I'm completely ignorant in theology, but I have a question. Why is Jesus a prophet in Islam if he reckoned himself the son of god? I mean, muslims don't believe that he was the son of God even if he said that.
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Muslims believe that Abraham, Moses, and Jesus all heard the word of god, but that Jews and Christians fucked up parts of it, and Mohammed got the final, most complete version.
Muslims don't consider the Bible as word of God, rather as a corruption of said word. Therefore they don't recognize the parts of the Bible which refer to Jesus as son of God.
Accrding to muslims the bible has been falsified, and Jesus/issa(saws ) never claimed to be anything but a prophet.
Jesus is the penultimate prophet and messiah in Islam but believe Christians have confused and corrupted this into Jesus being the Son of God.
Ok thank you all
Because Jesus never said "I am God" or to worship him.
Because these religions were made up before the internet so nobody new any better
Mohammed was taught theology by an Arian monk and many of the stories in the Quran like Jesus breathing life into a bird statue come from apocryphal gospels.
Jesus never claimed to be God and would have been horrified at the suggestion.
The bible has been altered, early version of the bible did not have Jesus claiming hes the son of god.
Jesus claimed he was a son of god, not The son of god. In this way, he was just restating what the Jews had already believed about themselves.
There are more muslims on this board than I thought.
>claiming early version of the bible did not have Jesus claiming he's the son of god when we have the Dead Sea scrolls.
What do the Dead Sea Scrolls say about Jesus?
That isn't Jesus speaking, it says he will be called the son of god. Jesus claimed he was a son of god, and so were the Jews "ye are gods"
Muslim Jesus is different. He never got crucified and any moments with him have Jesus begging Allah to forgive Christians for worshipping him as a god.
jews claim to be sons of god
turning the clay dove into a real one by blowing on it was pretty based, though
Truly, truly i tell you, before Abraham was, I Am
>Why is Jesus a prophet in Islam if he reckoned himself the son of god? I mean, muslims don't believe that he was the son of God even if he said that.
If you read the Qur'an you'd know it invented a story in Surah 19 where baby Jesus himself, yes in the cradle, is made to say the opposite, that Allah has no son.
Baby jesus talking is ripped straight from the apocryphal infancy gospel
So, how are they certain that in the real/original bible it wasn't written that he claimed to be the son of God?