How would history be different if he had taken control?
How would history be different if he had taken control?
Hard to say, but I'm inclined to think he would be as ruthless as Stalin, partly because WW2 would inevitably happen.
Stalin's most ruthless period was in the early 30s. How does this connect to WW2?
WWII would either end in an american-german stalemate or the domination of either power, since Trotsky would have failed to industrialize as successfully as stalin.
He also might have caused a collapse even before that, considering the only way he could have gotten into power was a coup d'etat since he was supported by nobody in the party outside his sect. Stalin got the position he got because he represented the majority vote in the party congress, a fact that Trots are all too quick to dismiss.
And honestly, Trots calling Stalin brutal is an oxymoron, you only have to look at Trotskies historical actions while he was still politically relevant.
Trotsky was a logistical and administrative genius, look how he built the Red Army on book learning alone
Yeah, He is Lawful Evil type to Stalin's Chaotic Evil. They are same shit
Stalin is lawful evil by definition
and then proceeded to fail at 3 military conflicts in a row during the civil war, and this is not even mentioning his political blunders like splitting the German communists and alienating them from the soviet union when he was sent on a diplomatic mission by Lenin. He was always a filthy sectarian opportunist, even pre Stalin.
World war two would have far earlier
Heck Hitler wouldn't come to power because the ToV would be shredded by the French and British out of fear of The Soviets
Soviet union wouldn't be as powerful
satellite states would have gotten independence sooner
because socialist economies are so shit they would have opted for social democracy sooner
He opposed Stalin's heavy industrialisation and thought it was impossible. It was one of the reasons the USSR could fight and win the war.
I doubt Trotsky would have won WW2.
Why would he have failed to industrialise as quickly as Stalin? Rapid industrialisation and collectivisation was part of trotskys programme in the 20s while stalin was still wedded to the NEP and bukharin
This is so wrong. Trotsky was arguing for industrialisation before stalin
Just as ruthless and totalitarian as every other communist leader. Only reason why Trotsky is viewed as good is because he was hardly able to implement any of his ideas.
Imagine someome like Stalin but with IQ under 90, that's Trotsky
He probably would have tried to export the revolution as quickly as possible to neighbouring states. This would have caused a general swell of communist uprisings across Europe.
However these would all be put down quite easily and the west would have easily checked his advances. Also the western russian regions remain independent. I dont think any major power would have expended men and resources to invade Russia and overthrow him but I doubt Trotsky would be able to hold onto power if he gets completely wrecked.
I also doubt he would be able to keep Mao in check like Stalin did.
Why do you think so?
there wouldn't be any autistic tankie LARP'ers running around besmirching socialism
Pol Pot wouldn't have killed everyone with glasses.
>Trotscum are still this deluded and butthurt
Have another ice axe.
stalin was LITERALLY a state capitalist
>muh socialism in one country
>wasn't even socialist
off yourself tankie
oh i see now
all commies are autistic LARP-ers.
i don't see any ancoms or syndicalists LARP'ing
stalinists on the other hand....
Nah, Stalinists would be like right-wing trots
They'd be saying how communism can protect traditional cultures and stop the spread of degeneracy
Lurk more
How the he'll did you come up with that conclusion?
World War against the Soviet Union.
Cold War between Capitalist US and Fascist Europe.
No he wasn't. The USSR was a workers' state. Stare employment was worker control, albeit with an unfortunate middleman.
You can't have capitalism without capitalists.
If somehow Trotsky had managed to run the USSR until the 50s, Stalinist dissidents would surely attack him from the right, just as Trots attacked Uncle Joe from the left
Anarchists are actually even bigger LARPers than Tankies. At least the statist commies actually had societies that lasted for more than 10 years.
Ironically they're probably the spookiest. They some how think they can preserve and elevate a single spook above everything else, while removing every other thing, and everything will work out because of spook magic. Basically anarchy-somethings just means they're devout dogmatic believers in the something spook.
Again, how did you come to the conclusion that Stalin has anything to do with the right? Or are you just saying that compared to Trotsky, he was to the right?
Can't argue with those dubs
The latter.
Trotsky's internationalism could have created a lot more problems during the 20s and 30s that would have led to western nations actively supporting enemies of the USSR or intervening to stop communism. The USSR wouldn't have been able to survive WW2 because Trotsky wouldn't have put down groups like the Kulaks who would have ended up siding with the Nazis and creating little satellite states. The USSR wouldn't have been the industrial superpower that it was and its government would have been a lot less centralized and more divided due to tolerance for Social Democrats.
>>Hitler would win over Soviets.
I don't see the problem.
Can a Trotyskite explain the split in a nutshell
Trotskey was an autist. Stalin was power hungry.
Stalinists like that Stalin god shit done as a Russian strongman. Trotskey don't like that and would have preferred an autist.
Apart from shit like industrialization, state of the military etc. the most important difference is the foreign policy.
My guess is that the democracies would have tolerated TTL nazis/reichswehr dictatorship eastern plans. There would have been no molotow/ribbentrop and instead a silent agreement between the west and germany no take care of the troublemakers in the east. A much more dangerous world in the long run. My guess is that nazis would have been a more dangerous enemy in a cold war.
the nature of trotskysm is splitting
This. Also Trotsky murdered families, little children included, if the dads wouldn't join his army.
Through his suppression of anarchist-aligned Ukrainian villagers in the Civil War, I believe Trotsky ironically killed more Jews than any other Soviet politician.
>Not lawful good
>i am the law
This thread is very revisionist for my liking, time for gulag.