Were the Normans Vikings or were they frenchmen?

Were the Normans Vikings or were they frenchmen?

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Were the Rus Vikings or were they Russian?


Were the scandinavians germanic or were they norwegian?


we wuz vikangz


They gave themselves a fucking name. Use it.
Viking is a fucking activity and "French" is a National Term, which is stupid to use back then.

>rude posting

Not impressed desu

They were Normans. They spoke french but their culture was a mixture of the old and new. They generally did not care about the traditional ways the clergy should work and did not give a shit about the popes whims at at all. They also kept mistresses openly and let bastards inherit.

Thats how Middle Ages work pretty much everywhere.
There is a reason for which Roman Apostolic Catholicism is Roman, cause back in the day there was a Gallic, a Spanish, a English...

>Roman Pagan Church

You must be pretty stupid.

>T. Orthodox

>Thats how Middle Ages work pretty much everywhere.
Okay, let's take quick rundown.

>They generally did not care about the traditional ways the clergy should work and did not give a shit about the popes whims at at all
This was not at all common in the medieval world. Norman antics and relations with the pope caused waves several times in the Christian world and they even harbored vikings. They had to write an entire propaganda piece to make themselves appear as good christians again.
>They also kept mistresses openly
Now where did you get the idea that keeping mistresses openly was a thing in the middle ages? Other kings' mistresses were always a secret and never ever official. Even if everybody knew that some woman was a mistress of the king, she never ever was officially her mistress. Normans on the other hand openly admitted they had mistresses, paraded them around and allowed their sons to inherit. This is pretty much a direct leftover from their viking days where children of concubines could inherit
>and let bastards inherit.
Again, where did you get the idea that bastards could inherit in the Christian world? Bastards in the rest of Christendom could only inherit if they got extremely lucky, but with the Normans it was very common. Norman rulers often pointed out that it was completely ok in Norman tradition for bastards to inherit to keep their legitimacy.

Besides, the Normans are a very special case in history. Founding 3 really successful kingdoms and fighting as mercenaries all around Europe. Other "French" people did not do this, so it is quite easily said that Normans were distinct from the French.
But they weren't vikings.

They were northern men who lived in normandy, under the domain of the French monarch.

At least when they arrived
By 1066, after seven generations of breeding with the locals, most had more French blood than Danish one in their veins

French Vikings

The french Kings had mistresses. The french Kings allowed their bastards to inherit "apanages" and territories.

>Were the Normans Vikings or were they frenchmen?
>Were the Rus Vikings or were they Russian?
Swedes, Finns and Slavs
>Were the scandinavians germanic or were they norwegian?
Yes Scandis are germanic

>Were the scandinavians germanic or were they norwegian?

What kind of tard are you?
Norwegians are Germanic

>Eleanor's husband died in 1328, at twenty years old. Soon thereafter, in Seville she met King Alfonso XI. He was so impressed by her beauty that he made her his mistress. He preferred Eleanor to his wife Maria of Portugal, daughter of Alfonso IV of Portugal, whom he married in 1328. After Maria's son and heir, the future Peter of Castile, was born in 1334, Alfonso left Maria and lived with Eleanor instead. The humiliated queen resented her unfaithful husband and asked him to cease his public displays of preference for his mistress. The king ignored his wife's pleas, and gave Eleanor Huelva, Tordesillas, and Medina-Sidonia in addition to other holdings. He also established Eleanor's household in Seville where she was allowed to hear political matters. The court was increasingly troubled by Alfonso's behavior and as a result, the Pope intervened by forcing Portugal to invade Castile.
>Eleanor's son Henry and Maria's son Peter continued to fight one another for control of Castile. Henry eventually won and was crowned King of Castile.

Norman literally means norwegian in norwegian

No it doesn't that would be 'nordmann'.

Started out as Norse, essentially became French after a few generations.

By the time of Guillaume the Conqueror, they are undeniably French.

anyone who Viked was a Viking

Anyone who traveled for adventure was a viking. It isn't a racial term.

So 3000 years after Normandy, and 100 years after the the end of Norman Sicily? Cool proof bro
Did they ever consistently inherit the Kingdom of France? If not, it's not the same. And again, having mistresses =/= openly having mistresses

I don't know you are arguing against this so strongly. Pretty much every historian and contemporary sources agree that the Normans were different from other French and other Christians.

Also the bastard didn't inherit the throne. He conquered it, which is completely missing the point.

>Charlemagne had eighteen children over the course of his life with eight of his ten known wives or concubines.[107]

Are you just baiting at this point?
Fucking Charlemagne? Do you even realize how different Europe was between Charlemagne and the Normans? That's a period of 300 years you absolute tit. Do you seriously think Europe just remained stagnant and nothing happened?

The world of Charlemagne and the Normans were vastly different.

Why were 16th century Spanish vikings so much better at war than Medieval Scandinavian ones?

Everyone in this thread is a big lyer who denies history. The Normans were black moors who came from african and conquered northern france.

Let's take quote from Wikipedia that sums the situation in medieval Europe relatively well

"Unlike ancient cultures, Christian Europe opposed concubinage, regarding any sexual relations outside of a monogamous marriage as sinful. Nevertheless, sexual relations outside marriage was not uncommon, especially among royalty and nobility, and the woman in such relationships was commonly described as a mistress. However, the children of such relationships were counted as illegitimate and were barred from inheriting the father's title or estates, even when there was an absence of any legitimate heirs."
Mistress wasn't an official position, just someone you had sex with. And officially, there were no other partners. Their children were not in the line of succession. Except for the Normans who had openly mistresses (concubines) whose children could inherit legitimately.

>ucking Charlemagne? Do you even realize how different Europe was between Charlemagne and the Normans?
I knew it, stuff happened after Normans is not valid, stuff happened before Normans is not valid.

I supose that you will disagree with the example of Alfonso VI cause he was contemporary to the Normans?
>Alfonso married at least five times and had one or two mistresses.[9][10][11][12]

>viking is synonym with Norse



The Vikings of the British Empire were undeniably the best

Normans were Normans, French is a national term.

By the time of invasion of England they adhered largely to concurrent French norms and they spoke the French language. Norman kings, queens and other nobility even after conquest of England were often born and educated in France.

Richard II the Lionheart didn't speak English and only spent 6 months in England even though he was King of England.

Stop trying to apply modern standards of nationality and citizenship to feudal rules. There only existed a unique French identity that could encompass all of France after 100-years war. Same in England.


they were vikings then they became french.

Both, they intermar


The danish term for a norwegian is "nordmand", wich means north man.
So back in the days of Rollo, the first norman, the world was different. Norwegians and mostly danes spread terror and fear across northern france. Paris were sacked a couple of times, and Rouen too.
Rollo was danish, and actually settled in Rouen. The franks tried to drive him out, but couldn't. So instead they signed at reaty, allowing him to stay. There you have it, as with every imigration you have to ask yourself the question, at what point do you become assimilated? The normans never, and untill some part in the 1100's maybe, the normans were normans, untill they conquored all or became french or whatever.
So this is it. The normans originated from Denmark and to some extent Norway, and made their own country.
Dude I would like to see some proof that viking is an activity. There seems to be confusion concerning the use and eymology of the word. The general opinion is that a viking is someone who lurks in a vik, read a cove or fjord. It has the ending -ing to it, which in norse languages, danish, swedish or norwegian, is a reference to a person. Sodling, means sweetling in danish, myling is a horrible ghost, and so on.

My eggs are done, gotta go. Will check in later.

>The general opinion is that a viking is someone who lurks in a vik, read a cove or fjord. It has the ending -ing to it, which in norse languages, danish, swedish or norwegian, is a reference to a person.
I'm Swedish and it blows my mind that I haven't made this obvious connection before.

I would like to point out, that the viking as someone who settles, lurks or dwells in a 'vik' is the general opinion, but the assumption that it has something to do with the -ing ending is my own thinking. This is not based on any scientific works.

>"Germanic" DNA
>most dense outside of Germany

Never knew that bit about -ing being a Scandinavian suffix meaning a type of person. Is it roughly equivalent to how we use -ling in English? e.g. a hireling is someone who's hired, a darling is someone who's dear to you

French Vikings

Exactly. Maybe it has the same etymology.

-ling is a combination of -le, a dimunative suffix, and -ing, which is the same as the Scandinavian suffix

Are New Englanders Irish or are they American?

And there we go again, another Anglo retard confusing the terms "German" and "Germanic"

The German (Deutsch) people is one Germanic people among many others
It's neither the oldest, nor the purest

Might this be the the secret chord?
That David played and pleased the Lord?
And one and two and three and four?
A pyramid high,
which has 4 sides,
and holds within a Golden eye?
Stop and start,
begin' again.
Walk beside me,
be my friend...
Not sure now,
of what is Sin?
Stop the hate,
and let's pretend.
We're all we got.
Until the end.


A big load of bullshit from some butthurt Scandinavian

>Rollo was danish, and actually settled in Rouen. The franks tried to drive him out, but couldn't. So instead they signed at reaty, allowing him to stay.
Rollo was a fycking failure
After his failed Siege on Paris, he tried to besiege Chartres in 911 but got utterly BTFO once again
But instead of just kicking him out, the French king saw an opportunity to have his coast protected from other raiders without wasting his own men, so he offered Rollo a swamp in exchange from protecting the coast

>There you have it, as with every imigration you have to ask yourself the question, at what point do you become assimilated? The normans never, and untill some part in the 1100's maybe, the normans were normans
Once again, that's fucking bollocks
The Normans heavily intermarried and quikly adopted French culture
By 1066, after seven generations, their culture was totally French and so was most of their DNA

That's an impressive pile of blatant lies m8.

by the time they conquered England they were French.

They were French people, mostly from a region which had experienced some Viking immigration about 160 years before the conquest of England.


Normans were Anglo-Saxons, retards