Why does no one in the modern American left ever talk about this guy? Instead they only talk about foreign communist revolutionaries and marxist philosophers. Was he too white, male, and non-violent?
Why does no one in the modern American left ever talk about this guy...
>Was he too white, male, and non-violent?
Yes. They modern American left is concerned with identity politics and Eugene V Debs is the wrong race, gender, and sexuality.
The modern American left consists of welfare capitalists and liberals, not socialists
He believed in the right to self-defense and the 2nd Amendment, he was too violent.
Over on r/socialism they talk about him all the time. Get the fuck off Veeky Forums if you want real left talk
I'm guessing they still talk more about microaggressions, transgenders, and pronouns over there than they do Old Left philosophy.
I actually did a paper on him in school and how socialism for a time was popular among A number of pockets of conservatives in the southwest. There weren't many of them but they still existed and they would try and square away their religion with Marc. Very interesting populist movement because they felt they were being fucked over by the richer farmers and landowners
Do you ever go there?
No, sounds like I hit a nerve though.
the guy only asked if you'd been there before, faggot.
>I'm guessing they still talk more about microaggressions, transgenders, and pronouns over there than they do Old Left philosophy.
This post alone has enough gross-prissiness for 3 tumblrs and half of a reddit, nancy boy. You are being worse than the people you bitch about you insufferable nigger.
Yeah I'm fucking triggered, kid. You are doing the same thing the people you claim to hate do by latching onto your bullshit buzzwords to shut down arguments when you don't have shit to say. You throwing "triggered" at me is like fags on tumblr calling people "sexist" to subvert and ignore people who bring up actual discussion points.
you are being what you are making fun of, congratulations.
>modern American left
as if something like that exists
So, they do spend entire threads discussing their preferred pronouns and the relevance of gendered language to the class struggle? Cool, I definitely won't be checking that place out.
I've heard that Andrew Johnson believed, prior to the Emancipation Proclamation, that slaves should be taken from the rich plantations of the South and redistributed to poor farmers in Tennessee. It's almost like a twisted version of socialism.
When they don't read Laclau or Alinsky, at most they read Rawls.
Because the center of the American left has moved in recent decades from the working class to the cushy college-educated middle class.
Class struggle and the concerns of the old labor movements have given way to identity politics.
The center of the American left moved from the working class because more Americans were advancing from the working class to become college educated and middle class.
Organized labor shot itself in the foot by stabbing the New Left in the back when McGovern got the nomination in 72. Bitch about identity politics obsessed nigger lovers and feminists as much as you want, but the modern liberal coalition doesn't continually undermine the economic cause of organized labor nearly as much as the Right does. If George Meany could have swallowed his pride and supported a guy who had as pro-labor a voting record as you could have asked for in George McGovern, the unions could still have a seat at the table. We've seen unions as a meaningful force in national politics die a slow death since then in no small part because their leadership wasn't willing to cooperate with the only party that would ever play ball at all with them.
Bernie Sanders has a portrait of him in his office and made a documentary about him in the 1970s
Bernie also voiced Debs in the documentary, pretty funny.
The labor movement was finished with the Wagner Act, anyway.
The only tolerable socialist in American history
>How does the Anglo-Saxon get along with the Anglo-Saxon—leaving the Negro entirely out of the question? Do they bill and coo and love and caress each other? Is the Anglo-Saxon capitalist so devoted to his Anglo-Saxon wage-slave that he shares his burden and makes him the equal partner of his wealth and joy? Are they not as widely separated as the earth and sky, and do they not fight each other to the death? Does not the white capitalist look down with contempt upon the white wage-slave? And don’t you know that the plutocrat would feel himself pretty nearly, if not quite as outrageously insulted to have his Anglo-Saxon wage slave ask the hand of his daughter in marriage as if that slave were black instead of white?
>What social distinction is there between a white and a black deck-hand on a Mississippi steamboat? Is it visible even with the aid of a microscope? They are both slaves, work side by side, sometimes a bunch of black slaves under a white “boss” and at other times a herd of white slaves under a black “boss.” Not infrequently you have to take a second look to tell them apart—but all are slaves and all are humans and all are robbed by their “superior” white brother who attends church, is an alleged follower of Jesus Christ and has a horror of “social equality.” To him “a slave is a slave for a’ that”—when he bargains for labor power he is not generally concerned about the color of the package, but if he is, it is to give the black preference because it can be bought at a lower price in the labor market, in which equality always prevails—the equality of intellectual and social debasement.
This is why Eugene Debs isn't respected by the modern left.
>Rawls over Alinsky
Ignore all altright bitching in this thread. This is the real problem with the American "left" nowadays.
Privileging social justice over revolution.
Alinsky and Rawls are both trash, they should read Eugene Debs and other Old Leftists.
I have read Debs.
>Alinsky is trash
Into the trash you go.
>any of this is Left
I mean you can be an autist and sperg out about what you consider to be left, but nobody really cares what you think. To the wrest of us, yes that is considered left.
Bernie talked about him a lot
But he never won an election, so most Americans wouldn't find him worth discussing
It's pretty idpol but not that bad
should've won the 3rd time