Is goreanism the ideal cultural philosophy for a happy society?
Is goreanism the ideal cultural philosophy for a happy society?
>not branding your property
this only assumes that we already have/had the ideal sexual culture.
This is probably a joke post but I think it can produce a meritorious discussion.
Some of the earliest conflicts of civilized (literally, city-based) society were between the city-folk and the country-folk, or the effeminate agriculturalists and the masculine hunter-gatherers. If you extrapolate this fundamental conflict you see the masculine, hunter-gatherer role continuously degrading more and more over time, as the slow plod of technological labor-saving devices makes their traditional set of general skills ever more irrelevant, and the weaker, effeminate, refined city-dweller's specialization ever more important. If you extrapolated this into a trend which would persist beyond the present it would result in the feminization of humanity to an almost unrecognizable point, where hairy-chested generalists are no longer useful or even desirable, for the assistance of closely developed and integrate technological service systems.
So no, goreanism isn't ideal for a society since it's the opposite of where society has been bound to lead since it's existed as "Society".
well, we haven't ever had that exact system, but yeah, a subservient/dominant culture is definitely better.
I don't think goreanism is inherently masculine or impractical.
Go back to /v/ Mohammed.
>Although Norman's philosophy is basically concerned with the "order of nature" in a universal context of power and subordination, the Gorean subculture particularly focusses on the master-and-slave dynamic in sexual relationships and associated forms of female submission as portrayed in the novels.
Am I mistaken? I was under the impression that "goreanism" was a glorified Conan the Barbarian BDSM fantasy where women are cattle, but sexy cattle, and herded to and fro by walking Frank Frazetta illustrations.
>we haven't ever had that exact system
It's called Islam.
Is that why the women of the advanced feminized societies of the Anglosphere and Europea are lusting after Arab and African men?
If anything I'm a Madia or something.
But I have light skin, blue eyes and blonde hair, and I do not believe in allah
So you want Islam but more sexualized?
Pretty sure the Quran even says men are the masters of their wives.
Islam comes with a lot more extra demands than "be less sexual"
So you want Islam but with more sexualization, less praying, more pork?
>ask my ass
Is this actual ebonics? I can't believe anyone would actually say that
>Intellectual and feminist reasons
Islam is interesting but not for those reasons.
yes, and less violence.
I would not mind my husbando having more control.
Yes, I'm not joking. It's also the reason why reactionary, agrarian, masculine sentiments are suddenly returning to vogue.
Is that black guy a Russian?
Im just curious, what is a master/slave culture better?
I can say as a person who has made sweet love to a woman, and buttfucked a dude
master/slave relies totally on submission/opression.
so unless everybody is going to form a stockholm syndrom eventually
and even at that point I would then just call the system forced cooperation.
I think the best culture is one of mutual respect and honesty.
mainly becuase I don't like my love making to be onesided.
so absically with a master/slave culture, its garuntees that at 50% of the people won't be happy
but it'll proabably be mroe like 80% of the people wont be happy beucase of standard deviations and how 15% of the guys get all the girls on okcupid and how wealth tends to get concentrated at the top.
AAVE is an actual dialect of english, it follows its own weird grammatical rules
>inb4 nigganometry
Maybe if there was an unlimited supply of women. Which is pretty much the case in the books since they kidnap women from Earth.
>i was a whore and no white guy wanted me.
That's what is really being said here
>Specialisation is effeminate
You've got this literally backwards compadre.
Needs oil and toned muscle.
why do women have such masculine faces in all the sword and sorcery art?
That's a normal face.
Why do I have this sudden urge to copulate with her on that moderately tiny desk?
because men are just animals
That's only predominant in the Anglo sphere and Western Europe, even Scandinavians aren't as emasculated as the average Colonial man of Anglo descent is.
angular faces are deeply unattractive on women
You wish Europe is known for being loose and promiscuous. And it's women are known coal burners
Whose women?
European women. Both east and west European women
Sorely misled if you believe that Slavic women love to copulate with Africans , it's mostly a desire to indulge in animal-rape fantasies.
It was the style that was most popular amongst female models in those days, with the typical 80s powersuit female as the most prime example of the trend. A move away from the early 20s century where women were supposed to have very plump, feminine facial structure.
you don't live in scandinavia do you
>A move away from the early 20s century where women were supposed to have very plump, feminine facial structure.
a bad move
Haha what? Slavic women are the biggest coalburners of all, Scandi tier.
According to whom?An American ape who paid a Russian/Ukrainian prostitute to tell them that she loves him while he fucks her?
I've seen a different thing in Denmark, women men shun non-Europeans, especially Africans and Men from the Middle East.
Dude I live in London and every single Polish girl (I'm not even being hyperbolic) is fucking either niggers or Pakis.
It's even easier to get laid in Eastern Europe as a black man than in Scandinavia. Poland, Croatia especially.
Don't be so salty Slavoslav, it's not like your women have any reputation to protect.
I'm Polish and it's true. The ugly ones go for black people, but there's plenty of prettier ones with various issues that go for brown-ish people of all kinds.
That's what a white guy drawing liberal cuck porn thinks Ebonics sounds like
>liberal cuck porn
no such thing, cuckoldry is a racist and sexist right-wing fetish
Oh come on, user. Eastern European women love the BBC.
As I've said, buying prostitutes or copulating with our undesirable specimens doesn't make it easy for you, it only means that you have low standards and a constant desire to seek for self-validation by fucking women of your former owners and really?If you've said Ukraine, I would've been inclined to believe you, but Croatia? They're more "racially aware" than Moonman and that's an understatement in it's own right.
True, but interracial copulation is exceedingly rare in Eastern Europe.I'm not salty, I'm just baffled by the belief.
According to whom?
Fug no :DDDDDD blasdic surgery iz for losers :DDDDDDDDDD
It's only rare because almost no niggers go there. Those who do drown in pussy.
One day a nigger went to Poland. Some months later something like 60 Polish women had AIDS.
Actually, those who go tend to stick to clubs designed for foreigners, it's virtually impossible for them to pick someone on the street, unless they're prostitutes( they're quite cheap).
Whosoever of their kind brags about "drowning in pussy" in Eastern Europe is either lying, or intelligent enough to bring enough cash with him.
It's not rocket science m8.
Slavic kurwa grows up watching American TV, American movies, listening to American music, all full of hot muscular black guys that she never sees in real life. Poland is boring, all the guys are ugly and lame, suddenly black man appears like he's straight out of American movie. Next thing you know kurwas fighting each other over who gets to be the first one to suck his huge beautiful black cock like real American girl.
As someone who grew up in a Slavic country I gotta say Slavic women are horrible. Dumb, superficial, histrionic, sociopathic, vengeful cunts. I have no idea why /pol/ fetishizes them as pure loyal waifus, they're pure evil if anything.
As someone with black friends, I can verify that using "my ass" or "your ass" is acceptable.
Well, not quite acceptable, it's still considered very crude and vulgar, but it's certainly not a rare phrase. Hell, a fair amount of the white people here use it.
Also, on a side note, "ebonics" is a hilariously goofy word to use to refer to ghetto slang.
Physically speaking, Slavs are more imposing than Blacks, mesomorphs are the most common sight in Slavic countries, especially in Poland.Black on the other hand are predominately ectomorphic and surprisingly enough, the African American male population is disproportionately well represented in the American gay community.
> all full of hot muscular black guys that she never sees in real life
Jacked up yes, but good looking?Highly unlikely but yes, the influence of television is overwhelming indeed, I can just imagine how it is in the United States of America.
I'm inclined to agree, only we know how to keep them in relative check, but you have to admit one thing, they're quite good at keeping up the act of being "chaste and fertile goddesses".
Only junkies and land whales fuck blacks here. Now let's stay on topic here. We are talking about European women being coal burning sluts. And how they are encouraged to do it
>search what the hell goreanism is
>first 3 videos from a fat woman
>According to whom?
95% of Eastern European women.
I'm just refuting your claim which states that Poles are ugly and unattractive, which is categorically false.
I believe that our cultures are allowing women too much freedom, we should remind ourselves of the fact that women are naturally xenophilic, a result of their desire to bring in more diversity to their gene pool, it stems from a time when overpotent men use to kill other males and hoard the women, which resulted in widespread cases of interbreeding and consanguineous copulation and "territorial" disputes.
You're becoming more delusional by the minute, is that a coping mechanism of your race?
But it's hours since I previously posted in this thread and I am an Eastern European.
Either a) you're a shitty liar, or b) you're a self hating cuck.
I don't know which is worse
The good thing is that I don't care about your opinion.
Highly unlikely.
The bad thing here is that you're a disgrace.
But I guess from your PoV it's good
I dont care, really, they draw bodies pretty awesome.
lmao, yeah you should show Masha your haplotype graphs to convince her to stop sucking on that black cock.
What's the fascination with black cocks. You guys fags or something
Veeky Forums is more into Greco Roman boy traps. We're not /pol/.
You are deeply unattractive on women
At least he's on women. You're on a failing website shitposting about a failed movement fanwanking about failed pulp genres.
What is the last part of your post supposed to mean
>I was under the impression that "goreanism" was a glorified Conan the Barbarian BDSM fantasy where women are cattle, but sexy cattle, and herded to and fro by walking Frank Frazetta illustrations.
It is.
Goreans are like furries in that they claim that their pasttime is an all-inclusive philosophy and lifestyle but in practice they devote almost all of their energies towards using it as a vehicle to pursue their sexual fetishes, and when confronted about this fact they'll angrily deny it and start barking at you.
shit's like asking what a society built out of weirdos with sexual hang ups would look like.
Because Boris Vallejo is an overpaid hack with a body builder fetish and morons copy him without realizing that he himself is a copier.
Frank Frazetta was an artist's artist who didn't draw his women like female sasquatches.
Is Goreanism even a real philosophy? It strikes me as more of a sexual fantasy with some philosophical trappings here and there.
>Is Goreanism even a real philosophy?
not according to anyone who matters
It's because they have big dicks stupid.
You cannot avoid conflict since conflict is an innate feature of all human interactions. Meaning that even babies and their mothers are in conflict, testing each other, pushing each other, etc..
We might not have war and murder but we will have conflict of other sorts in which men will do better.
>>True, but interracial copulation is exceedingly rare in Eastern Europe
which is why all the whores go to western europe where they find decent BBC easily
A bunch of weirdos with sexual hangups; Empires have been built on less.
some live their lives by it. it as the very least a cult
So the promiscuity of one Arabic woman one is proof that East European women prefer Black men?
>Islam with more sexualization and less violence.
Either you're positing that rape is not violence or I have serious doubts about how you remember to breath by yourself
>liberal cuck porn
Yeah, when I see a picture of some blonde whore with cow tits lusting for a big military brute's cock I immediately think "this must have been drawn by a liberal"
if there ever wasn't an argument, this is it
Nigger please, conservatives are like the douchy jocks from high school slapping their boy's ass and naked wrestling in the shower after a sweaty game of catch while walking around accusing other people of being fags. Cuck fantasies are a right-wing fetish that they deflect onto liberals so nobody will call them on their hypocritical bullshit.
The whole point of a cuck fantasy is that you are objectifying a member of another race as some kind of breeding stud and liberals simply don't think this way.
>t. roastie
ftfy hon
Is that why I've seen mostly lefty numales exclusively order cuck port from where I work?
One of the guys even had a "feel the Bern" shirt I kid you not
Hey, don't you dare bring Conan into this! Even he had better standards than Goreans!
>thinks only liberals can be numales
Who the fuck still orders porn anymore?
selection bias, much?
But he's not wrong calling Gor a rip off of Conan the barbarian.