Hello fellow comunity of Veeky Forums. My name is Padre Anton I am 58 years old and work in a church at the south of the UK. I enjoy Veeky Forums in special this section. I want to speead the word of the Lord here too and I want to challenge everyone who disbelieves in God let me teach you the way...
With Love Padre Anton
The existance of God
padre, tell us, how do we defend christendom against the muslims
Padre how can I better serve my Muslim overlords? If I have a 6 year-old daughter like sweet Aisha, should I give her hand in marriage to a Muslim refugee?
You are welcome here. Christianity has contributed much to both history and the humanities.
What would you say is the principle and most valid proof of God?
How did you get into Veeky Forums?
Isn't that quote just
>The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity
but dumbed down?
Reminder that Catholics worship the same God as Muslims.
Source: Nostra Aetate:
>The Church regards with esteem also the Muslims. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all-powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to men.
What the God of Catholics and Muslims say regarding Christians:
>Certainly they disbelieve those who say: Surely Allah is the third (person) of the three; and there is no god but the one God, and if they desist not from what they say, a painful chastisement shall befall those among them who disbelieve (Sura 5:73).
>The Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them (Sura 9:29-30).
>The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was no more than God’s apostle (Sura 4).
is that quote supposed to be ironic?
Fuck you stupid cunt
You come here and make a fucking post then don't reply to anyone
>08/11/16(Thu)21:41:25 No.1535918
Muslim people clearly live in sin we have to show them the way back into the light of jesus christ
No she has to mary in a christian church. She should not get tempted to mary men from other religions as these clearly have chosen the wrong path
So you're okay with 6 year old girls getting married.
I dont agree with this. Check your sources young believer and dont believe everything that stands in the internet. There are somethimes people acting as someone else
Muslims worship the moon and a cube in Mecca. Any reference to Christianity or Old Testament prophets in Muslim texts are a result of plagiarism of the Bible.
No she has to be at least 8 years old
The pope is the head of the Catholic church, and the pope declared that Catholics and muslims worship the same god.
Do you actually read our threads?
I think you want /b/. It's that way --------->
No the ways that muslim religion teaches cleary are a false interpretation of the teaching the holy bible shows us. We all live a misleading lie thinking that christianity originates from muslimity. Read the bible brother
didn't bertrand russel say that?
I am not familiar with a quote of this man
Watch your language or God will punish you for you sins
Yeah, contributed centuries of oppression, hate and ignorance and still today teaches people that they are inherently worthless, helpless, and evil.
>bloats how Christianity is evil
>thinks barbarous vikings are LE EPIC XDDDD
Not to mention the very same manga you posted condemns the warlike nature of the vikings.
The vikings were monsters, don't get me wrong, but their culture was victim to one even more monstrous in my opinion.
Also I haven't actually read this manga, just got the pic from Veeky Forums way back when. What's it called?
Vinland saga, i think
What exactly is wrong with the behaviour of the church in the past? The church took the right measurements having in mind how babarian and uncivilised society was in the past
It's pretty good, and I'm not one to typically enjoy Japanese Cartoons.
Just don't read the extra ending about the hero becoming a farmer, it's shitty and way out of character with everything that's already been established and only serves as a slipshod "and they lived happily every afer".
Call no man father upon the Earth for one is your Father who art in Heaven.