Why are Kurds...

Why are Kurds, Iranians and Armenians so proud of speaking an "indo-European" language and extremely adamant in letting you know that they speak an "indo-European" language and that they're "indo-european"?

I think they're just trying to be white by connecting themselves to Europe whilst essentially being discount Arabs and from the middle-East.

It's quite pathetic really.

same reason americans are proud of german heritage

it's the master race meme combined with desire to belong to a bigger group i guess

What are they supposed to say, that they speak Chinese? Fucktards in this board I swear...

Or when English claim their language isnt a French dialect and call it Germanic

this isn't /int/

Honestly, turks, persians, pakis...etc are just arabs to me
They all look the same and their society revolve around islam

Take this shit to /int/

This is humanities and rooted in history

Because it means they're not Turks.

>It's yet another "butthurt against Iranians" thread

This is like the 5th thread already, give it a rest.

Yeah I get it everything is humanities. Painting your wall with shit? Humanities. No gf thread? Humanities. Poems about your semen stained MLP underwear? Humanities.

Humanities were a mistake.

Why do basement dwelling NEETs look down on other people for not sharing their skin colour?

>"Everyone I don't like is a neckbeard"

>Implying this thread isn't absolute garbage just by virtue of the OP's post and picture alone

I understand that there aren't mods around, but the quality of threads the past few days has gone down to shit.

Funny how it's okay to discuss white evilness on Veeky Forums but as soon as you start a thread about Sub-Saharan Africa, some leftard acts like a collaborator in Vichy France and feels the need to report the thread to authorities

>the past few days
More like the past few months
Yes I'm sure the shitposters from /pol/ live a happy and fulfilling life

>Yes I'm sure the shitposters from /pol/ live a happy and fulfilling life

I'm from /pol/ and I'm a proud white man.

>white evilness
Never saw a thread about white evilness
It rather seems like a strawman for /pol/fags to act like an opressed minority

>muh white evilness

Give an example of that happening.

>proud white man

Then make your own thread praising white men instead of making threads shitposting about non-whites.

>Then make your own thread praising white men instead of making threads shitposting about non-whites

Non-whites need to be eliminated and whites should know this fact.

>Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected

>High level of discourse

I doubt this shit board ever had this to begin with.

Free speech bro

OP here. I agree. However, I read up that some Turks have European blood due to the Ottoman Empire importing converted Muslims to turkey. This is why you see some whitish looking Turks.

In general, they're all shitskins.

>Free speech
I heard is practicing that on a very successful basis
Discussions that challenge your mind as far as you can see

I can say whatever I want, wherever and whenever I want.

>Why are Kurds, Iranians and Armenians so proud of speaking an "indo-European" language
are they??

Not according to the rules actually too bad we don't have mods

Mods are on our side.

People are free to say the same thing about you as well.

Encouraging shitposting because of "free speech" lowers the quality of the board though.

I don't suppose you /pol/tards have anything better to do than to post bait threads here.