Let's have one of these threads
got some fresh OC for you guys, hope you like it
Let's have one of these threads
got some fresh OC for you guys, hope you like it
woa shit, forgot to crop
That's not the DDR flag, OP.
Finest of tastes user. Finests of tastes.
made this yesterday
I can't decide if China, Yugoslavia or Albania should be contrarian.
ftfy :^)
USSR pleb, China contrarian, Albania patrician
Only answer
>North Korea
>Khmer rouge
>tfw this picture is objectively correct
HRE > 2nd and 3rd reichs
the duce was a pleb tier dictator
At least his government functioned. And at least his secret police wasn't run by a man who was more terrified of one of his underlings murdering him for stealing a protege than he was of the enemy.
What about Liechtenstein?
Swap the HRE and the caliphate and you got yourself a deal.
Irrelevant. Also likely to be accidentally annexed by Switzerland at some point, tbqh.
Ottoman desu
whoops. Didn't catch the filename
Nothing can compare.
>Fascist Italy functioned
holy shit you people are deluded
fucking hate young people so much
you know NOTHING of real fascism
Compared to fucking Nazi Germany? Yeah, it functioned.
Very good, user.
Patrician: pic related
pretty much
Why did you paste the flags over OPs pic?
First French Empire
Kingdom of France
Second French Empire
Idk if samefag or if Veeky Forums is just actually retarded.
Ottoman Caliphate
Umayyad Caliphate
Russian Empire
Kievian Rus
Truth be told, while it was laughable at war, the fascist regime in Italy can be owed as much fascination as nazi Germany. People always presume that your admiration is bound to go Germany because "lmao they tried to take over the world", but Italy is also very interesting for being fascism-lite.
The example Italy handed us of an almost pacifist (aside from purging the taint of the Abyssinian humiliation, Mussolini didn't care much for war), economically-stable (rather than the economy Germany had dooming it to wage war sooner or later), fascist regime which lasted thrice as last as the nazi regime did means that isn't impossible to see why people would see it as the patrician choice of the Axis powers. Not to mention that Italy pioneered fascism, but wasn't burdened with the idiotic ideals of "muh occult!", "muh aryan race!", "muh lebensraum!", etc...
how about you fucking nerds state who it is under the picture so i can wikipedia them and say you are wrong after a 10 minute reading of it.
Medieval Japan
Imperial Japan
Heian Japan
how about you freaking dropout use cropped images and google reverse image search so i can call you a faggot after a 2 second reading of your reply
Black Metal
Classical Music
you got pleb and patrician mixed up
>The example Italy handed us of an almost pacifist
>wasn't burdened with the idiotic ideals of "muh lebensraum!"
What about Mare Nostrum? Mussolini had his own delusional Lebensraum type fantasy about turning the Mediterranean into an "Italian lake". He just was never able to come as close to Hitler in achieving it because the Italians were laughably inept at warfare and had a tiny ass navy.
You must be dyslexic.
Rock, Pop, Folk
Metal, Classical
I didn't say it functioned WELL, just that compared to the shitshow that was the Nazi government it was functional.
Yeah, with the notable exception of it being just propaganda. Mussolini wasn't THAT delusional yet. It is clear he believed in it for as long as 1939, when the Spanish Civil War ended with virtually no italian gains, regardless of the resources pour into it. But then he sort of converted into a "let's establish some ports along the mediterranean coast"->invasion of greece. It is unconcievable for him to drop the "mare nostrum" propaganda, for italian fascism is undivisible from the roman myth. Fascism draws its own identity, its own validation from Italy's roman anchestry. And Mare Nostrum was a pillar of the roman system of government as we know it, but foremost it was iconic. So even though Mussolini probably grew out of the delusion of actually owning the entirety of the mediterranean, he was still bound to present it to the populace as achievable.
Tl;dr you fell for 1920's propaganda
True, and he aspired too to reassert a newer form of the Roman Empire, which is why Mussolini would forever beg Hitler to include him in his excursions. He begged Hitler to let him declare war on France, to roleplay that he was Caesar pushing back the Gauls of old, and did the same by requesting from Hitler to include him in his ventures into Yugoslavia and then Northern Africa.
But I think that only Mussolini was the one to frantically obsess over such ambitions, when the remainder of Italians probably were "eh" about it.
WhatI love about fascist Italy is that it seems more genuine in its fascism: fascism in Italy rose out of a true desire for the foundations of society to be toppled, and for Italy to be launched into modernity. They're the first to have attempted a society in which the state peeved on the roles of the individual, and I say that they seem more genuine in their fascism because theirs didn't have an "endgame" so to speak. With Hitler, it always felt that fascism was only something to bridge the realities of the Germany of his time and his wacko ambitions to conquer the world. Fascism in Italy had a distinctly more "we'll this how this goes" vibe tied to it
As to Italians being inept idiots, well I'd say that it's more because they don't care.
I'm french so people usually would say that I'm at the very border between the "lead your life carelessly" ideology beheld by the Italians, and the "dude work work work!" ideology germans have, so I often feel that I understand both. Italians could do much better, but most of the time they don't care for it and would rather their lives not bothered by as offputting ambitions as "conquering the world". Italian soldiers in WW2 probably didn't even have to be fighting, and Mussolini was carelessly sending them to war, knowing that they'd be scattered as soon as they faced brits or frenchies in the desert, all so he could pretend to Hitler that he had done his part, and could collect the spoils of war.
Italy was fascism lite? Mussolini invented it
Literally brothel music.
What thread?
Is fascism just identity politics on a national scale?
HRE I assume you mean Habsburgs and the Satellite states.
final fantasy VII
final fantasy VI
Final Fantasy XIII
Pitt the Elder is objectively the best PM 2bh
>not Tactics
>plebian not Churchill
come on
Pretty good desu.
>Jose Antonio
French Republic
Paris Commune or Reign of Terror
First French Empire
>dude, never surrender lmao
>any other answer
Han Dynasty
PRC, Kuomintang-ruled Republic
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
Christ I always misspell something.
>t. Hong "Jesus is my Brother from Annuda Mutha" Xiuqian
Well, you basically ended the thread, so good job for you.
The worst part is that I checked the spelling too but I still managed to miss it.
fuck off. nico nico niiii is bestest
Love Live would be like homeless-tier
buttmad gauchos incoming
no its more like super duper cool king of the world with all the monies tier
akb0048 would be richie richies tier
aikatsu is middle class
wake up girls is poor fuckos who live in mud huts
idolmaster is homeless tier
also those super duper king of the world have extreme high intellectualintelligence unlike you shitdolmasters
Rock, top 40, country
Radio classical, metal, jazz, oldies, rap
20th century academic music, folkways recordings, lo-fi, experimental and outsider electronic music
Experimental noise
Gouging your ears out with knives
Plebeian: TV/Movies
Contrarian: Music
Patrician: Literature
Plebeian: thinking literature is patrician
Contrarian: not reading
Patrician: media consumption consists exclusively of primetime TV commercial segments.
Plebeian: Reddit, Tumblr
Contrarian: Veeky Forums
Patrician: Yahoo Answers
United States
British Empire
British Empire
French Empire
Spanish Empire
- Plebeian -
Chocolate ice cream
- Contrarian -
Strawberry ice cream
- Patrician -
Vanilla ice cream
Fast food, soda, beer
Oriental foods, distilled, strong drinks
Italian, Mediterranean foods, water, wine
switch germany with japan and it would be good
United States
Great Britain
Roman Empire
German "Empire"
Sitting on your fat ass making posts like these
Ayatollah Khomeini
Nader Shah
Chinggis Khan
Kublai Khan