>civilized nation
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh boy a dictator rules at his whim for 20 years, executing dissenters, starting unnwanted wars that kill off millions of italians and literally split the country in two, also starting a civil war in the process; and then tries to flee like the coward he's always been instead of staying and facing the consequences of his actions.
Gee user I dont know, let's give him a """fair""" trial like at Nuremberg, perhaps he wont end up hung.
Get the fuck off your "muh right to a fair trial" high horse amerishit, we italians revel in delight still today when we mention what end we brought to that fascist shithead.
>totally works
Kek, literally like a colony of sandnigger barbarians in Europe
>we rome now we gonna rule the word and shiiet
>gets btfo because of incompetence
>we wuz gud bois allies please dont hurt us
>pin all the blame on mussolini
fucking coward piss-drinker,have you no shame at all? even the french have more dignity than you
It's a "an american thinks a country's foreign policy is reflective of the people's wills and desires" episode.
Like maybe 5% of the country was in favor of the war. The rest just wanted out, and never asked for it in the first place. So of course we'd welcome the allies and blame Benny, because that's how things were.
You know, you can try and put some effort in your bait attempts.
there was a reason mussolini got into power in the first place, the fucking italians themselves. the least you can do is fighting to the end in the instead of licking the allies ass when shit goes sour.
the level of italian incompetence in ww2 was just unbelievable
>Like maybe 5% of the country was in favor of the war.
[citation needed]
This, but muh edgy "fascosts" whose grandfather was a fascist cunt will never admit it
Kys retard
Yes, I will agree with you in that we were incompetent in WW2. Now, that retarded meme notwithstanding, if you had actually studid something about the March on Rome, you would know that the Fascist Party was just the loud minority, and only really came into power because:
1-there was a political power vacuum, and governments had to resign every other year due to extremely fragile governing alliances, and this called for a "strong", authoritarian figure
2-the king did not oppose Mussolini's coup. When Benny's """army""" of volunteers """marched""" on Rome, the govern employed the (real) army. But the king ordered them to stand down, thus practically giving charte blanc to Benito.
So yeah, no "will of the people" was heard.
Do you really need a citation for that you dumb nigger? Is there even a way to gain a plausible source on that, other than perhaps some fascist government report that states that 120% of the country is for the war?
Get your head out of your ass if you believe any population ever was "in favor" of a war. People dont care, at best. 90% of the populaton just wants to be let to their own devices and lead its life in peace (>inb4 citation needed).
>we italians
Speak for you terrone
Thread theme
Found the fascio.
Spero tu ti stia esercitando a stare in piedi sulle mani, potrebbe servirti un giorno o l'altro.
>we italians are proud that we let a fascist in power in the first place then lost the war like a bunch little bitches like we have lost every war ever, then we lynched our leader in public like a bunch of niggers and spat on him and shiiet and then cried how we dindu nuffin, we gud boiz
Is there a worse """people"""?
Read my other post you dumb, illiterate, and underaged baiting faggot.
>Do you really need a citation for that you dumb nigger? Is there even a way to gain a plausible source on that,
So in other words you made it up.
It's a "an american believes 1920's propaganda more than 1920's people themselves" episode.
Good political reading there my friend.
>there was a reason mussolini got into power in the first place, the fucking italians themselves
>literally staged a coup
Nigger pls, he wasn't considered a dictator because of his democratic ascent to power. The PNF's top result in regular elections was 4.9%
But this post is a prime example of how you spaghettiniggers are actual sub-humans and a scourge
I think I made it clear when I said there's no way of getting a source on that, yes. And if you had more reading comprehension of what your inbred american genes allow you, you'd also understand that that invalidates any your hypotesis on how "all the country was for the war", unless you wanna buy into fascist propaganda that is.
italians are shameless back-stabbing cowards since the middle ages, its not surprising really
never forget 4th crusade
Shit replied to another user, here's your (you)
>we italians revel in delight still today
fucking subhumans
you people are an embarrasment to europe
>sii sinistroide represso andicappato
>senti che gli americani hanno invaso l'italia e stanno per arrivare a milano
>corri li' prima di loro
>hai l'unico momento di gloria della tua vita sperando di finire su un giornale
>lmao abbiamo vinto, meno male che c'eravamo noi, chiaramente e' stato il desiderio di tutti gli italiani
"Look mom, I did it again! I'm baiting people on four chans!"
Try again when your mental age allows you to formulate proper answers.
The Eternal Spaghetti knows no shame or irony.
It's a "leftard finds one slow 80 years who was 5 at the time for the greatest historian alive" episode
Keep samefagging though, that will make people think you're right. There's nothing wrong with hanging dictators.
Sai cos'è uno strawman si?
Yes, I should learn from you
Let's try this
Go fuck yourself, you fucking dumbshit fuck motherfucker autists, your iq is prob double digits LMAO you stupid inbred fucking faggot
Did I do it right? Is this Italian arguing done correct?
>making shit up off the top of your head
You are the reason Veeky Forums is a failed board.
What did he mean by this?
La diarrea che scrivi te unicamente per la soddisfazione di proiettarti nella tua fiaba mentale?
Not enough hand waving, git gud scrub. But seriously though, you don't know how to argue. In fact I'm still waiting for a proper response but seems like I wont be getting it.
As opposed to your soundful reasonig, uh burger? Start posting sources for your claims about italian favor for the war.
He's a tard from reddit with his nonsense propaganda while supposedly everything else but his is, ignore him
stop bullying italy pls ;_;
we know what we did is fucked up
>As opposed to your soundful reasonig, uh burger? Start posting sources for your claims about italian favor for the war.
I haven't made any claims and I'm not American.
La mia fiaba mentale in cui siamo dalla parte dei vincitori? Meglio la tua fiaba da fascio in cui combattiamo eroicamente con il duce fino alla fine e lasciamo un paese in rovina ma tanto il famigerato revanscismo italiota ci proietterà di nuovo a grande potenza militare in pochi decenni? Sapevo che i fasci erano delusional, ma per favore ripigliati.
>not knowing what a strawman is
14enne edgyfascio spotted.
fucking italians
Proper response to what, retard
All your posts have been nothing but "u dumb lol, fcuk off!"
"I cant provide sources for my claims...OH, I KNOW! I will just resort to ad hominem and pretend I'm superior to him"
>we italians revel in delight still today
My first post, that with actual insight on the march on rome. Also, you hypocrital faggot, it is YOU who contributed nothing to this thread save for baiting and flaming, so get a grip you nigger.
wew sei proprio perso nelle tue fantasie, te le pensi tutte durante l'ora di merenda?
>quelo ke dici tu e strawmawn kuello ke dico io e la pura verita tutti lo sanno xd
>The bodies of Mussolini and Petacci were taken to Milan and left in a suburban square, the Piazzale Loreto, for a large angry crowd to insult and physically abuse. They were then hung upside down from a metal girder above a service station on the square.
>Their bodies were left in a heap, and by 9 am a considerable crowd had gathered. The corpses were pelted with vegetables, spat at, urinated on, shot at and kicked; Mussolini's face was disfigured by beatings.[41][42] An American eye witness described the crowd as "sinister, depraved, out of control".[42] After a while, the bodies were hoisted up on to the metal girder framework of a half-built Standard Oil service station, and hung upside down on meat hooks.[41][42][43]
jesus fucking christ italy
You're the one who replied to me though
Just stop, half this thread is you and your leftard hypocritical ass hasn't provided a single source to your made up claims either. You people really shine when it comes to viewing yourselves as white knights fallen from heaven and everyone else as dirty peasant worms, that's literally why you follow this ideology to begin with so I shouldn't be surprised.
La cosa divertente è che in questo thread è pieno di ameri-cani che insultano il fascismo e tu invece te la prendi con me perchè "le xdxd sinistroidi skiavi dell'islam :P". Voi fasci siete la cosa più patetica mai fuoriuscita da questo stato fallito. Quella volta dovevano fare due regni d'Italia, così i terroni come te potevamo lasciarli a morire oltre il Po.
Cardorna: "Austro-Hungarians? A trifle. It was simply a matter of outsmarting them. You see, Austro-Hungarians had only so much ammunition. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limits and Surrendered or retreated. Petain, show them the medal I won."
Are you ? Because if so, it's you who replied to me with bait first.
1-I'm not a lefty you uneducated fuck
2-yeah right let's open a bait thread on "le incompetent savage italians amirite? Xd" meme and see what thoughtfup discussion arises. You dumb nigger. I'm still waiting on your sources, too; because so far you've contributed nothing to the thread, same as me.
Gli americani non sparano palate di minchiate ispirate dalle serate passate a guardare dragon ball, e specialmente non si sentono di avere ragione unicamente perche' esistono, te invece continui a proiettare ste minchiate cercando di sentirti parte dei tuoi eroi che non hanno mai concluso niente nella loro vita
the unification was a mistake
Wow. Quindi questa è la tua risposta? E ci hai anche pensato su? Non so neanche cosa risponderti perché quello che hai scritto è merda liquida. Gli americani sono l'incarnazione della presunzione, soprattutto nel detenere la verità assoluta, e di essere sempre i "buoni" della storia. Fammi indovinare, non solo sei un 14enne fascio entusiasta di mussolini, ma ti fai anche seghe su quanto grande sia l'America, e la cosa migliore è che non vedi nessuna contraddizione in tutto ciò.
I'm not the one with an inferiority complex towards americans so he makes up shit, if banter against italy was initiated on me I'd be able to hold my ground without all this squirming. Does the fact that they fought your war strike a nerve?
Never something more truthful was uttered.
Inferiority complex? You'd be hard pressed to find an italian more hateful towards america than me. They fucked up our country more than we ever could. Also the fact that you claim they "fought the war for us" shows how uneducated you are in italian history: northern italy was liberated by the partisans, not the allies. The USA fought southern italy's war, but that doesnt surprise me because they've always been the disgrace of our country
Same tbqh famiglia.
more like
>northern italy
t. terrone
More like
>evolved beyond the stone ages
>we joined after all the battles were fought, americans are soooo useless
[uneducation intensifies]
Not even bothering to reply seriously to you anymore, keep baiting though
>North Italy """"""Liberated""""""""" by parisens
>War ends, Germans drop their guns and go home.
>American shocked by a public lynching
I guess he was surprised at how pale the victims were and appalled that the Italians weren't selling postcards with pictures of the corpses like good entrepreneurs.
>Northern Italy
Nice try, Schmidt
nice facebook filename
More like
>american shocked at a public lynching
>thank god americans never lynched italians eh?
Dunno just fetched it from google tbqh
>all these buttblasted spagghetis ITT
im not even american lmao
>southern Italy
Nice try, Papakostas.
>implying it's not just me samefagging as both sides all thread long
Seriously though the thread was b8, what do you expect famalam
>75 / 10 / 13 / 1
Bambini miei,perfavore, voi avete poi del glamour, siete in Europa, lasciate perdere vostri insulti tra fratelli,e invece sentiti fortunati che siei parte dil primo mondo,no come Io,che mi trovo in Argentina dalla mia nascita. Vi prego non considerare l'opinione degli Americani,giacchè hanno la testa lavata
Thanks based argentinabro. You know our pain.
I regret not being there to brutalize the corpse, but as things are going we'll have a chance to do something similar soon enough
I just want to be able to hit someone really hard without having to worry about legal consequences :)
so what's your fantasy?
Class war?
Race war?
Techno war?
Reddit-9gag war when?
4chin partisans gorrilla warfaring both sides, best day of my life
Just do that shit to animals.
You'll get arrested for animal abuse.
Not really no, in eastern Europe we used to drown unwanted kittens and nobody ever gave a fuck.
In all seriousness, there won't be a war. Civil disorders maybe, people beating each other up during opposing rallies. That's what I kind of hope for really,just because I'm getting fed up with how political discourse is handled in this country. I study Philosophy and I can't stand how a lot of people discuss, online and offline - I don't give a shit what "side" you're on, just try and give your arguments a bit more depth. I don't want to come off as some kind of pretentious dickhead but really, there's more to the problems of our society than a shallow analysis corroborated by your almost fantasmatic grammar. I've had wonderful conversations with people whose ideas oppose my own, but they were articulate and willing to interrogate their own answers/reactions to issues and figure out, albeit with an obvious ideological blindspot (but who doesn't have one), ways to go beyond them.
In short, I just want to hit people who aren't capable of thoughtful discussion until they puke blood.
Oh if you're in a 3rd world shithole go right ahead. That changes everything. Places like Mosocw have an issue with stray dogs that are known to attack people.
I don't think people would give a fuck in the developed world either, I mean it's not like cops are going to search for missing kittens your cat gave birth to lmao.
>partisan cockroaches
my grandpa was a partisan. probably kicked your grandpa's ass
*probably left his stinky roachhole after allies did most of the job and pretended to be a winner
If it was found out on social media there would be a witch hunt
Can someone give me the tl;dr version about why his own people killed him?
Why would you not?
>this is what wheraboos actually believe
>studia filosofia
>vuole pestare la gente
Hmm. Diagnostico troppo Nietzsche.
A bit of a conspiracy here but I've heard that Churchill wanted him dead since Mussolini knew information that Churchill didn't want others to know. Look it up.
Mussolini = Christ
Jewtalian """people""" = Jewish mob
Everybody loves a witch hunt