>yfw you realized civilization itself is a meme because agriculture is inherently unstable due to soil nutrient depletion and flawed human nature that leads to unsustainable exponential population growth and resource consumption
Yfw you realized civilization itself is a meme because agriculture is inherently unstable due to soil nutrient...
I didn't aks for this
you're a meme
...but dude, your statement is inaccurate. Our primary forms of modern agriculture and the agricultural systems that are excessively extractive are unsustainable but agriculture/horticulture/para-culture/intensive tending in and of itself can be both sustainable and regenerative.
The energy return on investment (eroi) is definitely negative with the current status of modern ag. This is mainly due to fossil fuels. If humans were to revert back to using livestock as machines, then the eroi would actually be positive due plants converting energy from the sun into edible biomass that can then be used as fuel for humans.
I do believe that PV though is the answer to civilization. Harnessing the sun's power to make modern ag sustainable via aquaponics I think will be the end goal.
This is why we invented things like fertilization and crop rotation, fuqboei.
In general, the only things that leave our planet are hydrogen and helium. Everything else is just rotated through the ecosystem one way or another.
Yeah well explain peak phosphorus then?
But I wouldn't agree with OP's statement some times of agricultural could be sustainable just not in its modern form.
supporting civilizations that clearly can't support themselves is a meme
>agriculture is inherently unstable
citation needed
Robert Malthus' theory between population growth and agriculture production. Basic Econmics faggot, seriously the 2nd or third revolutionary economic book after wealth of nations and idk something else. This was used in a more micro sense, England doesn't have any more timber because the pop demand will outstrip it's resources, i believe this is coming true. Been waiting for an economic wiz to update it with globization. Do it user!
This WILL be done by some economist this century and will be the Robert Mathis of the 21st century.
>TFW user thinks he came up with a new idea.
>unsustainable exponential population growth
Tell that to Europe and Japan.
Read the limits to growth 30 year update
>Muh conspiracies
IDK what you want me to tell them. It's the theory, that the population will outstrip it's resources. Therefore entire countries specializing in certain necessary commodities til even then they are outstripped. I.e. there isn't just anymore tumber in England anymore but the entire world. WRITE the book user, I'll buy a copy
>he thinks people take Malthus seriously in the 21st century
No real economist will ever advocate for his ideas. See:
>yfw you realized all human effort is a meme because the universe is inherently unstable due to entropy
This is Veeky Forums faggot, take that shit to /b/.
I said update for globalization, Malthus was on point for the micro level and his work, along with others he helped I spired, led to a greater emphasis on specialization. Nigga, what are you? 12?
This graph is bogus bro
What is this theory related to this graph.
The rotation cycle just occurs on a longer timescale.
Do you think phosphorus atoms just get fucking deleted once they're washed out into the ocean?
>yfw you realize that it's worth a shot to try anyway, on the chance that we can eventually either combat entropy or travel to other universes
Bro give up. I'm about the only person you are actually going to have a convo with. The idea of growth limit is the same as what Malthus preached. What you are citing has just taken it to the actuarial science realm and actually tried to predict when this dystopia will begin. AND like Malthus, what you are citing also grossly exaggerated the oncoming doom. It's much further down the line or 1st world countries outside of China would have taken measures to curb this. Even though Americans are pretty stubborn when it comes to science and whether or not it's really a good time to have a child or not.
>TIL someone thinks Americans will limit their child output because it's not fair for other countries.
>TFW if shit gets hard for us we'll just make it harder on everyone else until shit improves here.
>it's not fair for other countries
Has nothing to do with it, we would for our own self interest. It's a LONG ways away though. Apparently OP and his autistic followers think it's the next 20 years. You all remind me of the nuts preaching about the rapture. There is always some group of conspirators who think that the apocalypse will happen in their generation, then their date that they predicted comes, and it nothing ever happens
like we are that lucky, we will get to witness the apocalypse
I agree.
Anarcho-primativist fuck off
we were ment to be nomad not to do be
farmers. the moment humans started settling down is th moment it all went down the shitter. literally that's what the biblic fall of man is all about
It's not livestock, it's oil based fertilizers. It's basically a replacement for all the drained nutrients in overworked soil.
If there were a post apoc scenario and you tried to use most currently used farming soil without that shit, you'd get garbage crops.
This is basically what the Arduous March was.
population control yes/no
The developed world has it under control. It's just places like India and Africa that need it.
It failed the first time in turkey because we tried to be communists and society couldnt make room for specialists. When we tried again with God Kings in mesopotamia it worked effectively for several reasons. But what does that say about us?
>le entropy meme
if heat death were possible, it would have already happened
"negative entropy" doesn't just burst out of the void
ooga booga
Get a grip
Just because Malthus was wrong in his specific predictions, doesn't mean the human race is incapable of exceeding its carrying capacity, which is now based on a much more diverse palette of resources . Food is renewable, yes, but that doesn't mean all the resources we use to produce it are, or that our activity can't disrupt ecological negative feedback that would otherwise keep the environment slower to change.