Why is sex not considered a human right even though involuntary celibacy or loneliness can lead to suffering?
Why is sex not considered a human right even though involuntary celibacy or loneliness can lead to suffering?
Sex should be a human right, if only to prevent more shootings from angry MRA neckbeard /pol/tard virgins
because sex is for women and men who want to please women BUT women find most men ugly and most men disappoint in bed
Some of the most happy people ever were voluntarily celibate.
The problem with involuntary celibates is that they are ignorant and place too much value on sex, due to watching too much TV, not that they are celibate. People who do have sex and place a huge importance on it are equally as miserable, if not more so.
becuase the only people who put that much stock in sex usually aren't old enough to vote.
or decided to go 50k+ in debt to "get a degree".
but hey we have masturbation, and sodomy is legal in most states. as are abortions, and prophylactics.
I think love without having to pay for it should be a right.
but sex is already an inherent right, just some religious people think otherwise.
Women want Chad and would never agree to hand it out of pity to some beta like you.
Because human rights are a farce designed to legitimize the "enlightened" first world and selling sexuality is a sizable market and a big part of the american ideology. Note too how food isn't a human right.
>place too much value on sex, due to watching too much TV
Exactly what I mean, except that it's not just TV, it's a pervasive part of today's culture.
It is... in the Netherlands health care payes hookers for handicapped people.
is autism considered a handicap?
The function of sex is for reproduction
If sex becomes a human right, then everyone has sex and natural selection fails to select the best genes for future generations, those humanity degenerates into a more ugly, unhealthy and unintelligent form of its former self.
Sex doesn't belong to humans, it belongs to nature, and nature dictates who gets it and who doesn't
>wanting sex so badly it leads to suffering
that's literally a spook
Hey OP, since loneliness can cause suffering, maybe the government should include Mandatory Friends in its healthcare system?
Not having sex doesn't in itself lead to suffering. Craving sex and not getting sex is what causes suffering. If you can't get sex, maybe you should stop craving it.
>place too much value on sex, due to watching too much TV
What nonsense. People have always been obsessed with sex. It's biology, not any particular culture.
Caring about sex is different from obsession, one is normal, the other pathological.
Yeah but wouldn't representations of sex as a casual thing on television that everyone experiences by 16 cause older virgins spiral into self-depreciation? I doubt that in a non-promiscuous culture anyone, generally speaking, would feel uneasy being a 20+ virgin.
Spooks are a spook
This, ugly or socially incompetent people should either accept the fact that they're undesirable and drop the expectation of ever knowing intimate extra-familial love in their lifetime, or hire a prostitute and get the GFE
>ugly or socially incompetent people should either accept the fact that they're undesirable
I have.
Not in the way they care now.
he should have bought american
Well, certainly, put in the past sex was more prevalent in marriages and relationships of love. Casual hookups were a thing of prostitutes and the lowest wenches.
Sex for the pure hedonism was nowhere near as big a thing as it is now.
Craving sex and getting a lot of it usually don't end well either.
Promiscuous people are trainwrecks. I remember back when I was younger reading about the PUAs. Most of them were either miserable or only got happier when they abandoned "search for sex" as their life goal.
The guy that has written "The Game" even has written a book about what happened later. He had money, plenty of women and all that. But he was in an awful emotional state.
Socially competent ones should also stop craving for sex. See PUAs.
Or not. Become a PUA, learn this the hard way and at least you can defend voluntary celibacy without people calling you a bitter virgin.
>Sex should be a human right, if only to prevent more shootings from angry MRA neckbeard /pol/tard virgins
T - male feminist, black supremacist, leftypol contributer, and stepfather of three
>The guy that has written "The Game" even has written a book about what happened later. He had money, plenty of women and all that. But he was in an awful emotional state.
cuz he wasnt himself
just b urself
be authentic
>thinking man is still trying to live with nature rather than transcend it
mental health treatment is a big part of the affordable healthcare act.
and counselors and threapists are nothing if not a "professional" friend who has a lot of insight into the human experience.
>Sex for the pure hedonism was nowhere near as big a thing as it is now.
Sure it was. 'the lowest wenches' (*tips fedora*) Made up the bulk of the population. Victorian fears of sexuality were as much about economic fears as anything else. Casual sex might make you look like one of those working girls.
In the Middle Ages, casual, purely hedonistic in the epicurean sense sex was much more common than it is now. There wasn't a whole lot to do back then so 'fuck peasant girls' was pretty high on the list of ways to entertain yourself. 'If it feels good, do it' is a pretty common rule among poor people, anywhere.
The thing is, sex for pure hedonism is rare, and the desire for it is even rarer. Most people women and men, are looking for something entirely separate from sexual gratification in their sexual hookups. Most people who are interested in hedonism are voluntarily celibate. Easier, quicker, and usually more gratifying to masturbate. Then you have more time for friends and cheese.
But idiots like fell for the sex meme. That sex is done by cool, glamorous people, and you need to have sex (and the right kind of sex) to be a cool, glamorous person, and there's something huge and missing in your life if you're not getting sex (see: OP's casual conflation of involuntary celibacy and loneliness). The 21st century isn't an age of sexual hedonism, it's an age of sexual spooks.
What if you are authentically a nazi?
>stepfather of three
It's funny, because cuckoldry is the natural outcome of sex as a human right.
yes, but how would sex alone alleviate suffering? If they want they could just go to a prostitute, but they constantly keep saying that's just not the thing they're after, if that's not enough, then what do they want from the government? Girlfriends for hire?
That's why I said "Mandatory Friend" and not a mental health professional.
>In the Middle Ages, casual, purely hedonistic in the epicurean sense sex was much more common than it is now.
>There wasn't a whole lot to do back then so 'fuck peasant girls' was pretty high on the list of ways to entertain yourself. 'If it feels good, do it' is a pretty common rule among poor people, anywhere.
So the whole thing about society enforced religion and monogamy is just a complete lie? Fathers marrying their virgin daughters off to whoever is suitable?
Do you have some sources for this?
>Why is sex not considered a human right
Is there anything saying a consenting adult of legal age is not allowed sex (in first world western countries)?
Legally, there is nothing that says I can't bang a broad here and now...
...there are plenty of other obstacles in the way, but the law is not one of them
The girl on the right has a pig face
>The thing is, sex for pure hedonism is rare, and the desire for it is even rarer. Most people women and men, are looking for something entirely separate from sexual gratification in their sexual hookups. Most people who are interested in hedonism are voluntarily celibate. Easier, quicker, and usually more gratifying to masturbate. Then you have more time for friends and cheese.
Yeah, this why women do not spend their time on tinder
I don't get it.
the girl on the left is 33 and the girl on the right is 13
I am a Pedrophile
Being attracted to 13 year olds isn't pedophilia.
tell it to the judge sicko
I mean, it would be illegal here to have sex with someone who is 13, but it's per definition not pedophilia to be attracted to 13 year olds.
>So the whole thing about society enforced religion and monogamy is just a complete lie?
Depends on what you mean by 'enforced'. You're talking about the broadest possible mechanism, over dozens of societies, and hundreds of years.
>Fathers marrying their virgin daughters off to whoever is suitable?
Marriage was an economic arrangement, not a an emotional one, and sexual relationships were secondary. If you have money, the primary purpose of marriage is to ensure your children don't end up poor. If you don't have money, the primary purpose of marriage is that you don't get completely fucked over any time you need help.
Besides, it's not like the concept of a cuckold or a mistress was completely fucking alien to people in the middle ages.
>Do you have some sources for this?
Fuck me, it's 8 in the morning, so I don't have any off hand. If you're looking to learn more, I can definitely recommend Chaucer for some look at how sex in the middle ages was much more casual then most people imagine.
People in the medieval ages were more religious and marriages were usually not for sexual attraction. Premarital Sex was very frowned upon.
sex for a man is for displaying his capacity to achieve something over something/somebody which is not him [aka get noticed by a girl who has other men wanting to be noticed by her]. for a man, Entertaining a woman is better as a display of merit than hunting or building bridge.
sex for a woman is for pleasure but more importantly it can be the beginning of a relation where the lovers start to provide for the woman.
>So the whole thing about society enforced religion and monogamy is just a complete lie?
Of course it is. Sexual transmitted disease was much more common then. And low culture was all about getting drunk and sleeping around. Even Chaucer is baudy as fuck.
Reminder that men think that women do not like sex as much as men.
>Napoleon fell in love with his image of her not the real person. Josephine treated him like shit and cheated on him while spending his money.
lel butt hurt fag
how many cock have u dickin today
We are talking about actual humans, not women
>"A man should not look upon his wife as he would a mistress."
Because you only have the right to the pursuit of happiness, not happiness itself. Never forget this.
In taberna quando sumus,
non curamus quid sit humus,
sed ad ludum properamus,
cui semper insudamus.
quid agatur in taberna
ubi nummus est pincerna,
hoc est opus ut quaeratur;
si quid loquar, audiatur.
>France's greatest historical figure was cucked by a subordinate
I'll never understand why he put up with this. Unless he enjoyed staying in the cuck dungeon, why wouldn't he have simply guillotined both of them?
didn't jewish settlements have a matchmaker who was some old lady and her job was to go around and choose the best suitors for each girl in the town?
weren't arranged marriges sanctioned by the indian pre-industrial revolution.
I government issued groom/bride I think is more the thing they are looking for.
but you only get one and if you don't like it you are on your own.
>implying virginity is a bad thing
Sex is the most overrated thing in human history.
Strictly enforced monogamy, so that for each woman there is a single man and vice versa.
human rights have cost. ugly betas like you don't have much value for society. hence it's more rational to spend money on making sure Chadwell gets what his 3 billion dollar yacht with all the best pussy he can get while making sure you OP rot in your basement while you masturbate to your lolicon "art".
>arranged marriages by the state
>arranged marriages at all
Putting that aside, if they're so incompetent, why would any third party consider them a suitable mate? If they're so beta getting a forced wife would just be hell for them.
don't get your hopes up. an weak beta male like you would only get the ugliest and nastiest landwhale. read: it's what you deserve.
I don't think sex is a right, but I do think it should be available in every form, i.e. prostitution.
Instead of it being increasingly banned in the West, it should be made safe and regulated so both men and women can benefit from it, like in Germany and Hong Kong. It is the oldest profession in history after all, it has been accepted as normal in almost every country right up to the industrial era. People, both men and women, should have the freedom of choice and not have other people's views forced upon them.
I guess getting /r9k/ cancer breaks up the monotony of /pol/ cancer a bit.
>People, both men and women, should have the freedom of choice and not have other people's views forced upon them.
All board the train to society's degeneration and inevitable collapse.
Actual retard.
>an age of sexual spooks
Stopped readig there
cultural norm and/or recommendation=/=being forced to
I know you're from /pol/ or at least carry similar sentiments to them, but it's funny how your comment could suit tumblr so well.
rly makes u think...
Because it isn't something you innately have, rather it requires action from people other than yourself.
It cannot be a right because if it was it would mean that someone, somewhere would be FORCED to have it with you, which would be a violation of their rights.
>sex as a human right
>cultural norm and/or recommendation=/=being forced to
It pretty much is though. From the age when you're a toddler you're force-fed values and ideas by your parents, then later on by your peers and educators. The media shovels whatever is deemed right through your TV and computer and your compatriots will shun you, or even attack you, if you stray too far from what is deemed acceptable.
We simply have a different notion of what consitutes "forced".
Not if you make sexbots.
the giullotine wasnt invented til a hundred years after Napolean died, retard.
Freedom of choice works both ways, bakeries can choose not to serve gay customers due to their beliefs.
Of course you stopped reading there it's LITERALLY the end of the last sentence in the post!
Taxation is a violation of muh rights. I'm forced to pay for the lives of other people or I will have my right to freedom stripped away.
>We simply have a different notion of what consitutes "forced".
Yeah and yours is retarded. Social pressure is quite different from having a gun to your head.
It is a difference in power being used to force compliant behaviour in individuals. Power is power whether it's social pressure or a gun.
The other guy is right. Liberalism (not in the American partisan sense) is a cancer to society.
Plato was right all along on his contempt for the hedonistic freedom fetishists.
Sadly, I am only talking hypothetically, I am well aware that the real world does not have true freedom of choice. If it did, then prostitution would be legal, business would be allowed to choose who they can serve and people can choose to boycott that business or not, all without fear or discrimination.
love comes before sex you filthy degenerate
He stopped before the full stop.
>the joke
>your head
Nice try Foucault but no.
>human rights
This is the most cancerous meme inflicted on humanity of all time.
But such an ideology focused on personal freedom invariably leads to hedonistic debauchery, self-indulgence and self-centered, weak people, whose nation is eventually overtaken by an external or internal group that still holds common, strong values. Western society is collapsing as we speak, but our technology and industrial capabilities may possibly allow us to avert it, unless the economical collapse does it for us.
An interesting, well produced video that's related:
I'll have to give his writings a read, even though with a quick glance he seems an advocate of societal degeneration.
inalienable human rights are truff tho
Human rights exist because there are people with power who enforce them.
>non-free contraceptives for men
But that's wrong
Chilcot Inquiry is the pinnacle of the liberal and libertarian society.
plenty of paper used [because liberals love books and not reading books is outrageous >muh gutenberg >muh enlightenment by reading somebody's prose] that nobody cares about and that will not have any consequences thanks to the liberal fantasy of the free thinker illustrating the glorification of the impotence of a phony reflexivity of anybody in the liberal society to get out of hedonism.
the goal of the liberals and libertarians is the make hedonism as moral and legal as possible. They thrive on the transition private->public that they consolidated, so that they can appear as worthy and dignified in one realm, in order to feel more debased in the other realm. This transition is the best means to counter boredom.
This disdain for the explicit love of hedonism in liberal societies appeared already centuries ago, when the liberalism started to become trendy.
Most people are hedonists, especially through the body, and they love to think of themselves as less materialistic hedonist than they are [while still being total hedonist), typically in turning to prayers, meditations 15 minutes a day, or in the societies designed by the liberals and libertarians, in turning towards the common good, through the normative reason since the modern rationalists where every schmuck should strive to embody the free thinker....
The fantasy of the free thinker is either the one that elucidates the role of the society on the people, like the academics in literary fields, or the one who masters the nature, like the academics int he scientific fields... Both fields serve and a financed explicitly to ease the life of the people, with some myths about ''explaining the world'', because the liberals and libertarians cling to their fantasy that if people's materialistic desire are fed, then they would at last behave according to their Human rights.
This faith in some structure to make people better (aka make people think like they think) is the most defining fantasy of the europeans. The more they fail to exhumate this structure, the more they turn to asian doctrines and try to find the structure in those philosophies. They whine that they discover that these doctrines lack the structure that they fantasize and they hardly admit that they look at them only by pure exoticism, which would feed their hedonism.
Even if they are both starkly different in their ability to actively coerce. The average person is going to feel just as compelled by social pressure as they would by a gun.
>Veeky Forums agrees that men are ehebophilic borderline pedophilic
>argues against discrimination of men with minors
Foucault spent the end of his life studying virtue ethics, which would be against being a "degenerate".
But I never heard anyone saying he changed his lifestyle.
>The average person is going to feel just as compelled by social pressure as they would by a gun.
Yeah if you're delusional maybe.
Virtue ethics may very well be degenerative to a society. Simply because something is seen as morally correct does not mean it's going to be constructive or conserving to a society. That would be consequentialism.
hint: most people are delusional aka live and die by spooks
Reminder that tinder and dating websites are the new pimps. The behavior of a girl to go on a website to brand oneself and get men is the prostitution 2.0
hypergamy is real.
It's pre-marital polygamy, making a comeback now that we've finally rid ourselves of our utterly evil, outdated values.
>thinking guys didn't mock each other for not having fucked a wench on the side by 20 and that women weren't already getting concerned comments from friends and family about developing into lonely spinsters if they weren't married and getting plowed regularly and making babies by 20 back in yebokden times
Robots would have been social outcasts back then just as much as now, not to mention all the other societal pressures that aren't the case today