Comrades, must we pick a side?
Can't we recognize both individuals as flawed men who made mistakes, occasionally at the expense of innocent lives, who did lots of good while also being egotistical and overly ideological?
Comrades, must we pick a side?
Can't we recognize both individuals as flawed men who made mistakes, occasionally at the expense of innocent lives, who did lots of good while also being egotistical and overly ideological?
I'd pick Gorbachev or Yeltsin over either one.
Nice meme Zhid
Lenin was far better than both desu
Lenin was the dumbest communist to ever live.
lotta crossover desu
Veeky Forums is just leftypol with more Catholics
Holodomor happened, Davit Bagrationi
Not same person but. I hate Stalin yet I believe alot of the numbers for casualites in the USSR to be exageratted greatly probably to villainize it more
To give a serious answer Trotsky would have been better and would have had a better shot at world revolution
>literal /pol/-tier garbage info graphic
tankies are no better than fascists
>poorfags think they can run a country when they've never had to run a checking account or a cocktail party
Trotsky was an incompetent imbecile who couldn't even beat Poland.
Veeky Forums isn't your LARPing ground.
Go back to /leftypol/ you dumb commietard.
>Pick sides
>Only two options
I choose Kamenev
If Lenin didn't die of a million strokes we wouldn't have to choose between them.
*shniff* and sho on and sho on
nice get
Came to post this guy
There is no one, of any ideology, who would choose Yeltsin over a dog
This board always has the best gets
Lenin is the only one of value to come out of the USSR.
But I'd pick a dog over Stalin
The obvious choice is Stalin
Anyone in his situation would have been forced to make tough choices that either way would have taken millions of lives. Stalin was truly a man of the people who fought to improve the lives of people within the USSR, unlike Trotsky. Trotsky's idea of a permanent revolution was absolute batshit crazy and there was no way that a dictatorship of the proletariat could have survived without a strong government to defend the peoples' will.
It's really sad
Is that hereditary or due to stress?
I choose capitalism.
nice argument
It's been several months since I was here, I've seen the shift too.
And you know, as long as they keep the arguably worse /pol/ shitposters out and the occasional redditor, I don't mind these pinkos.
Anything meaningful Stalin did was stolen from Trotsky or bukharin. Total meme
Stalin was a supporter of bukharin and then moved to the left opposition position after he dealt with the Bolshevik right. He had no independent theoretical thought.
should have listened to bukharin. USSR could have absolutely dominated.
Communism is cancer.
Socialism is cancer.
Both will fail forever.
God bless capitalism.
Thats right.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of burger
Capitalism is easier but is literally unsustainable
Resources are finite, but capitalism demands indefinite growth
bump for interest
Dude had to be stressed as hell. He had just founded the biggest nation in the world, tried to scramble to get the chaotic breakaway territories back, administratively sort them out, the Entente intervention in the Russian Civil War, divisions in the party, famine induced by both wars etc. He also watched as the other communist nations, Soviet Hungary, Soviet Bavaria, Soviet Slovakia, Red Finland, and Communist Alsace were all crushed one by one. Probably got him thinking the Soviet Union was next on the chopping block, if they could even beat the Whites. I'd be pretty stressed to the breaking point too.
>needs support from capitalist countries to even survive
t. Commietard
Nobody has ever said "real capitalism has never been tried", therefore some butthurt commietard wasted his time making this retarded picture.
Dont let the thread die
fuck off SJWs
I'm not a commie or a SJW, I just think /pol/lacks are some of the worst and biased shitposters on this site. There aren't even SJWs on this board or threads pandering to them.
Name a mistake Stalin made, go on please.
He didn't check my 6
He could have done more to relieve the famine in Ukraine.
>could've done more
>implying his disastrous collectivisation policies didn't cause the famine