What time period in history most accurately reflected the conditions of the present day? Ex: Widespread terrorism, Political extremism etc...
State of the world
Rome at its height
Interwar period
Late 1920's America or the Weimar Republic
Nice memes
Nice alternative suggestion
Pre-WW1 Europe
Balkans were like the ME today. Rising extremism everywhere
Probably the best answer
Is Syria our First Balkan War?
i wonder about this a lot, like if we can really draw parallels between nowadays and olden times
obviously we can see similarities but it seems at least nowadays people are a lot more """nihilistic""" and not as nationalistic and so on and that things seem more relaxed
but it's hard to tell how much of my opinion of those older times is wrong because only nobles etc were able to write
there really is nothing new under the sun. However tech advances allow us to be bombarded with far more information than before so we know what is happening nearly instantly. The fact that we have the sum of human knowledge at our fingertips helps
This tbqh
Iraq is the First Balkan War. Simple, but unsustainable. Syria is the Second Balkan War: a clusterfuck.
well the only thing is that nowadays in the western world at least religion seems to be not nearly as prevalent. but then again it's hard to say how fervently religious the common man was 300 yrs ago because as i said earlier communications and so on were limited to the upper classes
people at least in the West seem more knowledgeable about history than they were before and this may lead to a disposition against war
oh shit
how do we prevent WW3?
The present day.
Shit thread.
1900s to 1920s ottoman empire territories
rising nationalism and terrorism was rampant everywhere, millions died, millions were deported
If anything I'd say they're more nationalistic now than any other time period except maybe the late 18th to early 20th century.
Rome during the gothic invasions
Hi Stefan!
>What time period in history most accurately reflected the conditions of the present day? Ex: Widespread terrorism, Political extremism etc...
Early 20th century.
the easter islands before resource depletion set in
sumeria before salination of fields was a huge problem
the Khmer empire, mayans and wari culture before climate change caused massive famines
it's worth mentioning that nationalism is a fairly new, and industrial-age concept
climate change is a non-issue for the US, who still treats food security as a rather serious thing. It's China, Africa and Europe that will have problems