Are there any historical precedents for a successful libertarian society?
Are there any historical precedents for a successful libertarian society?
Pinochet's Chile
I'm not too sure one can have a pure ideology put manifest into a system of government without it resulting in chaos.
Mixed economies, objectively speaking, tend to do better
Pre constitution America?
The american frontier until the early 20th century.
>Mixed economies, objectively speaking, tend to do better
No they don't, all "social democracies" today have huge debts, crumbling infrastructure and a decaying social net.
I keep hearing from Liberedditors that the USA was libertarian prior to the 20th century kinda what this guys is saying ,except not the frontier, the entire economy.
How true is that?
For a long time the US had resources stretching way beyond its population. They were literally giving land away to anyone if you promised to do something with it. This is not the case for most of the world.
I don't know how an economy reliant on slavery and indentured servitude can be interpreted as libertarian in any way though.
Completely false.