Could the Mayans beat rome

Both at their peaks as empires in terms of military and economic dominance

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Hell fucking no.

Most of the mesoamerican civilizations were absolutely terrible at warfare and barely even used tactics, strategies or equipment.


Absolutely not

Yes they had pre columbian contact with sub saharan africans so they was masters of warfare.

Ok not in military but could the Mayans at least match Rome in economics and empire size

No, their government policy if similar to the Aztecs was tribal tribute states.

Meanwhile Rome at it's height transformed foreign territory into centralized provinces that mimicked Rome.

The Maya had two fatal weaknesses: Maize is a pretty poor staple, and no horses.

AFAIK the Mayans only had parts of central and southern Mexico and surrounding countries. Rome meanwhile controlled all of western and Southern Europe along with Anatolia, the Levant and North Africa. Rome would've controlled more land and had more access to materials. Also the Mayans themselves didn't seem that big on metal working so Rome would definitely win in terms of production.

Most certainly not.

The Mayans did not have steel, and fought like barbarians. Heavy assault legions would have crushed Mayan shock troops. Their stone and obsidian weapons would have been highly ineffective against Roman armor.

On top of that Romans had calvary, which would have so taken them by surprise they would easily be flanked and charged from the rear.

They would've gotten so fucked, they'd need a dozen assholes. A total blowout across the board.

but weren't the German barbarians able to beat Rome?

Indigenous cultures on America were fucking retarded, and there was no steel.

I can picture the Incas armed to the teeth with copper (from Chile's reserves), but we all know that copper sucks. Meanwhile, the mesoamericans would use their fucking obsidian weapons (able to behead a fucking horse, but at the same time very fragile) for a lot of time without reaching steel.

Could Greece beat Rome?

would it at least be a close fight or a Roman domination?

Rome beat Greece

no because they did not have iron

does the Mayans not having iron make a big difference here?

>Maize is a pretty poor staple
t. European

Corn is love.
Corn is life.

Cornbread is pretty tasty.

Maize is low in energy compared with wheat and rice, and doesn't preserve as easily. This means you have to carry more of it to feed an army, and you can't stay "in the field" for as long before your supplies spoil.


Scurrilous lies.

Huge difference actually do you think sharpened stones will be effective against armour shield gladius and pilum

post iron vs post stone ae

migration atlantis


no obs

rome'd win in a single season

hon. men. greek merc's

By the time Rome "fell", the germanics were the roman army in the west. Plus Germans were exception good at metallurgy, so much so that it was the Romans who learned from the Germans in that area.

The americas is bigger tho

Lmao it's the opposite

This is a popular misconception. There was only one major battle in the final years of the Empire where the barbarians beat a Roman army and that was 100 years before the end of the Western Empire. It was also because the dumb fuck emperor had marched his soldiers up a hill in the boiling hot sun at a bunch of entrenched barbarians with wagons and then got flanked from behind by a massive group of cavalry. At no point in this process apart from that was a Roman army smashed on the field of battle. The Romans destroyed themselves. While a massive group of Suebi, Goths, Vandals and Alans were roaming Gaul at the same time the emperor Honorius was fighting a usurper called Constantine III and lost half the army in a long war against that guy.

The Roman military could have walked through the best armies from 1000 years in the future. No ancient military could stand up to them. For fuck sake, even most early firearm-era armies would lose to a Roman military.

No, but in terms of beauty of architecture?

No fucking challenge,

Mayan pyramids are so fucking beautiful Egyptian pyramid to Cleopatra are a fucking joke comaprd to them they might have been big but come fucking on? you wanna comare size?

No but also Maya is pretty big themselves but also much more beautiful look at the exterior is so fucking redefinite I still ask myself to thsid ay how the fuck did they manage it.

Also what the fuuck Romans with their stupid big ass shit if the Mayan's stuff is way b igger anyway and much much more beutiful and complicate if you clap in front of a Mayan pyramid it does an animal sound to this day I do not understand how the fuckc did they manage it.

Mayans were much much better in mathematics and astronomy too.

you're very special

Im special but you are too everyone is special in their own way believe me, we're worth more than you can imagine everyone of us has a purpose in this life

>t. 1/116 part Maya

>No, but in terms of beauty of architecture?
>No fucking challenge,
say what?
Why are you talking about Egyptian pyramids anyway?Romans built Aqueducts which were way more useful than some pyramid


>The Roman military could have walked through the best armies from 1000 years in the future.

That's a falsehood. Assume the western Roman Empire fell in 400AD they would have got fucked by the Mongols roughly 1000 years after that time. The ERE was forced into stalemates and beaten by contemporaries so we can't go that route either.

>No ancient military could stand up to them.

Plenty did and could. Germanics from the north, Persians from the East. The huge Chinese Han contemporary armies could have contested them.

Fucking Romaboos are the worst.

Rome created a 3000 year vanguard of segregation to Asia.


Come on, you know that the eastern Roman empire used completely different equipment to the Western Roman empire in its prime.

What would be the latest Western civilization that Mesoamericans could beat?

>Most of the mesoamerican civilizations were absolutely terrible at warfare
t. Mesopro

Akkadians maybe, Assyrians would rape them

Is it true Mesoamericans had more accurate calendars than Romans?

at best an early bronze age civilization, some neolithic tribe


Mayans fought wars with glass-like weapons in order to capture wounded enemies as slaves

Romans fought wars to annihilate their enemies so they'd never have to deal with them again. Slaves were just the spoils of war

Although there were only 365 days in the Haab year, the Mayas were aware that a year is slightly longer than 365 days, and in fact, many of the month-names are associated with the seasons; Yaxkin, for example, means "new or strong sun" and, at the beginning of the Long Count, 1 Yaxkin was the day after the winter solstice, when the sun starts to shine for a longer period of time and higher in the sky. When the Long Count was put into motion, it was started at, and 0 Yaxkin corresponded with Midwinter Day, as it did at back in 3114 B.C.E. The available evidence indicates that the Mayas estimated that a 365-day year precessed through all the seasons twice in or 1,101,600 days.
We can therefore derive a value for the Mayan estimate of the year by dividing 1,101,600 by 365, subtracting 2, and taking that number and dividing 1,101,600 by the result, which gives us an answer of 365.242036 days, which is slightly more accurate than the 365.2425 days of the Gregorian calendar.

tldr: yes

Minoans just because Aztecs or Mayans were more numerous than them and would outnumber them, but one on one Minoans would win because of bronze swords.

the better question(s) to ask are:
Could the Mayans beat the Greeks
Could the Aztecs beat the Romans

Tbh obsidian is sharper than any iron the romans had but it's also brittle as fuck

Rome would demolish

The Spanish didn't take the last Mayan city until the end of the 17th century, and that was nowhere near the height of Mayan civilization. They would probably put up a good defense, but it would be a very long and drawn out Mayan defeat.

It's a stupid question really, the Mayans didn't have an empire, they had no horses, no metal, no siege engines, no fortresses, no standing armies. They were politically more akin to the Archaic Greeks than the Roman Empire, and even in that case the Greeks had far more developed military. You might as well ask if the Ottoman Empire could conquer Sumeria.

USA vs Vietnam

I'll post some pictures of Mayan warfare, because why not.






>no fortresses

>The Mayans did not have steel, and fought like barbarians
t. Mayapro

That's not a fortress, it's a palatial complex. There's a difference between a fortress and any imposing building. A fortress is built specifically for defensive purposes and houses a military garrison.

This is a fortress:
This is not:

So it seems to be Roman wins

I guarantee you that building would fit your own definition of a fortress as soon as a conflict broke out concerning it.

Maybe but I can gurantee you it wouldn't be no where near as effective as Romes fortresses

hhahahhahah what a joke question

of course Rome

These are really boring threads, I just want you to know.
The most interesting thing about them is watching you display your ignorance of grammar and general historical knowledge, and even that is getting old.

In addition, the Mayan "empire" only works if applied as a geographic term. The Mayan city states were constantly divided by ever shifting alliances and endemic warfare.

There's no way they could get their shit together to enact any kind of cohesive strategy to fight the likes of... well... anybody really.

I think a fairer fight would be the early Sumerians vs the Maya. They had a very comparable level of development and similar population densities, granted the Sumerians have much better agriculture (wheat and cows beats maize and dogs).

mayan fanboy sad that rome would destroy his favorite civ

>mayans fought with glass to capture slaves

This is like the Veeky Forums equivalent of "5.56 was designed to wound"

Steel weapons were in use during Roman Republic. So, I doubt obsidian would do anything. The common chain mails would probably shit on shitty obsidian weapons. I say shitty because modern obsidian knifes have proven to be sharper than steel, however thats with modern methedologies and capabilities. The Mayans had a crude version of it, thats poor in quality.

not every trying now are we

>wheat beats maize
not sure, chinampas were pretty good and the maize, squash and beans combo could be used in many places

Nope, but Incans could have a chance.

>Plus Germans were exception
>good at metallurgy
>so much so that it was the Romans who learned from the Germans in that area
No. The reason why the Romans and Parthians/Persians were the top powers for nearly 1000 years was because of the Celtics transferring the development of mailed/chain mail armor and superior metal working via trade from Western Europe to Southern Europe and the Near East.

Romans took what they got from the Celtics to the next level.

>Shapur gets a literal hat trick on the Romans
>"walk through the best armies from 1000 years in the future"
Roman fanboys are dumb.

Why didnt romans build sewer systems and water pumps and pipes into homes?

Nice meme lad






I know your memeing, but if they really did, then why didn't the Africans give them iron/steel swords? Many had them around that time period.

No. The Mayans were still sick though.

But they did.

Precolumbian Mesoamerican art has a pretty cool aesthetic. Not as good as realism, but still cool. Also, Mayan writing is by far the coolest looking.

Europe learned about metal making from Asia as well as gun powder and evolved from mass punishment. I mean the Nordics were human pin cushions for Rome and Europe was stab test dummies for the Persians before that.

Mesoamerica on the other hand was just isolated from all these advancements in technology, which if they did have access to, would have just added to another nation capable of genocides through warring. The last thing the world needed then and now.

typing as fast as I could and butchered my get the point though.

Sorry, I tend to have a hard time differentiating between barbarians.

Yes chinampas are cool but that's an Aztec dealio

>Mayan writing is by far the coolest looking
Agreed. I wish we had more of it.