When did you realize the Holocaust was fiction?
When did you realize the Holocaust was fiction?
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When I hit my head on that low hanging beam and fell into a vat of chemicals and inhaled copious amounts of bleach.
Fuck off CTR shill.
When I watched The Greatest Story Never Told.
When I suffered from serious mental health issues, realised that the outside world was my enemy, and was told that the source of all my problems were Jews, and not the fact that I was a mentally retarded stormfag who rejects all evidence in favour of his own blue pilled narrative
The same day I found out it wasn't just little Nazi girls that got gang raped by the invading armies. Some little Nazi boys got it, too.
I see you on multiple threads always talking about gang rape. You getting some sort of thrill out of it?
t. Schlomo Geltstein
not fiction per se, perhaps over exaggerated and used to further an agenda
when i learned of this
LOL! Is this satire??
Perhaps not a fiction but when it's literally illegal to question history something about said history doesn't add up.
After reading all those ebin memes, info graphics and neonazi articles.
>Veeky Forums will unironically get baited by this
Holocaust denial is like a litmus test for idiocy. Even if he wasn't trolling, do you think you can convince a paranoid idiot that he's wrong?
>you will never rape German boys and girls on your way to Berlin with your comrades
Why live?
I went on aryanwarrior.blogspot and listened to various YouTube 22 year old community college dropouts and they showed me the truth
>an unreliable eyewitness account
>this means that an entire event which is recognized by virtually everyone who isn't insane is false
When I lost all ability for critical thinking, the ability to observe mountains of evidence and gave into childish hatred.
>'mountains of evidence'
>said """"""""""""""""""""evidence"""""""""""""""""""" is never provided, or only found in jewish """"""""""""""""""""sources"""""""""""""""""""" like wikipedia
When I had a momentary lapse in judgement and forgot that the eternal Germanian wasn't the scum of the earth.
>implying wikipedia is the source, and not the citations at the bottom
You can't just call everyone some sort of hidden Jew to discredit it user.
>implying there's only one
Are you forgetting about the Bear at Buchenwald? I mean, why not feed Jews to your pet bear in a cage (there was no bear cage at Buchenwald, there was a bear pit) which also contains an eagle to eat the carrion. What about the camp orchestra? Camp movie theaters? Why not just lure the jews into the camp movie theater or the camp auditorium and then gas them during a performance?
When I started sucking communist dick, and needed to believe Krupp was the mastermind behind the Third Reich.
>>said """"""""""""""""""""evidence"""""""""""""""""""" is never provided
It's not that evidence is not provided, is that any evidence that contradicts what conspiratards want to believe is dismissed as forgery. Not only related to holocaust but in any conspiracy. You faggots are like solipsists, but instead of cartesian evil demons fooling your senses, there's jews/reptilians/whatever changing books, forensic evidence, testimonies, historian accounts, photos, documents, etc. If everything is forged there is no possible evidence to give, your beliefs are unfalsifiable.
>implying /pol/ infographs and just denying that other sources count is a citation
This post put it great
>nothing but (((eyewitnesses))) and """"""""""confessions"""""""""" obtained from torture
great evidence. explain the chimneys built afterward. explain how the ovens could supposedly fit 10 billion corpses at a time. provide real, non-jewish evidence of homicidal gas chambers "sealed" with a flimsy wooden door. i'll wait, but you won't be able to.
Explain where the millions of missing Jews that the Anglo-American board of inquiry disappeared to.
Explain why in 1942 the Auschwitz management expanded the crematoria capacity to incinerate the entire inmate population within a week.
Explain why Hans Frank's personal diaries of his time as General Governor of Poland make reference to eliminating some 3 million Jews in Poland.
>nothing but (((eyewitnesses))) and """"""""""confessions"""""""""" obtained from torture
And documentary, forensic, and photographic evidence, yes. Although as i said, your post implies that everything in the thread is fake/forged, which makes this conversation a waste of both of our time.
>you won't be able to
Not only i am able to, you can get answers to these questions by googling for five seconds. Seriously, google your questions, i think it will be good for you to look shit up by yourself, maybe you'll start checking what you read on /pol/. If you can't find the answer to any of your points tell me and i'll literally teach you to google it (it would be better if you read books on the subject but it's probably too much to ask).
dude the world census shows the jew population increasing between 1939 and 1945 lmao
dude it takes hours to burn a corpse 1 at a time but somehow they burned 6 billion in 7 days lmao
dude diaries can't ever be forged lmao
dude you answered none of my question and provided none of the 'mountains' of evidence lmao
I realized it was real when I learned more on the jews and started to understand what could have lead some people to go to such extremities to get rid of them
I learned from /pol/ infographs that the holocaust was actually a prank
Why wouldn't I?
>dude the world census shows the jew population increasing between 1939 and 1945 lmao
An Almanac written before the war shows an expected increase. Meanwhile, actual studies show the opposite.
>dude it takes hours to burn a corpse 1 at a time but somehow they burned 6 billion in 7 days lmao
I guess William Eassie is a Jew, huh? And he went back in time to plant lies about how long it takes to burn a body with relatively primitive technology all the way back in the 1870s!
>dude diaries can't ever be forged lmao
I'm aware of no claims that Frank's information was innacurate. That's your claim, not mine. Back it up.
>dude you answered none of my question and provided none of the 'mountains' of evidence lmao
Yeah, because your questions are loaded and full of shit, like your head.
But, in the interest of dancing on your shitty argument.
and as for the cremation, you've got the Eassie link above, as well as the following Bauleitung report.
I would like to remind you that at the time the supposed inmate population capacity was 30,000.
Thank you for Correcting the Record(tm). $0.03 has been deposited to your account.
>taking the time to gather evidence and respond seriously to a post that seems to be written by a 9 year old
You are a saint, user.
Please kill yourself
Wow what an excellent argument against them that was!
Why the fuck would CTR give a shit about arguing that the holocaust existed on a smaller board on a less than mainstream website?
This is one of the better refutations of the "holocaust was a lie" shit that I've seen.
>I can't provide real evidence so I'm resorting to ad hominem
Glad to see that yet again the Holohoax has been debunked! You'll still believe the Jewish propaganda though.
Haha very funny xD
Here's the real debunk for that pic, tard
One thing I know for certain is the number of gas chambers was like 6 and they were tiny and we're told that the majority of the 6 million were killed in those in what - 3.5 years?
My theory is it wasn't a jewish conspiracy, there were jews killed en masse but some war propagandists sexed up the methods of killing and they never fessed up because people would question if it happened at all.
There wouldn't be denial if it weren't for the gas chamber thing. Holocaust denial is not denial in the sense of armenian genocide denial where they claim it was enemy combatants, people question whether there were killings at all because of the hokey gas chamber stuff.
You know what would put this to bed and spare a whole lot of jew hate:
Make a simulation of the holocaust. Do a weeks worth of gassing and burning of mannequins using the equipment in a death camp and see how what the body count is at the end of the day. Test the Zyklon B with the latest technology to figure out how long it would take to kill someone.
Multiply it by the number of camps and number of days the holocaust lasted so you get maximum potential number of gassing deaths.
No it wouldn't.
You know that obviously wrong 4 million claim for Auschwitz that people toss around to show how it was faked? The Soviets got at that number by using your methodology; by examining the cremation capacity first and foremost and looking at the number of bodies Auschwitz could process, they came up with a possible 4 million dead in its operation.
However, just because they had the facilities (at one camp of many) to kill 4 million doesn't mean that they actually did. I mean fuck, the Rwandans killed somewhere between 500,000 and a million in 3 months with machetes. The capacity for murder is never the real limiting point.
>One thing I know for certain is the number of gas chambers was like 6
? Treblinka alone had 6 chambers, auschwitz had seven.
>and they were tiny and we're told that the majority of the 6 million were killed in those in what - 3.5 years?
About half of them.
Do you think historians are retarded and never bothered to calculate if the death toll was possible/plausible?
>Treblinka alone had 6 chambers, auschwitz had seven.
How about a source, I've always read that each death camp had one chamber.
Hold on, it's fairly obvious many more could be shot - why would you be so scared at investigating how the gas chambers would work?
Literally tons of denier claims can be disproven by a simulation.
Are you people literally incapable of googling? I don't want to be a dick but seriously, it's frustrating.
I'm not scared of an investigation. I'm just pointing out that it would do nothing to "put it to bed" or "spare Jew hate". Simulations of the nature you're proposing have already been done, and nobody who is serious about it doubts that Germany had the industrial capacity to kill millions of people.
I didnt check that link cuz i don't recognise the site but i checked the PBS stats:
Why the fuck would you have eight gas chambers that supposedly fit 2,000 people and 46 ovens that fit one person at a time?
To exterminate jews, communists, gipsies, etc? Is this some kind of trick question?
this doesn't mean it's all fake but that's hilarious
I'm fairly sure there hasn't been any simulation beyond theoretical scribbles.
Like actually doing a video of the process in a big long stream where people can see the lifting of weighted manequinns, how many can fit in a gas chamber and see how many would be killed in a day.
Because you have an oven deficit and a gas chamber capacity surplus, makes no sense
You don't need to burn them all at once. The bodies will keep for a few days. Remember, Bauleitung's estimations were that the camp could incinerate 4756 people a day. That's enough to keep up with 2 full time gassings and a bit of incidental mayhem. And worst comes to worst, you stack up corpses, don't gas for a few days, and burn your way through the excess.
Why didn't they just shoot them and bury them?
From what I understand, the Einsatzgruppen did do that for some time; but they started developing psychological problems. Gassing was less personal, you didn't have to see screaming and bleeding people all over the place.
Regardless, people have a tendency to overestimate the number of people dead at camps and underestimate the number of people who didn't make it to a concentration camp of some sort. You had a whole lot who were just shot and buried. You might want to look up the Jager report for that kind of score.
When did you realize the Holocaust of white race was the truth?
I think the ovens did fit several bodies at a time, if i remember correctly.
Face it lads there was probably even 6 million jews killed but with guns but some fat fucking american general came up with the gas chambers and lampshades stuff it was a silly time
They did and they didn't. You couldn't get 2 adult bodies into a single muffle at the same time.
However, you could burn multiple children, or an adult and a child at the same time. Far more common though, was "halfing". It takes about 45 minutes to burn a body if you've already got the oven heated up, but the body doesn't burn uniformly. Skull and thigh bones take the longest to go, while soft tissues burn up pretty fast. So what you do is you set one corpse in the oven, burn it for about 25 minutes or so, pull it out, where it will be mostly gone by volume if not by mass. Quickly throw another body on board, and then 25 minutes later, the first one will be wholly burnt, and the second one will be half burnt, and repeat as necessary; which vastly speeds up cremation time.
I believe the holocaust happened, although I guarantee some facts were exaggerated. There are definitely better tests for idiocy than holocaust denial.
When I went on /pol/ and read all the info graphics that 100% confirmed it was fake
Thanks to this, I realise all historians are controlled by the Jews and that all evidence that contradicts this view is false
What is a better historical test?
I'm fairly sure my problems are 40% jew 40% white 20% spicnig
well its not historical but flat earthers are pretty stupid. Id hate to be called out for being "lol /pol/ gtfo" but Id say anyone who who would argue in favor of communism is probably pretty stupid. I could definitely think of more, yours is good too.
Not him, but you've got the moon landing hoaxers.
And Sovereign Citizens.
I mean, there's people who believe stupider shit, sure, but that tends to just be conspiracy theorists, not people who supposedly have a legit interest in history and think that it supports their politics.
i know a lot of university students i think the whites might actually edge the jews out
they certainly have the numerical edge in making the world shit but jews have the overrepresentation
spics and nigs are underpowered and not operating on the macro level simply through low iq, god forbid they had real power and nukes
Why are you a scumbag, user?
Here's a person who falsifies 9/11
Here's a handful of people who falsify the Holocaust
I forgot both of those holy fuck theyre the worst
Just to add to this, and because deniers are very fond of mentioning the Wannsee conference. What about said conference mentioning about 9 million Jews in Europe? And no census showing above 3 and a half million after 1945? Did 6 million Jews get swept under the rug by the international Jewish conspiracy, was the German high command vastly exaggerating its numbers for some obscure reason (maybe they were in in the conspiracy!) or maybe tabloid estimates weren't very good?
Jewish apologists ITT answer one thing and one thing only: would you approve of freedom of investigation concerning the holocaust, and that people who have a different opinion than the official version should be able to voice them without fearing censorship, prison, ostracization, exile and lynching by antifa mobs (who is Faurisson?)? In other words do you support freedom of speech? Because it's literally a crime in some countries, punishable by a number of judicial and extrajudicial means. The truth has nothing to fear right?
I have a counter-question.
What are you hoping to gain by researching the Holocaust?
1. Is there any proof for that being a Tokarev, given that all that is visible is an outline of the top of the pistol?
2. Where his hands are has little to do with the picture, but you can see his sleeves do not end in the back.
4. Can you demonstrate your claim that the photo is manipulated, or does poor exposure management mean it's manipulation
5. I have found 0, zilch evidence for such order outside of Stormfront, Codoh and Metapedia which themselves neglect to show sources. Surely there must be some historical basis, so please enlighten us.
Yes. But then again, I'm an American Jew. I'm fully aware that a lot of Europe has vastly different attitudes towards speech and freedom of the press, which extends beyond just dealing with the Holocaust.
This is already the case, you can say what you want and if you want to research it, research it, but coming into places and just calling every single source part of a Jewish conspiracy and anyone who disagrees a shill or apologist isn't investigation or sharing opinions, it's shitposting and fucking retarded.
By the way, Faurisson was defended by chomsky, a jewish anarcho syndicalist who thinks holocaust denial is retarded. The holocaust as a historical fact and the laws surrounding it are two separate issues.
Yes or no?
lala can't hear you lalalal
That as my first post in this thread. My question still stands. A bunch of other anons answered you.
I don't know what was your first post since there are no ids.
These are me.
What is your answer to that question?
A lot of people were executed and a lot more died of disease and starvation. They killed or arrested anyone that disagreed with them and it happened to be a lot of people. Is the number right? No. Genocide? No. Massacre, horrifying, brutal? Yes to all 3.
when i saw the blue residue left from the zyklon b left huge marks on the walls of the rooms that were designated for delousing but somehow the supposed gas chambers had none
If you won't answer my question don't expect me to answer yours.
user, an attempt to exterminate a group of people based on their race of religion is a genocide, are you denying that groups like the jews and gypsies were targeted in the holocaust?
i did some basic math and realized it was impossible
Fuck off back to your containment board, the mods here have been shit lately at kicking /pol/tards.
I am a quarter jewish and think my jewish cousins are very friendly, innocent-hearted people.
I haven't read/watched through stormfront analysis of the holocaust because a quick glance usually shows military illiteracy or its deliberately trying to make shit up to create doubt.
But I just feel suspicious when I read official accounts of the holocaust and like I'm being shooed away from closed off areas and given emotional explanations for logical questions. I can't shake this feeling.
Let's do an investigative excercise user! Can you google the concentration of zyklon b necessary for delousing and the amount to kill people? I'll be waiting!
If only