How can someone be communist in 2016, when every attempt spectacularly failed?
How can someone be communist in 2016, when every attempt spectacularly failed?
Lmao kys.
Capitalism has fucking failed.
The only reason attempts at communism fail is due to capitalists taking over.
Real communism hasn't been tried yet.
Jfc stop posting and kys.
>he thinks it's ever been attempted
>/pol/tards are so retarded they don't think communism is fucking the only working system
K. Y. S.
>why haven't you become a liberal yet because your ideology isn't currently popular
Capitalism is literally more of a fucking failure than fucking ANY left wing government.
Just kys.
>it's a "Western commietards tell someone from ex-communist country how communism is great" episode
I'm Yugoslav, communism doesn't work idiots. Liberal capitalism is shit too obviously. False dichotomy.
Of course revisionist Titoism didn't work
Then what worked?
That wasn't real fucking left wing politics.
Ugh, don't pretend you know fucking anything about marxism. Kys.
Then what are real left-wing politics?
>he thinks communism existed
>do not deny muh lived experience
>laughs in Libertarian
Communism never existed but attempts to achieve it all failed. Your argument is dumb.
Hey Mr Slav
GTF back to work
Your big ass gotta twerk
My lips turn to a smirk
>Dictatorship of the proletariat
>Literally execute corrupt competent bastards and replace them with even more corrupt incompetent bastards with military backing
What could have went wrong?
Because there are dumbasses who think post scarcity will ever be a thing
revisionism happened
Tito was a fascist
Communism is for people who like making lines, getting inferior versions of things, thinking they are "doing their part" and being miserable and shitty as long as everyone else is miserable as shit too.
They are the console players of politics.
>Dictatorship of the Proletariat
Never ever show your face in one of these threads again pleb
The Soviet Union wasn't a failure for the first 60 years
Reminder that communism turned Russia from a medieval shithole into a space-faring superpower, and that every other system they ever tried failed much worse.
>ITT: white, middle-class Western teenagers who think a system that has failed over and over will somehow work the next time
It always devolves into "revisionism" because the system can't work.
That says more about Russians.
Who by the way didnt do half the shit the union accomplished, Ukranians, Poles, Baltics, Czech, and basically all other ethnicities contributed more.
>Imperial Russia
>medieval shithole
This is what commietards actually believe.
Thanks, I just spewed my coffee.
In fairness, the "no true scotsman" argument is appropriate in this circumstance.
Communism has a specific technical definition: the means of production must be in the hands of the people who operate them, rather than in the hands of some outside agency.
The Soviet Union had no worker's control whatsoever; in fact the workers co-ops that sprung up during the chaos of the Civil War were crushed like grapes once the Bolsheviks gained control.
In the Soviet Union (as well as all of its imitators) the means of production were simply transferred from one outside agency (capitalist business owners) to another outside agency (communist party apparatchiks). Any outside control of workers leads to their exploitation, regardless of what kind of uniform the exploiters wear.
Few people are born rich.
Most people are poor.
Most people have no chance of being rich under capitalism no matter how hard they work.
Communism is simply common sense for anyone not born rich.
>thinking in communist everyone will be rich instead of everyone being poor
>Most people have no chance of being rich under capitalism no matter how hard they work.
Most non greedy shits don't feel the need to be rich, just comfortable and satisfied
I hear this "argument" so often by socialists. I don't believe in capitalism because I want to or expect to be ever be rich, but because it's the most natural, proven system. Any system fighting against it is artificial and inefficient