Redpill me on degeneracy

redpill me on degeneracy

fathers burying sons

The fact you post on Veeky Forums give you a good exemple of degeneracy: (You)

Sure. Degeneracy is a buzzword pathetic losers use to project all of their personal failures onto the world around them. Jealousy of the sexually active and happy abounds.

Also Nazis popularized it's usage so *tips fedora*.

without God anything is permitted.

doesn't exist, and used by angry white virgins afraid of losing their power and privileged position in the world

It's a buzzword. Basically the /pol/ version of racist. Now kill yourself for making this shit thread

it's a massive meme

It literally means "things I personally disapprove of." There's no greater meaning than that.

Something said by racist white neckbeards with no meaning

So what if some "things I personally disapprove of" really are bad?

You know, people dislike things for certain reasons. They're not just being mean.

this post is just fucking degeneracy

fuck off to reddit

degeneracy is stuff that hurts our society

Anything truly good and useful in this world comes out of some sort of struggle (producing food, safety, high culture and so on). These thing are threatened by thelow effort highs of sex and drugs. Particularly the female sexuality is an issue because they do not really actively compete at all for a mate like males do, all they have to do is follow OPs image and an almost infinite stream of dicks can tickle their nether regions if they so choose. Something that leads nowhere and produces nothing of value.

Nat Soc memes

Are you saying you're a collectivist? Are you a communist or some shit?

Degeneracy means anything I don't like

Anything exhibiting degeneration from a previous state. So a person with a degenerative illness can exhibit degeneracy in the course of their illness. Degeneracy can be applied to moral or social concepts and institutions, but to do so would be purely subjective.

I'm assuming you mean the latter, in which case, you'll never get a concrete answer. Even among /pol/acks, each has different views of what truly constitutes "degeneracy." In short, fuck you for looking for easy answers to the difficult questions such as moral systems, you goddamn pathetic sheep of a human being.

prove it

>being a collectivist means your a leftie
uh what?

Why don't I ever hear racism being called degeneracy?

Morality is subjective, so your argument is invalid.

because multiculturalism and diversity hurts society more

because the people who use words like "degeneracy" are racists

Veeky Forums is degenerate

using the internet at all beyond email and to conduct research is degenerate

all of us have sinned before god

moralities a spook

Degeneracy comes from a Latin word meaning "to be less than your forefathers".

Strictly speaking, it means a decline in strength, morality, or intelligence, compared with past generations, as opposed to depravity which isn't about comparison with past generations. "Degeneracy" is thus an innately reactionary put down.

there's literally nothing wrong with being a reactionary

no first movers advantage, ur essentially a nigger

That girl so fucking close to a girl i know irl. Except she has straight hair.

Is that why every powerful country in the world is diverse?

Do you even know what diversity means?

Europe is fucking crumbling; it will be destroyed in under 10 fucking years due to the sandnigger invasion and our lack of morals