I just did a quick google search about the Ainu people, and found this:

I just did a quick google search about the Ainu people, and found this:
>Ainu (ī´nōō), aborigines of Japan who may be descended from a Caucasoid people who once lived in N Asia. More powerful invaders from the Asian mainland gradually forced the Ainu to retreat to the northern islands of Japan and Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands in what is now the Russian Far East; today, they reside mainly on Hokkaido. Reduced in number, they traditionally lived by hunting and fishing, which they were gradually forced to abandon in favor of small-scale farming. The Ainu have attracted the attention of tourists, and some make a living by selling reproductions of their cultural artifacts. Physically, they seem related to European peoples, i.e., they have much more body hair than typical East Asians, but intermarriage has introduced Asian traits among them. Contact with the Japanese, who insisted that they not speak the Ainu language and taught them only Japanese history, also led to culture change and assimilation, which the Ainu resisted in the past, with decreasing success. Their traditional religion is highly animistic and centers on a bear cult; a captive bear was sacrificed at an annual winter feast and his spirit, thus released, was believed to guard the Ainu settlements.
So, are they actually European? Could they be considered half European/half Japanese, at least?

Other urls found in this thread:


That's literal horseshit

but they did have many "European" characteristics

Such as?

"Ainu are Caucasian" is a 19th century meme based entirely on arbitrary gut feel. "Oh, they grow bushy beards like Europeans do and Asians do not, they must be more closely related to Europeans."
Genetic analysis and physical anthropology all point towards the Ainu being an entirely Asian population with ancient origins in South-East Asia (for instance, they are Sundadont).
Please do not treat an interesting people like little this. There is nothing in culture, genetics, language or history that insinuates Ainu are related to Europeans. This kind of uneducated, surface level reasoning is what makes people assume that the Mayans and Egyptians were related.

Caucasoid doesn't necessarily mean European.

It doesn't matter here. Ainu are neither Europeans, caucasians or caucasoids.

For what it's worth, they're not Caucasoid either.

Literally nobody in the scientific world thinks Ainu people have any relation to Caucasians. They're asian as any other.

Convergent evolution happens

Like Melanesians and Africans

I didn't mean to act like know-all, that's why I came here to ask.
The only thing I know about Ainu people is where they are located.

Also, forgot to ask, is it true that he Ainu language is a language isolate?