How did the USA goverment convince all the German-Americans and Italian-Americans to go and kill their race brothers in...

How did the USA goverment convince all the German-Americans and Italian-Americans to go and kill their race brothers in WW2?

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money from a thousand years of collecting all strings leading to east coast america

They barely killed anyone

Because German-Americans and Italian-Americans saw themselves as Americans above all else, not as Italians or Germans.

The US government used to do a damn good job at integrating people into society and making them patriotic.

They send them to fight the Japs
There was a soldier of Italian descent who gunned down more than 100 slants

I can't remember the name

>race brothers

something something the jews something something inherent genetic inferiority of non existent african (((kingdoms)))

this entire perception of identity is why you euros will never "get" america.

its funny how europeans love to shit on america until it comes time for war

fuck you assholes.

I will now infer on the nationality and ideology of the other posters based simply on one or two sentences that they've written, subsequently chastising their entire inferred group based on broad generalised preconceptions that I've created (or was told) about them.

>race brothers
Goebbels fuck off.

Cultural assimilation
They didnt know those people
They barely knew their mother tongue
They basically where either just americans or people who came off the boat and wanted to prove their new patriotism

How did Hitler convince the Germans to hate their Germanic racial brothers, the Czechs?

cause he was half anglo saxon in blood

"they are literally nazis"

it is a convincing argument.

>race brothers
isn't a thing

>all Germans loved Nazis
>all Germans loved Hitler
>all Italians loved Fascism
>all Italians loved Mussolini


There were Nazi organizations in the US were most members were of German descent

It still is for the most part.

Fucking this, euros get so confused when I tell them that I'm 100% apple pie American despite being mixed-race. They simply can't understand how someone who isn't descended from the fucking Pilgrims can be a "real" American. It's infuriating, and this retarded attitude towards culture and national identity is part of the reason why Europe is going down the toilet.

>implying racial identities among whites wasn't a thing until the ~50's

>most American nazis were German

>most American Germans were nazi

John Basilone, he might have killed 1,000 Japs that night on Gudalcanal

massive propaganda and demonization go look up "why we fight" etc...

Race Brothers, death to Marxists.



Aryan Germans were Anglo-Saxon

>yeah goyim ethnic and racial homogeneity is oppressive!
>better blanda up like Sweden and the us!

When are the beaners gonna integrate then? There are still pockets in SoCal and Texas where literally nobody speaks English.

More like 10 millions.

Later died on Iwo like a bitch.

We watched Pacific too.

t. Ben Franklin

What did he mean by this?

Nah, the melting pot is raycis and was replaced by multicultural society.

They wouldn't simply be asked if they wanted to, they'd be accused of being a spy if they refused and thrown in a camp by the Japanese. The Germans and Italians in America faced a lot of discrimination too, the SJWs just aren't interested in it. The government set it up so all three would WANT to prove their loyalty to the US.


>euros get mad when you DON'T claim muh heritage

Gtfo of here. Then again, euros are always looking for something to be butthurt about americans for.

For a long time there were large regions of the U.S. where German was the most spoken language.

>muh government moddafucka
>muh paper!

/pol/ spends way too much time on this board

Even in Texas actually. People don't realize that Texas has a HUGE German population that has just integrated very well.
Another reason to love Texas, we have the best BBQ and German beer/bratwurst

German beer and sausages are actually pretty shit. Germanic cuisine is dogshit overall, from Scandinavia(good god) to England.

>invade an area full of non-english speakers
>white people are too lazy to work, so invite more non-english speakers to come and have families to work
>"waah why does no one speak my language!"

I'm tired of the pretentious attitude of anglos. You expect everyone to be able to speak your language, no matter where you are. Grow the fuck up.

It is normal for people in some countries to speak 3 languages daily and have no problem with it. People in Europe, Asia, and even fucking Sub-Saharan Africa are expected to know multiple languages if they wish to be successful in life. Yet you anglos sit on your asses and act as if taking a language course is some evil torture method descended from hell itself.

Anglos' refusal to even accept the teaching of other languages just proves that they are the inferior race.

You have a point, however I do think a lot of Mexicans have integrated, at least the wealthy ones. I live in a rather wealthy area of north Houston that has advertisements for itself in Mexico City lol. A lot of the Mexicans moving here are not the poor border Mexicans (we have plenty of those too, they just don't attend schools around here), but the rich Mexicans from Mexico City. The first few years the kids are insufferable to teachers and students alike, but by late high school they actually integrate and do well, show respect, display American values, etc. they do still speak Spanish to each other in the halls, but they are as good with English as they are with Spanish (I knew a few kids who actually failed Spanish classes lol). So it's happening, just not terribly quickly with the poorer Mexicans because they tend to group up in relished poverty, not unlike many blacks.

I literally could care less if a multi racialist state speaks English or Chinese.

Kek what? If you don't like German beer, brats, and sauerkraut wtf is wrong with you? Don't even get me started are pretzels motherfucker, they got good ass food.
Sure it's not high and mighty French or Italian cuisine, but if you wanna get drunk and eat greasy, meaty food, German is the way to go.

Dude, foreign language is required in every school I know of. I wish it were taught at an earlier age desu, but while in the us, you should speak English. Plain and simple. You can speak w/e you want to friends and family, but for business transactions and official business, English is required. I'll agree that Americans who trace and demand others speak English are annoying and embarrassing, but many of us do actually travel rather gracefully and at least attempt not to offend.

I'm not sure I understand your point.

There is no such thing as integrating, you can't become White.

Assimilating then, if you want to be a fucking pedant.

>thinking anything race-related is da ebil nazis

epin, my friend, simply epin

they sent the germans to fight the japs, the italians to fight the germans and the japs to internment camps because the italians surrendered

>full of non English speakers

California and Arizona weren't "full of" anything, they were fucking empty. There was a grand total of 9 thousand people living in the Arizona territory during the Civil war.

wow wtf i never knew benjamin franklin was such a RACIST and an islamophobe

I think it's also relevant to say that the richer mexicans have more European genetic ad-mixture so they should naturally be better able to integrate into American culture.

Ben Franklin thought only the English and the Saxons are white, he even considered Scandinavians to be shitskins.

This is correct. It's actually interesting than in all the Latin American countries the people with lighter skin tend to be upper class. Cuba is a great example where all the rich people are pure Spaniards and the lower class is all blacks and mestizos.

culture > race

Depends. Some races are so biologically different that changing their culture won't do much. See: Australian abos.

Think of race like hardware and of culture like an OS.



Stating that "Culture > Race" does not necessitate withdrawing from race realism, user.

I'm saying it varies. A Chinaman can become identical to whites in everything but looks, but an Abo can't.

thats bullshit. more likely the otherway around for example australias proud indigenous sports heritage

a chink could never pick up a footy and "join in" on the """white mans society & social activity"""

just too far away in genetic stature & structure, where as the naturally big and dominant australian (& at large polynesia etc - australoids) can

not just sport but manual labour, farming, third thing

>t. abo

In America, there is a single White American identity that European immigrants were expected to conform to. Its the mythical melting pot, and it worked wonders. Yea, you have have people who did and do espouse their hyphenated-American heritage (Irish, Italians, Poles), but most preferred to conform so they could live le American Dream and be part of this cool, great nation instead of w/e shithole they came from. Not to mention much of those German Americans were generations removed from their ancestors who were born in Germany. Early 20th Century immigrants primarily came from poorer places like Italy, Greece, Poland, Ukraine, Ireland, Scandinavia, the Levant, etc.

Culture is determined by race.

Didn't the japs win some big rugby competition last year?

>race brother
>implying not stormfag


Thats because 90% of Americans love to explain how theyre 1/4 german 1/8th italian 1/4 finish and so forth

and 1/8th cherokee always

That doesn't explain the English that settled in Northeastern America being shit and English that settled in the South being based, friend.

During WW2 germans and italians immigrants were suspected of being spies or internal enemies. Some were also put is some kind of concetration camps (even if nothing close to the fascist/nazist ones).
This avverse sentiment that the US felt towards this slice of the immigrant population (germans were a big minority, some still speaking german commonly) made them want to be accepted in their new home and made them "americanize" quicklier.

Is that George Soros?

People don't feel that strongly about their "race brothers" believe it or not.

Environment determines race.

t. liberal

>race brothers


you are american, case closed.

You have actual, literal, shit taste.

Except for the most part thats whats happening.

Older generations of immigrants don't tend to speak english well but their children and their grandchildren do, with every generation becoming more americanized.

This is exactly what happened with Germans, Irish, and Italians.

>culture determines race determines culture

what? I said environment determines race which determines culture. Did you even read what I said? Are you dumb?

liberal and some socialists political exiles tended to end up in the states
you can prob guess what sort of german and italian americans ended up in the states

What is this supposed to prove exactly? something from the second time europe begged america to clean up the mess europeans started themselves?

This desu. It can take a few generations but literally the moment hispanic and Asian families in this country make even a little bit of money they suddenly become patriotic as fuck. Goes double if one of their kids joins the military

The English in the North were mostly South-Eastern English (They were descendants of the Puritans/Parliamentarians/Whigs etc) whereas the "English" in the South (Which featured a much higher Scottish and Irish population) were generally English from the North of England and the West (They were the descendants of the Cavaliers/Royalists/Jacobites) and therefore had more Celtic blood than the English in the North

John Adams family come from Braintree, Essex, George Washington's family come from Purleigh, Essex and Benjamin Franklin's family come from Ecton, Northamptonshire for example.

Meanwhile Jefferson Davis's family come from Snowdonia, North Wales, Robert E. Lee's family come from Shropshire, Western England and Stonewall Jackson's family come from Coleraine, Northern Ireland for example

Generally the south had a lot more Celtic blood than the north, and so was in some ways racially distinct from the North

t. Britbong who knows more about his country's racial history than you do

In follow up to my original point

During the colonial period there were four distinct migration waves from Great Britain
1. New England - Puritan Migrations (1629-40) from East Anglia
2. Coastal South (Virginia to Florida) -Cavalier Migrations (1642-1675) from South England
3. New Jersey, Pennsylvania - Quaker migrations (1675-1725)from the Midlands area of England (near Whales)
4. Appalachian English - Scots-Irish migrations (1715-1775), mostly English people from Britain's Celtic fringe (North England, Northern Ireland)


>be european
>colonize america
>europeans in america bitch at us

Did you read Albion's Seed?

No, I just find the story of British America interesting, because so much of the English Civil War and the Ethnic conflicts in my country is actually in the roots and heart of modern America, and this can be seen in its rawest form in the American Civil War

However I am aware of the 4 migratory waves theory which is explained in Albion's Seed

The Navy just named another ship after him.

An Asian American unit kicked some ass in Italy, actually.

They came here for a reason.

The southerners were and are Celts, not Englishmen.

>We will run America better than the Northerners
>because muh heritage muh celtic pride muh intimate friendship with nature
>Proceeds to chop down acres of woodland for cotton plantations

Gee, I wonder...

>Ben Franklin was over 200 years ahead of everyone else with the snownigger meme

Both halves of America were exploiting the environment for commercialism, the south just had their goods made with black people instead of machines.

>Because German-Americans and Italian-Americans saw themselves as Americans above all else, not as Italians or Germans.

>this entire perception of identity is why you euros will never "get" america.
And This.

We seriously do not care where you came from if you share our values. My white, Texan, ultra-conservative Christian parents had no problem with me being very good friends with a Turkish immigrant Muslim kid before, during, and after 9/11.


That's like saying there are are mafia organizations in the US where most members are of Italian descent. Fucking duh.