>Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others
Still true? I feel more and more disillusioned.
>Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others
Still true? I feel more and more disillusioned.
Read Plato and Aristotle.
Only those who perform a public service (military, work in hospitals etc...) for a minimum of 5 years should be allowed to vote.
One vote per household.
Single people don't get to vote. NEETs don't get to vote
Generally agree that NEETs shouldn't decide anything, but still voting rights should be based on pedigree and not merit.
Reminder that God appointed the Emperor as ruler!
>implying the majority of humans aren't retards
>implying most non retards aren't too busy working and raising families to actually research politics
Above everything else, women don't get to vote, unless widow and head of the family.
Come to think of it, women shouldn't vote period.
Democracy is outdated. Technocracy is the future.
>implying intelligent people don't take an interest in the governance of the society they belong to
I agree with you my dear Abdullah al-Mahmud, our God truly is the greatest, praise him.
I don't get why /pol/ hates islam when it seems to embody most of their values.
Women shouldn't vote
t. Catholic
>Democracy is only as good as its people
>Autocracy is only as good as its leader
it isn't inherently good or bad. All you have to do is look as all the third world democracies to see that.
Engineers make the worst rulers that could possibly be if the US is any indication.
>fiddling kids
>endless war
>throwing acid on women's faces
Yeah its so /pol/
Because islam thinks Jesus is just a shitty prophet and not literally God. Islam is a mockery.
1. Generals
2. Planters
3. Lawyers
99999. Nuclear Engineers
Of that list non-European is probably the only thing that would trigger /pol/lacks.
I posted degeneracy so youre incorrect.
>rationalia is founded
>there is no evidence that rationalia is superior to other countries
>black science man executed for irrational beliefs
>rationalia disbanded
>/pol/ wants to diddle kids and throw acid on women's faces, as well as endless war
I know lefties are delusional but this is a whole new level
>black science man flees to foreign country
>national borders deemed irrational
>executed via death squad
I wonder if he forbids members of his own species from crossing into his premises with artificially constructed barriers as well
A voting roll that excludes nearly everyone but the upper middle class.
There are developing world nations that have a pretty decent democracy.
A limited democracy in the form of passing a rigorous exam that covers subjects like economics and theory of government.
Meritocratic and elitist, literally no downsides.
and there's a lot of developing world nations without democracy while there are plenty of democratic failed states.
Pipe dream.
>passing an exam is meritocratic
I want everyone younger than 25 to leave
The problem is who designs the tests?
And Autocratic states are the easiest to corrupt, exploit and turn to shit.
so the Jim Crow south is your dream government?
Granted, I didn't imply that such a democracy would be. Just that the filter for voting rights would be more meritocratic.
Yeah the potential for corruption is real. But then again, it's not like regular democracies are good at avoiding that either.
The test there was whether or not you were white. That has nothing to do with how educated your vote might be.
desu what are you doing on this website past 25
yes, but they're also the easiest to reform and develop. Meanwhile a democratic failed state is almost impossible to save without some illegal government change.
>le Veeky Forums is only for little kids maymay
Do you think the 20 year olds that were here in the late 2000s just packed up and left?
Yes. They got real job, children, families and loving wives. No time to shit post.
I would hope so.
I got all of that except for children and I'm still here. It's just a website you moron, stop treating it like a secret treehouse for kids.
If you go to imageboards where the average age is higher, the average post quality tends to be higher as well.
>A limited democracy in the form of passing a rigorous exam
This is utterly ridiculous, but it'll make for a nice short story.
>The test there was whether or not you were white
that's not true, they just tinkered to where a majority of blacks would be below the threshold. The only way they could be racially discriminatory was through Grandfather clauses, however those were outlawed federally within a decade or two of being passed. The Jim Crow south had very low voting participation regardless of blacks. However it only proves rights, once you make tests to vote, you invite open corruption.
>public service
>I feel more and more disillusioned.
You and me both m8
I have zero faith in the system anymore. Universal suffrage was a mistake.
Republic and Politics were "artistic" in their exercise and hopeful in practice.
They are better used to improve already existing states rather than begin a state.
Good advice.
Didn't classical China put their officials in power through civil service exams? Not saying it was perfect but it's worth a look back at I think. I readily admit I was throwing an idea at the wall and it's probably fucking stupid.
Good point, I suppose the larger problem wouldn't be that recently freed slaves would make uneducated votes but that there would be nothing stopping the entrenched upper class from giving them no representation.
In my home country my government tried, as part of an educational reform, to force teachers into undergoing rigorous tests in order to test whether teachers were fit to teach or not.
Teachers who did well on said exam would get their careers promoted and receive a bonus.
Everyone was baffled with the idea.
The most immediate issue was, indeed, who the fuck was making these exams, and why would they even be representative for teaching skills. They absolutely weren't.
But the most magical thing happened when teachers started to obviate the task of actually teaching little fucks in order to concentrate on getting good grades on their exams, because they had a better chance at career advancement by doing great on written tests than getting kids through elementary school.
So imagine a society utterly focused on passing exams because power is now correlated to a grade on an exam, isn't that a compelling idea?
Well there is indeed more to teaching than information. It's a profession that has a performance based element that can't be captured on a written test. The same isn't entirely true for voting, I suppose an exam trying to remain objective has no way of judging whether or not you have good judgement. But at the very least it would filter out people who have no idea of governance or the ideals that the nation stands for.
Now the debate over whoever got to create these tests probably would result in all out civil war but hey, maybe in a smaller entity like a city-state with a test agreed upon during the formation of the constitution it would work, maybe. I don't know I'm just some guy.
Or, you know, just make high school education compulsory.
Just saying.
>Turn down every opportunity to rise to power he has
>goes full >muh democracy & ideals
>actual alpha Kaiser fuck his """"democracy's"""""" shit up and rules the universe better than democracy
Democracy is a meme, enlighted autocracy is the best
As long as you aren't guaranteed to pass.
Problem is that West is barely holding on to and may have already lost democracy.
The US is a corporate ran oligarchy with two artificial parties with damn near identical elite where people's votes don't even directly count towards the election of the president while Europe is "enlightened" despotism sort of affair with overly self important bunch of cunts waxing poetic about need to remove borders and combine the human race while living in their gates communities and mansions while the average person is left on the street to be raped by Muslims.
Neither can really be called democracy. If the only party that's willing to even question immigration in Sweden is openly and constantly called nazi and racist and is intentionally excluded from the government by the other parties, then how the fuck is that democracy? And in the US the fucking Republicans were going to embrace immigration and multiculturism after the 2012 elections, what's even the fucking point of being the opposition party if you're not even pretending to be different to the other party then?
Islam is barbaric Arabic cancer.
Actually it's barbaric Semitic cancer.
Depends on your metric for goodness.
Reminder that your god doesn't exist and even if he does he's full of shit and has no authority over our affairs.
>Implying he wasn't a Buddhist and all you dipshits didn't completely miss the point
>>endless war
>not /pol/
>t. his majesty the lord inbred floppywhotsit von habsburg-bourbon XXVI
It's amazing that people still unironically believe this.
>implying most of /pol/ would turn down multiple wives or underage girls
Pedophilia is thing everywhere though and so is rape.
Considering how much /pol/ loves to rail against degeneracy and sex, yes, yes they would.
So is murder doesn't mean we have to like it or accept it.
This is fucking retarded.
How is "the weight of evidence" determined?
Who determines it?
If it is one person, that's a monarchy.
If it is a counsel, that's an oligarchy.
If its everyone, that's democracy.
Democracy is a perfect system in theory.
The devil is in the details.
Computer evaluate it, duh.
Who writes the program?
Who feeds it information?
>perfect system in theory.
No. Monarchy is the perfect system in theory. Democracy is only better than tyranny in theory and practice.
Educated professionals.
>_________ is a perfect system in theory.
You can say that about a lot of things.
Also, checked.
Only when its gay sex, tbqh. It sounds like you've never gone there
The thing with autocracy is that most of people relate it with muh nazees or sharia countries
that guy is a retard
No monarchy/dictatorship is the perfect system in theory. If you could guarantee genius, selfless, hard working, empathic, energetic, skilled ruled with unlimited power the society would always be a paradise.
Democracy is the system that's about as equally bad in theory and in practice but with smaller range from worst case to best case than the systems with one or few guys at the top with all the power.
There aren't very many true democracies. Most law is filtered through elected representatives who are career politicians. Most countries don't pass every law through referendum.
You could say the same thing about rule by a military junta. After all, they rose to the top through hard work, and you can't get into a senior military position today without a good chunk of academic credentials. We should all run our governments by the military, it totally won't be a failure like every other time it's been tried!
>/pol/ isn't obsessed with ancient Greece and Rome
>/pol/ isn't obsessed on treating women as subhumans
>/pol/ isn't obsessed on waiting for a "race war"
Your super special unique not-like-all-others /pol/ really doesn't sound like our /pol/, tbqh.
but christians do the same thing... except the acid
but you dont say christians support pedophilia when it had probably the biggest case of it through the church
so we buy off those professionals and profit dope
atheists do all of that, plus partake in mass murder from time to time tbqh
Plantation owners like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe
>weight of evidence
This same man would throw a fit if I so much as hinted to him that there is evidence that race is biological
Except autocracy is never enlightened because to maintain power one has to do many unenlightened things, like crush dissent that has nowhere to vent itself since the citizenry is excluded from the government
Democracy is basically one of the better things that are. Everyone gets to be his or hers own fuhrer.
Don't say this is not better. Or how?
Welcome to Professor Aristocracy.
>So imagine a society utterly focused on passing exams because power is now correlated to a grade on an exam, isn't that a compelling idea?
It sorta is. But if there exists a society outside of the Exams and Grades, its basically pointless.
I.E Uni/High Scool grades or Trade School Grades versus Nepotism or experience in field.
Modern society looks like a exam society, until you pass school, get a Trade Degree, and do real work. Then you realize its a turbo capitalist society where Certification isn't useful in any way.
I am not being typically left here
What we really want, what we really need is an end to differences in income, education level, car brands: design thy own.
It will work much better and other places in the world might like to follow, which will even increase the success.
*Follow: implying their original honor would not be saved.....
And all really have the same feelings about the sexual preferences. Which is making us mentally ill in a way. Because it is not known. So: democracy so that it does not get worse.
In the end we'd probably like to have some sort of right-left. Just to rule out confusions or blockage of other good things.
at least iceland looks to be doing something positive. The pirate party'll likely be their biggest party following the next election, and they promise to introduce direct democracy and loosen copyright laws.
In Ireland we have a body composed of citizens meant to be representative of the population which recommends changes to the constitution. One of then was to implement citizen-initiated laws which would be passed by referendum, which had overwhelming support from the recommending body, but was ignored by our prime minister when discussing the report. We had a referendum of lowering the minimum age of presidential candidates instead
Anyone who is paid by government can't be allowed to vote
What do you do
That constitutional convention was a sham. Full of ex-Labour candidates for elections. A man and his wife "randomly selected". Thing was a farce from day one and basically designed to get a gay marriage referendum. Labour's pet project