Thoughts on this man?
Thoughts on this man?
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Baby Boomers hate him!
Learn this one weird trick to losing your presidency.
I think he would be remembered as one of the better Republican presidents if he hadn't, you know, got caught.
ended vietnam
put man on the moon
big fucking robot
pretty good all around
>big robot
Go on...
Or if he just owned it when he got caught. That's the big fucking thing, people forget. Forget Streisand effect, they should call it the Nixon Effect.
Same principle, but Streisand effect's more to do with the social media spread on the internet.
Oh right, Futurama ref
Easily one of the more intelligent and successful presidents of the 20th century but Watergate and his apparent sabotage of the Paris Peace accords give him a lot of well-deserved hate. I'd say that once the Boomers all finally die off, Nixon will probably be remembered as one of the better presidents.
A saint compared to Hillary Clinton.
Did nothing wrong. Fuck the media.
Has anyone read any of Nixon's books? I have an autographed copy of "Real Peace" and I started reading a bit today when I had some free time. Pretty good so far.
Did nothing wrong
The Drug War was his greatest failing. Otherwise a complicated president in a complicated era.
Is there any chance he would have been remembered more fondly than Kennedy if he had not, you know, got caught and Kennedy had not, you know, got shot?
>and Kennedy had not, you know, got shot?
That makes the question rather silly. If Kennedy hadn't gotten shot, we would be able to evaluate his full Presidency. Hell he might have gotten reelected. Or Nixon never.
Greatest modern president by far.
The thing is that we may elect someone who is undoubtedly 100x more corrupt than Nixon ever was. Like in the '70s it was shocking but 40 years later and it's politics as usual.
Probably contributed more to the eventual collapse of the USSR than any other president
Scarily similar to both Trump and Clinton in very different ways.
>abolished draft
>ended war in vietnam
>created EPA
>first President since before FDR to cut defense
>first President since before FDR to have budget surplus
>started affirmative action, but it wasn't the retarded version based on quotas of today
>tried to reform welfare to give incentives to fathers for sticking around
>changed the Cold War from le communism is evil to just geopolitics vs. Russia, by patching things up with China
>singed SALT with the Russians, disarming lots of nuclear weapons
>lifted grain embargo against Russia, but that was brought back by Carter
>man on the moon
He was paranoid, but let's face it, Tricky Dick was based af
Just too bad normies memed him to be le evilest president ever!!!!1!!
Nixon was the only non-normie President in recent memory, what do you expect?
>changed the Cold War from le communism is evil to just geopolitics vs. Russia, by patching things up with China
Too bad fucking Reagan brought the discourse down. Again.
>Too bad Reagan caused the disappearance of the most murderous and evil ideology and the liberation of a quarter of mankind.
If you care to read Nixon's memoirs ("RN"), his plan was to cool down the Cold War as much as possible.He believed the USSR wasn't sustainable and would fall on its own terms, and that the U.S. didn't really need to do anything but outlast them.
Good memoirs. When Eisenhower was threatening to kick him off the ticket because of allegations of corruption, Nixon, at least according to his memoirs, told him over the phone to, "Shit or get off the pot." Nixon then made the Checkers speech, and Eisenhower said he wanted to keep him on
That would be Gorbachev coupled with the Soviet War in Afghanistan
That was Gorbachev and the USSR eating itself.
Reagan was absolutely shit-tier, easily one of the worst presidents.
>"Shit or get off the pot.
more soluable fibres good for constipation, and stress
wonder what his lifts were
Best president.
Opened up China.