of the Communist party in Poland were openly undermining the Polish state. On top of that, Poland was the country in which the various Stalinist shenanigans like famines, purges and massacres were carefully watched and considered as terrifying.
And so, the communism was dead in Poland even before WW2 started.
>why do people oppose failed and genocidal ideologies imposed on them by foreign powers?
Or Ukrainians are just petulant children
I would be butthurt too if millions of my people got famine'd.
The USSR wasn't imperialist. Imperialism has always been about economic exploitation rather than just foreign rule.
Fair point
Ukraine always reminded me of a girl with an abusive father who dates a drug dealer out of rebellion
Because it robbed us from development and made us a backwater backward shithole.
While other nations had time to recover from WW2, we were thrown under a regime that killed and persecuted the last bits of our own Polish elites and replaced them with their Soviet mindless beasts.
>Below Portugal
>Below Bulgaria
But is really the story about Soviet leeching out your resources true, like in Romania and Moldavia, or is it sometimes an exaggeration , and it was more the fault of poor management/lack of technological innovation?
The magic of the Soviet system was that everyone was losing. Poland and other satellite states were being sucked dry by the USSR, while the USSR was bleeding out by supplying its satellites with raw resources, food and other stuff.
The main problem was in the inherent flaws of the Soviet economic system (plans as goals, no incentives, inability to stimulate innovation) but massive mismanagement and corruption also took their parts.
Not him but Czechoslovakia got thoroughly fucked by the USSR forcibly fixing the ruble/koruna exchange rate to benefit Moscow and simultaneously barring Czechoslovakia from trading with the west.
>and it was more the fault of poor management/lack of technological innovation?
Poor management depended. Agriculture suffered greatly from it, good managers knew how to get around all this shit but the central planning is really, really poor fit to agriculture especially when the planners have no idea about it especially as most managers weren't "good".
The industries in those countries weren't really THAT obsolete, they were energy-inefficient(eastern bloc didn't really experience oil crisis) some were more modern(electronics in Poland was maybe 6 years behind intel - except of high end CPU's they could make everything you needed, metallurgy was overall good etc.) and their strength lied in very, very good technical and mathematical education on all levels of education(to this day when some corporations look for cheap but good mathematics they send headhunters to Russia) however as it turned out the international investors were more willing to drain that workpower instead of outsourcing the industry here or investing in local companies, which quickly went bankrupt(building connections and finding reliable clients from ground up when you're almost completely broke always ends like that) were bought out by various bodies, machinery was sold and the whole shit was closed.
Annihilating sanatian dogs and those noble faggots was that one thing I'm thankful soviets for desu
Sanacja was dead after the debacle of 1939. They had literally zero support afterwards.
And lol no, the Commies did not execute the nobility. Actually, the nobility made itself cozy rather quickly.
>Sanacja was dead after the debacle of 1939. They had literally zero support afterwards.
The problem is that they were the major force in the London government, so we'd have much of those shits back if the western Allies got to Poland first. The London gov was retarded enough to prefer muh Kresy and besides Brits and Burgers wouldn't give as much land to us.
>the Commies did not execute the nobility
I didn't say "execute" though. I was referring to taking their land handling it over to the peasant and such
*and handing it over to the peasants
I need to have a rest
>The problem is that they were the major force in the London government
They were only major force in camp at the Isle of Bute where they were locked up by Sikorski's government.
Sanacja was absolutely non-existent as a political force. Some individuals managed to worm their way, but the whole formation was destroyed.
>Imperialism has always been about economic exploitation rather than just foreign rule.
So the USSR was imperialist?
they're smart
Oh boy...
I refuse to believe that Congress Poland was richer than majority of western countries.
It was. It housed about 1/3 of Russia's industry before 1914.
WW1 was really devastating in Poland, far more than everywhere else. At least France and Belgium had static fronts which limited devastation to rather small areas.
>no economic exploitation
Remember also that Poland, Czechoslovakia and other countries were forced by the USSR to opt out of the Marshall Plan.
Poland would we even richer if not for the partitions between 1772-1795 and thus not being sovereign for 123 years...
Well, they wouldn't necessarily be richer under the backwards fucking nobility who wanted to do nothing except bleed the peasantry dry and sell crops to increasingly urbanising countries in Western Europe.
Keep in mind that it's not per capita
Actually, pre-partion Poland was developing quite well. The times of Polans as merely Europe's breadbasket were over for a long time.
Lol, why do you post anything here? This is Veeky Forums not history channel discusion bro.
Hmm. Seems you're right. I wasn't really all that aware of Poland's history after the point when they got fucked by the Swedes and the Russians.
Stanislaw II seems fairly based despite the ultimate failure.
thank you for this, it sparked me looking into a lot of stuff I didn´t know..
The generation of Poles immediately before the Partitions is perhaps the greatest generation in our history. Too bad they had to live and work in such abysmal conditions.
>Well, they wouldn't necessarily be richer under the backwards fucking nobility
Five words: 3rd May Constitution of 1791...
And Poland started slowly industrialising already in the second half of the 18th century.
You're welcome. Where are you from?
>I wasn't really all that aware of Poland's history after the point when they got fucked by the Swedes and the Russians.
Oh, at the root it was more like getting fucked over by Protestants *cough x2* Britain and traitor Radziwiłł's (Protestant). That's a long story.
Because communism and Russians are shit. Poorly disguised /int/ threads are shit too, fuck off
Communism is shit and so are you.
The poles were reasserting territorial claims on ukrainian and lithuanian turf. The latter ain't important, but the soviets wanted to keep all of the ukraine that they could, that's valuable land. Pair that with their non-cooperation on the matter of moving troops through to Germany, basically guaranteed the soviets were gonna march on warsaw.
>The poles were reasserting territorial claims on ukrainian (...) turf
Oh boy...
>Pair that with their non-cooperation on the matter of moving troops through to Germany, basically guaranteed the soviets were gonna march on warsaw.
If Poland agreed Soviets would march through Warsaw either way lol.
Naw, more likely they'd get themselves stuck in a german quagmire with the allies and, surprise surprise, the poles just so happen to have control of soviet supply lines.
The soviets uh, well, they won cuz the white armies were event stupider than them.
Go suck a muslim cock filthy dhimmi,especially if you're from Atheicuck West
>matter of moving troops through to German
What country allows foreign troops, especially a hostile one with a bad history with?
is that way friendo
The soviets at this time didn't claim territory by its old russian claims, if they did it may have actually went a bit easier on them. Instead, they str8 renounced their claims. Polands reds weren't all that impressive at this time, they downright sucked, so long as there was no sizeable enough red movement in the released countries the soviets didn't have an excuse to move in by military means. The overriding cause of the westward offensive was not fucking with the newly formed republics, it was getting to Germany as fast as possible to, y'know, invade there.
Another point: Lithuana let the soviets move their troops in to fuck up Poland. The Soviets didn't coup Lithuania. They had no reason to, their main goal was to fuck up Poland and Lithuanians goal was to take back Polish claims. Now, Poland, wouldn't have to worry about Lithuana taking that option if they'd just let the soviets move through. Hell, I'm willing to bet in exchange Lenin would have backed their claim with Vilnus and then couped them.
In normal circumstances I'd agree with you, in the Stalin years when old russian empire claims were reasserted, yeah no fucking way anyone would sell out their neighbour, even one they're taking turf from. Soviets big. But in the chaotic years of the civil war and territorial disputes between the newly formed nations, there was a lot of ways to play the stakes, especially for a country like Poland.
Do you understand that the Red Army had the largest amount of soldiers, tanks and planes than any other army in the world? The USSR was Poland's number one threat; before the German chimpout. They wanted to spread the revolution worldwide, thus most likely wouldn't want to get out once they got in.
>The soviets at this time didn't claim territory by its old russian claims,
You got to be kidding me... Jee, I wonder why Stalin pushed for pic related so badly.
>olands reds weren't all that impressive at this time, they downright sucked,
Many of their leaders were imprisoned.
>westward offensive was not fucking with the newly formed republics, it was getting to Germany as fast as possible
Bolshevik Jews from Moscow wanting to aid the communist Jews in Berlin, we know.
In general, Poland had three options in general: side with the Allies (Britain and France - which ended badly) or cooperate or even ally with Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. Either way, those latter options would surely be surely better in the end (which one would be best for Poland i don't know).
>You got to be kidding me... Jee, I wonder why Stalin pushed for pic related so badly
>Not having any idea what "at this time" means
They "internally" always did.
This is bullshit, USSR fed these countries and gave many resources to them to prop up these shitty countries, when many of those resources could have gone to support its own country and people
>This is bullshit, USSR fed these countries and gave many resources to them to prop up these shitty countries, when many of those resources could have gone to support its own country and people
In prison? Nothing. Prison works. It ain't a problem until someone can plausibly say they were taken out back and shot. Then it's an excuse to go to war. Anyways, Lithuania had the same for their reds, and the Lithuanians didn't get invaded.
>cooperate with nazi germany
oh I wasn't aware that Hitler was in power around 1921
Because one guy did after he had the original party offed, yeah?
What is it? Are you another butthurt pollack? Russia fed you and all the other satellite states, just like EU feeds you now
As the guy who thinks ur wrong on everything you say regarding Poland, you're right in this instance. Stalin was pretty keen on resource extraction and plunder of any industrial machinery not bolted down, and even some of the stuff bolted down.
It is true in the context of the post-stalin USSR, tho. Pouring money and resources at problems was the only way they knew how to deal with them, so the satellites got a pretty sweet deal compared to the RSFSR.
Provide sources.
Exactly, and Stalin died by 1953, so most of Poland's time in Warsaw Pact came where it was receiving much more than the terrible evil Russians ever took from them
Totus Tuo.
And the topic of discussion in this instance is the start of these relations, the tumultuous years of 1917-1921, the formative years for both that set the tone for the relationship right up to their annexation.
>oh I wasn't aware that Hitler was in power around 1921
When he did get into power...
>Because one guy did after he had the original party offed, yeah?
Stain surely wanted to regain his honour after the Polish-Soviet War defeat and his failure near Lwów, but not only him.
Pole abroad?
The USSR didn't pour money into Poland after Stalins death.
That's BS.