Is there a philosophical reason for why Asian cultures don't privilege authenticity and originality as much as Western culture?
Is there a philosophical reason for why Asian cultures don't privilege authenticity and originality as much as Western...
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> billions gazzilions of people
There could be only like 500 000 original people at best, all other would be cheap knock offs.
Collectivists do not value the individual.
It's worth pointing out that Europe was pretty collectivist in a lot of places until the plague hit.
You do realize that the U.S used to be the China of the world
Also an economic reliance on cheap labor is pretty much anti-innovation.Training, hiring and maintaining the infrastructure for high tech skills and labor costs money and many Asian countries would simply lose any economic advantage against the west in that regard
Although nice try with a not very subtle anti-Asian thread
what the fuck are you talking about do you even know how to read
growing rice fosters collectivist society
Civilization is inherently collectivists, the more successful the society the more collectivist it is. Making western nations more collectivist that others
It seems that simple economics goes over your head like a typical /pol/tard who can't understand slightly complex ideas
>the more successful the society the more collectivist it is
the suspiciously smells too much like communism to me
you declare false equivalency: "collectivism=success"
Are you saying that we live in anarchy? Everyday we do collectivist things without realizing it because we have been condition for life. We (mostly) obey traffic rules without thinking, we allow the government to collect taxes without daily rioting in the streets,we have reasonable expectation that organizations like the police and the military protect us thus we grant them that authority. Just because you don't think about it 24/7 doesn't mean it isn't there
>Are you saying that we live in anarchy?
everything is relative
we compare as to why Asian cultures are MORE collectivistic COMPARED to societies that arose in the west
You just deny that this rather obvious difference even exists and lump all societies together as all being "collectivist".
Well duh, but HOW collectivist are they, which IS WHAT OP ASKS
I'm not denying anything. You are simply trying to justify racism while ignoring that you share the same traits you are accusing the other culture of having
They do, they're just not as inventive as they were in their glorious past because "China" is a recent result of unifying many ethnic groups through communism. As we know communism is terrible for literally everything. They're improving as they become more free market.
>everything is relative
Communism isn't terrible at everything, it just it outdated in a complex world where one centralized authority simply cannot dictate every decision due to the very complex nature of modern society. In a more simpler world of the past where most of the worlds population were economically tied to agriculture it makes more sense than it does today
but even in the past communism failed
So has every other system of government put into place
The western system will eventually fail as all systems do. Its a matter of time
i am not OP and asian to boot
That's very obviously not what he's saying retard, he's saying that success doesn't imply collectivism.
In order to maintain a successful complex modern society, a high level of collectivism is needed. The very nature of success in the modern world depends on multiple systems working together
>the more successful the society the more collectivist it is
less individualism, more filial piety
filial piety
>It's an Orientalism thread.
Don't confuse cooperation with collectivism.
Originality/Authenticity is valuable when you're already at the top of the food chain.
When you're at the bottom or climbing up, its best to copy those who have succeeded before you. Its a human thing.
Here's a word of wisdom from your boy Sun Tzu,
Before attacking the palace,
Make sure to shave the garden
And ram the dam open
Let us take the example of /r9k/ and its one purpose: not allowing to post the same thing twice.
This could be, in turn, to force original content.
If you have two user bases, calling them X and Y, and if X is lower than Y, then X has more chances to produce original content than Y.
Someone pointed me in the direction of China's "Hundred Schools of Thought" period and one of the schools, the School of Forms & Names (Logicians) apparently had similarities to Ancient Greek thought. But the Logicians just couldn't compete with Confucianism and other major schools of thought.
Someone who knows more about the Hundred Schools of Thought can elaborate on this.
I'm sure you believe Somalia is the epitome of civilized society
Not him but arguing that somalia isn't collectivist more than individualist is dumb. This is true for any country that pushes Islam hard, and Somalia certainly does that.
Somalia doesn't push Islam anymore than Alabama pushes Christianity
I don't think you understand.
Somalia actually has a system of law based around the family that has existed for centuries.
Somalia is an extremely authoritarian country, it just isn't centralized.
A hallmark of a fail society is one where people are forced to circle the wagons around the family unit. A collectivist society allows for individuals to be independent of the family unit but are expected to contribute to society as a whole which in the modern age means being a productive person and paying a percentage of income in taxes. In an envioment of chaos and anarchy, people have no choice but to heavily rely on family for support
Also there is no true authority without centralization. A government that does not hold a monopoly on force has already failed
Depends on the extent of Confucianist Influence in their society.
The best achievements under the Chinese state
happened when neo-confucianism was at its
zenith and during Times of Economic/military
But so far, the Asians have been playing
catchup to the West. They were not near-parity
competitors. To survive, they had to reverse
engineer Western tech. Even during the Late
Ming, the Chinese began to become too overly-
reliant on their Jesuit advisors for 'New
Scientific concepts' from Europe.
Fast-forward today, amplified by a pervasive pragmatism, the restrictive nature of Asian societies, copycat culture, differing wealth
levels and protectionist policies, it's pretty clear why authenticity and originality is not as valued as functionality per say.
>All Asians are the same
>All of Asia is China
The reason for China's failure to catch up to the west is due to size. It is much harder to change a behemoth of a state than it is a smaller state. The number one priority of any state is to continue to function even if it comes at a cost of innovation as most people rather stick to what they know works than to introduce untested concepts which might lead to catastrophic failure.
If you compare China to say Japan. It was easier for Japan to adapt new technologies as it is a smaller state that closely resembled European politics. The "Emperor" was just another power player who could easily introduce new ideas and tech as his domain did not contain hundreds of millions so the damage any failed ideas would cause would be rather minimal in comparison
But Somalia operates on a clan system.
Too many cooks and all that
A clan is simply extended family. Competing clans where membership is based on blood in a single nation state is literally the opposite of a collectivist state
What the fuck are you even on about, he gave a perfectly appropriate answer to the question at hand. Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension instead.
All of Asia played catchup.
All the non-colonised Areas of Asia had and still have a copycat culture from Japan to China.
>Nice retardation there
The size argument is a factor but it is not why
China fell behind. China simply failed to be
competitive and take proper steps towards
industrialisation. This was due to poor
leadership, hugely pervasive corruption and
constant unrelenting war (Civil, Domestic & Foreign)
>If you compare China to say Japan. It was easier for Japan to adapt new technologies as it is a smaller state that closely resembled European politics.
You have absolutely no clue about Japanese History, do you?
s4s army has arrived
>The size argument is a factor but it is not why
China fell behind. China simply failed to be
competitive and take proper steps towards
The are you even off on? Europeans went to China for goods. At this point you might as well admit that you rather push anti-asian narrative than really discuss real history before fucking back off to /pol/
>You have absolutely no clue about Japanese History, do you?
I don't think you understand Japanese history if you can't comprehend the change from multiple competing fiefdoms to a centralize authority and the transformation of medieval overload to corporate CEO
>anti-asian narrative
>anti-asian narrative
>they failed because the sucked compared to the west
Fits the definition of antagonistic narrative
They fell behind.
There's nothing more to say,
History speaks for itself.
No country/culture is perfect. What makes yours so special, snowflake?
Never said anything about being perfect. The difference is your anti-intellectual approach to discuss the causes of the failure lest it reveal weaknesses in your own preferred system
Ancestor worship.
Eastern asians are "sociopaths" compared to europeans.
Can't find the proper term for it, you know the feeling when you sometimes kill a fly, not always, but once in a while, you feel regret.
Europeans are "becoming" like them, "careless", true sympathy is dying. Sure people are emphatic, but empathy is shortlived and shallow.
they do, but only at the top of the heirarchy
>le epik Asians have no empathy meme
Asians - or rather, Chinese - "have no empathy" in the way that Germans or Russians don't. It turns out that decades of unrelenting warfare and shitty domestic political policies doesn't create a society that is as friendly as peaceful Scandinavian countries or Canada.
The "Asians have no empathy" meme is a result of American soldiers being unable to comprehend why Japanese/Chinese/Vietnamese soldiers could suicidally charge enemy positions. The idea of giving something your all was lost on Americans.
Going to need a source for that claim.
I wanted to write all that.
That's why I said europe is becoming like them.
And chinese are fucking psychopaths. A large portion of the population.
>Le Liveleak videos told me Azns are Psychopaths.
More like China was becoming like European countries who were ruined by warfare and ideological conflict.
Yes, that's why there are so many mass stabbings... oh, wait. The only recent stabbing was in Japan and that was a huge deal because of how rare events like that are not just in Japan but all across Asia.
Every documentary I've ever seen featuring chinese people, they don't give a shit.
Neither do arabians.
Just how fucking sheltered are you? What makes me even angrier is that people like you are often the most opinionated and self-sure. You don't know shit yet you probably act like a know-it-all IRL. Fucking pathetic.
Stop getting upset
Fuck you, faggot. I just watched a video last night where Syrians were rushing wounded men and children to hospitals and little kids were crying over their dead friends and relatives and now I get to read some white pussy ass faggot's opinion of how them chinks and sandniggers don't have empathy because I say so.
Most people I meet are also indifferent and careless.
The difference is that the chinese "do" the evil acts themselves.
Europe doesn't have a dog eating festival where thousands of people boil dogs alive.
There are uncountable "grills" in public where they kill dogs out in the open.
And I don't even like dogs.
Syrians aren't arabs.
I've watch all those videos too, and for every such video there's two where they butcher people in the street.
Not him, but to be fair, that dog eating festival has been attacked by basically the entire Chinese internet and is only done in a backwater province where only poor ass hicks live. Not defending or attacking their behavior, but poor people everywhere are going to act poor.
For all you gweilos out there, eating dog is a relatively rare thing to find in China. It's like me attacking Americans for eating grits. Most of you Amerifats have never eaten it, so why should you attack Chinese for the same thing?
Honestly, if the dog eating festival is a big part of why you think Chinese are cruel, you need to reevaluate your position immediately.
The majority of chinese are poor.
And that was just an example.
How the fuck is eating grit a bad thing? Or are you talking about something horrible with the same name as one of the best christmas meals ever?
This nigga right here. Everyone should read about "eight legged essays", their criticisms from even +500 years ago, and recognize that the Western approach to standardized tests, gymnasium tracks, five-paragraph-essay applications to university and so on are hardly any different, but granted the luxury of a less supermassive population body to work with. Compare Finland to Germany, Germany to the US, and the US to China.
>gee qin our society is fucking huge and really diverse, how do we manage all the people in it effectively and responsibly?
>well xi, let's standardize tests according to our venerable ancestral literature and time-honored traditions, that way each person can end up in a position right for them!
>"wow everyone is approaching these standardized tests in a standardized way, surely this must be a quality of their genetics and not their society or environment"
This is it all relates to whether a society grows rice or wheat
Asians have a different view of creativity. Their goal is to find nodes of feng shui perfection whereas in the west it seems to be more about chaos or being new for the sake of being new.
We accuse them of being pedantic, but in reality only in the west could we declare something as arbitrary as diversity as the definition of good or bad while simultaneously ostracizing some subcultures while declaring others to be the pinnacle of what is in and fashionable. We are more pedantic in practice if not in theory.
In Asia your work will be valued as long as you strive for the highest quality possible, it doesn't matter if it spooks normies by being different, they seem to readily accept different cultures no problem.
In the west however you will be scolded and called a loser and a nerd for having interests that are not mainstream. It is pretty disgusting what liberal boomers have done to our society really. You can see why East Asia will be the future.
The chinese would love the Borg.
Northern China grows wheat, though, and Northern China is the root of Chinese civilization which in turn is sort of the basis for all other East Asian civilizations. Don't worry, most people don't know this, not even other Asians.
I think it's reflected pretty well in EVERY FUCKING chinese war movie.
One stick waek, many stick stronk.
What definition of collectivism are we working with here?
Literally fascism
because Americans are so empathetic in comparison....
Unlike American war movies where a band of stupid misfits learn to work together and become a cohesive unit
face it, you simply want a "white are better than Asians" thread while accusing them of things that everyone does in their own way
You're fucking sheltered as hell
Dog along with cat and horses are common fair all over the Old World. In fact dog is commonly used in dishes in Switzerland and Greece. You're nothing but some bratty kid from the Murrican burbs who watched a few videos online and thinks the knows jack shit.
>played catchup
just by writing these two words you are putting all countries and civilisation on a single linear race track where it starts from your definition of "barbarism" and goes into direction you define as "progressive civilisation (read: the one i belong to)"
>Asian cultures don't privilege authenticity and originality
I don't think you know what that word means.
Confucianism and to a lesser extent communism. These two things can be used to explain pretty much all of Asian culture's quirks.
So pre-Confucian China was less collectivist and more similar to European individualism?
European individualism when? It was until very recent history that the divine right of kings was still a thing in Europe
It's because "authentic" is entirely meaningless. Now fuck off.
this. shit thread.
NIGGER WHAT? so you're saying that all the Mongols, Indians, Pakis, Thais, Vietnamese, Flips, Nips, Armenians, Bhutanese, Syrians, Laotians, Taiwanese, Yemenites, Chinese, Gooks HAVE NO EMPATHY?
More than half this worlds population has no empathy
Fucking kill yourself. Do it. Stream it.
I hope you choke on your ignorance you subhuman
T. Westerner
(not a sociopath apparently)
I can almost believe this. But then if you consume Japanese media you'll notice they do have soul.
I genuinely suspect white people are more... sappy than any other race. Caucasians, especially western europeans are the liberals of the world.
>Confucianism and to a lesser extent communism.
Communism is antithetical to Confucianism. Communists wave one class above all others. Confucianism focuses on social harmony.
Fucking Mencius blew the fuck out of Marx a thousand years before that German hack came about.
>Communists wave one class above all others. Confucianism focuses on social harmony.
Not that I believe Confucianism and Communism are similar but this seems like a bad example. In Marxist theory Capitalism polarizes humanity into only two classes. The wage worker (proletariat) and the property owning wage payer (bourgeoisie). When the working classes rises up and destroys the owning class it's not really a supremacy thing so much as it's a realization of maximum liberty. People are still people, society is just better and freer because now no one is your boss but yourself. It's a kind of secret anarchist vision.
Also one might accuse this hypothetical utopian next stage as being... harmonious.
And Confucianism doesn't polarize humanity at all. It recognizes layers and layers of obligations and responsibilities.
>Also one might accuse this hypothetical utopian next stage as being... harmonious.
>working classes rises up and destroys the owning class
So it does wave one class above all others. Not to mention it wants to destroy another class.
Nice buzzword. Said was a hack who purposely misread texts to fit his theory
What texts did he purposefully misread? Give a concrete answer. You have read the book, right?
Different user btw...
>It recognizes layers and layers of obligations and responsibilities.
Isn't that one of the big reasons the Chinese are so blindly obedient?
>This thread exists as glaring evidence for orientalism.
>Blindly obedient.
Yeah, a people who policed themselves and whose merchants established private colonies abroad despite government discouragement sure are blindly obedient.
Confucianism is also the reason why they fucking revolt so much. Confucianism isnt a one way relationship, it's a social contract. Whenever the people think their leaders aren't doing what they ought to do, shit happens. Which is why i outlined two things: obligations & responsibilities. Subjects must obey their rulers, rulers must govern.
The Chinese have a multifaceted relationship with their government. On one hand they are fans of strong big centralized governments, but on the other they also want localized freedoms.
Partially, but most societies have some similar dogma to encourage blind obedience. The difference is that most societies have moved away from that while China got fucked under the commies for half a century where they were taught to rat out their elders if they anything against party doctrine.
> It recognizes layers and layers of obligations and responsibilities.
And got BTFO by capitalism, which doesn't recognize any.
>It's an American reply.
Capitalism isn't a philosophy.
>Also an economic reliance on cheap labor is pretty much anti-innovation.
The Greeks literally used slaves for everything.
India is rice-growing but innovating.
>Literally fascism
Wrong, you'd need an axe in there for it be a fasces. What the other user is talking is literal faggotry.
i just copied all these asian headlines together
cause i dont care about originality
There's a great historian who not everyone reads who made the case thusly:
They grow a lot of rice
Rice requires a lot of meticulousness and diligence and stuff, more than other staple crops
Successful rice growers had more kids, memes and genes spread and stuff due to this