Should greater reparations be made for the Native Americans and Slaves?
Should greater reparations be made for the Native Americans and Slaves?
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now back to the reserve/ ghetto
Why are you so bitter?
Oh, I just realized, because Veeky Forums is a reserve/ghetto for social pariahs.
Greater repatriations should be made for this shitty bait.
No one on Veeky Forums balls enough to discuss this with me because they know they will get their ass slaughtered.
What about all the natives that owned slaves?
bitch ass white boys.
>No one on Veeky Forums balls enough to discuss this with me because they know they will get their ass slaughtered.
You have the floor. Do your worst
he's just a dumb anglo who honestly believes that exploiting and genociding people is civilizing them.
just stick to talking to espanabros and install angloblock
Well sir, the answer for that would be: no. you STUPID STUPID cunt.
What about Africans who owned slaves? Or Indians who owned slaves for that matter. Also who pays? My family wasn't even in the country until the aftermath of WWI
it was exploitation.
Native Americans get to like go to college for free and if you can prove you're a member of a tribe you get a free house on a reservation? I don't know they get hooked up.
Welfare is basically reparations and descendants of slave owners have probably paid more in social program taxes than they ever spent on slaves at this point. As a man who descends from mid-western potato farmers no one in my family ain't never owned no slaves and I'm broke anyway.
Families who own slaves should be forced to pay reparations to the families and individuals they enslaved. Its pretty straight forward. You guys are in full damage control mode, so don't play dumb.
Well you can hold your head up high.
So.... thread? Yeah, i'm right.
Goodnight folks, that's all I wanted to say.
So the sins of the father are now the sins of the son? Does that mean we can jail all the little negroes whose daddies committed crimes? It's only fair after all
>he thinks reservations are a nice place to live
>plagued with poverty, alcoholism, suicide and a new generation of disenchanted young Native Americans who hate the white man
"b-but muh free housing!!"
>Should greater reparations be made for the Native Americans and Slaves?
Sure. But if we're playing the "GIBS ME DAT" reparation game, they're gonna have to get line behind the Sicels, Umbrians Marsi, Umbri, Volsci Gauls, Britons, Picts, Franks, Huns, Uralics, Saami, Hittites, Persians, Aquitanians, Airenosini/Arenosii, Lacetani, Vascones,Iberians...
...this could go on and on
Well it's what they fucking asked for. What do they want? Reintegration programs now? White businesses moving in and setting up industry?
By whom?
How about reparations in lead? Native shitters were killing and raping harmless white settlers for literally decades, they don't deserve any pity, they deserve to shut the fuck up.
As for blacks, they should be repatriated to Africa and make the Southerners pay for it since they're the ones who wanted black slaves in the US to start with.
Oh man then the Arabs have to pay big time and all the slave owners over in Africa are definitely on the chopping block to pay
but the spaniards were even worse
>harmless white settlers
Rounding up black people and shipping them back to Africa is an Orwellian nightmare scenario on every level. I can only imagine the absolute chaos.
So realistically we are all just going to have to integrate eh?
Literally the first encounter between settlers and natives (Roanoke) ended up in the settlers getting massacred, Powhatan himself boasted about it. Get fucked Chief Sore Bottom.
They'd get to have their own country and make their own legislation without white man doing bad shit to them, plus they'll have the US as a strong military ally. Literally a win win scenario.
Sure we can pay reparations by repatriating the stolen African people back to their native land!
>I can only imagine the absolute chaos.
Thankfully, you don't have to
>capcha; industrial ballo
Liberia was completely fine for the African Americans before US inexplicably started supporting the native African idiots who wanted to take over.
>rounding up all the millions of black people in the US, probably requiring the military to do so
>enlisting a fleet of ships to take this enormous amount of people across the ocean
>deposit them in Africa, where they have no longer have any familial, cultural, or economic ties
>Africa, a continent not famous for successful nation-building or peaceful colonization
>meanwhile, back at home we suffer the ridiculous economic impact this irrational migration would cause
Who's winning in this scenario
Your reparations have been paid in blood, 700 000 white people died in a war over the abolition of slavery while blacks barely lifted a finger. We don't owe you shit.
>""""" harmless white settlers"""""
Nice try John Smith.
What about Native Americans?
>The first definitive information concerning the fate of the Lost Colony came from Captain John Smith, leader of the Jamestown Colony from 1608 to 1609. According to chronicler Samuel Purchas, Smith learned from Powhatan, known to the English as Chief Powhatan, that he had personally conducted the slaughter of the Lost Colonists.
What do "native africans" think of BLM movement?
Right of conquest. Should have not been technological and immunological scrubs
"not successful for nation building or peaceful colonization"
Nation building and peaceful colonization is whitey's idea.
Tribalism works best for blacks it seems like, or am I just liberal memen' ?
Good and well deserved. Should have stayed in Europe.
The fate of native Americans was literally "Talk shit, get hit." They fucked with civilian settlements wherever they popped up and slaughtered innocents, I'd say they got off easy.
no because you would have to violate other people's individual rights to do so
I feel honestly glad that those savages will die out in my lifetime.
>civilian settlements
>Hostile Invaders are civilians
I bet you think illegal immigrants are a problem today.
Or the multitude of basic human rights being entirely overlooked.
But you
pay reparasions whiteys
it already happened user it's called Liberia and you are right to call it a nightmare scenario
Can't be illegal if you have no laws.
And I bet you're one of those who think immigrants should be welcomed with open arms while simultaneously believing white settlers got what they deserved just for building a bunch of houses.
Indians had laws.
>Can't be illegal if you have no laws
>It's ok when we do it
Lol get fucked.
Lets shift gears ladies. Where do you get your morality from? Religion? Authority figures? what if you delve into Nihilism like many of us do?
In my mind, i know it may never happen, but I believing in balancing things and I feel like either everyone needs to apologize for what they actually did wrong, or else forgiveness needs to be given by those transgressed upon.
That's just me.
anyone who unironically uses the word savage needs to fuck off back to /pol/
I think blacks need to get the fuck over themselves and actually try to succeed
Well I know about Liberia it's just that was a very small amount of volunteers who were prepared to establish a colony. It still ended up being one of the most famous messes in Africa but still, the initial conditions and the overall plan was as good as could be expected.
Literally shipping every black person in the US to Africa is pants-made-of-snakes insane. I could think of no better way to make the largest amount of people as miserable as possible short of global nuclear warfare.
Human dignity?
It's gonna be ok guys
>stop using mean words on the internet :^(
exactly. So whats your stance on reparations.
don't be so savage
Fuck you, savage bastard.
I don't think we should be concerned with anachronisms, but white americans have a huge issue with that shit, marginalizing minorities due to mere historicity.
Guess where I stand.
>settlers build settlements to live in with their families, work and worship
>a bunch of Indian trash mercilessly starts slaughtering them, burning down their settlements, sieging their towns, raping their women and children
>the military steps in and blows the ever loving fuck out of the Indians eventually makes them sign a treaty
>Indians start massacring whites again, destroying railroad tracks, blowing up logging and mining towns, ambushing travelling settlers, enslaving and torturing non-combatants
>military steps in once again and once again BTFOs the Indians
Get fucked savage lover. Thankfully your beloved shit people will be wiped off the planet Earth within 100 years, entirely because of their own stupidity, and I take great delight in that.
Yeah that's why all Spanish colonies have mixed or complete natives populations that are now Christian and speak Spanish while in Anglo colonies natives live in reservations isolated with their own religion and traditions.
Spaniards were worse in that they were incompetent not that they were as cruel or systematically exploitative.
>settlers arrive and peacefully trade a tiny amount of land for iron and manufactured goods you have never seen before
>decide to genocide them
>think you will get to torture people for your amusement and rape girls
>instead get a face full of shot
How was this unjust?
Families don't own slaves anymore though (legally), so there's no one to pay for the reparations.
Why does /pol/ get incredibly butthurt and defensive when it comes to injuns?
Its like, one mention of them, and /pol/ gets emotional.
>I feel honestly glad that those savages will die out in my lifetime.
Not if you believe the current population growth trends.
No. Or at least, they should not be viewed as "reparations."
We should certainly address the many horrible issues Native American and black communities face, but that's not really "reparations" based in history. It's just about taking care of problems the country faces.
>population growth trends
There's a grand total of 5 million Indians in the US and that's even including a bunch of cosplaying 1/32 Cherokee retards. Several Indian reservations have the highest rates of child mortality, alcoholism and obesity in Northern America and their life expectancy is shit. I will LITERALLY be around to see them not existing anymore.
don't be ridiculous, user. you know very well those kids don't have fathers
this post is le reddits tier
Only less than 10% of whites owned slaves. And that's from before the civil war, so not counting all the whites (Germans, Irish, Slavs, Italians, Jews) who arrived AFTER the civil war.
they were crueler, caused the fall of numerous native societies, committed mass enslavement and continued policies of ethnic cleansing that would've made even the cruelest anglo indian killer blush. them raping a bunch of indian girls proves nothing. btw natives, mestizos, etc. were still viewed as shit tier by the spanish and were at the bottoms of the social ladder.
most native americans are christian and don't live on reservations.
If "sins of the father" are a thing then we should exterminate all of the remaining Indians considering what heinous shit their ancestors did not only to whites, but also to other Indians and even blacks.
German immigration was pre-civil war.
>There's a grand total of 5 million Indians in the US and that's even including a bunch of cosplaying 1/32 Cherokee retards.
Compared to what it was decades ago, the population is growing fairly decently.
>Several Indian reservations have the highest rates of child mortality, alcoholism and obesity in Northern America and their life expectancy is shit. I will LITERALLY be around to see them not existing anymore.
Good thing only about 22% of the Natives Americans in the United States live on reservations then. (according to the 2010 U.S. Census).
Yeah to the northern states that already banned slavery, not to the south.
Anecdotal, but I'm friends with a couple of recent immigrants from Mali, the resounding opinion amongst them is rather negative. To my great surprise, the wife of one of the doctors I work for even stated support for Trump, though that certainly isn't the position of her husband.
Spaniards also viewed Spanish who were born in colonies as shit tier. Their elitism was tied to feudalism and not racism. Natives would even use proof of Spaniard ancestry as a point for social mobility. It was much more fluid society even if inequal.
Spaniards collapsed existing native societies that's true but so did Anglos, the purpose was installing a Spanish viceroyalty ultimate tied to Spanish monarchy after all. Spaniards used least amount of black slaves and if you converted to Christianity you couldn't be enslaved, natives were treated as serfs not slaves. The ethnic cleansing is isolated to Caribbeans and didn't happen with blessings of Spanish Monarchy but rather a lack of control and application of law over loosely connected and regulated Spanish colonies.
The failure of Spanish is due failure of Spanish state to keep the colonists, viceroyalties and especially soldiers in check not a policy of resettlement or farmer expansion for lebensraum like Anglos. Spain also sent much less people over to colonies due this reason, they weren't looking for a place to repopulate, they were looking for resources, manpower and trade routes.
Anglos committed knowing and willing ethnic cleansing and genocide with purpose of ethnic cleansing and genocide.
>support for Trump
Actually many LEGAL immigrants support Trump because they don't feel that literal criminals who break the law to get to the US should be entitled to the same treatment as people who immigrate by the book.
I know since I'm one of them.
Every ethnicity/culture/society/nation/etc has been both slaver and slave, at some point in history.
If anything, European christian whites should be celebrated for being the ones that made abolition of slavery, mainstream.
There was one western African KANG that literally threatened to go to war with Britain because they banned slave trade, since it was the main source of his income.
Not all slavery is equal. Greco-Roman slavery is not in the save vein as trans-atlantic slavery. Furthermore there is a difference between a slave class and a slave race.
theres a difference between ancient peoples that got integrated into new ones and ones that are the same that got fucked over
Stop crying bitch, slavery is slavery.
>Oh I got that your people were enslaved, sold to bondage, treated like property and beaten, but AT LEAST NOBODY CALLED THEM A NIGGER!
Get fucked lol
>Greco-Roman slavery is not in the save vein as trans-atlantic slavery.
it was in places like quarries and mines
Being sold to slavery because you are war prisoner or raid captive is not same as being sold to slavery because you are of different race and denied autonomy by ideology.
No, it's literally the same thing. It's like saying being murdered because you're poor is less bad than being murdered because you're black. You're still fucking dead.
Any sporadic massacre of whites by Indians pales and dwarfs in comparison to the hundreds of massacres, forced relocations (onto really, really shitty land), cultural devastation (only 2 Native languages in the US aren't in immediate danger of extinction), and the complete and utter failure of the US to keep their agreement with any Native American group (!!!), in addition the lack of a sincere apology or any effort towards reconciliation.
Ffs, get your retarded ass off the internet
The fuck are the Anglos gonna give to them? The only way for the issue to be resolved is if they pack up and go back to their shit island.
Get lost, I have no interest talking to backedalling savage apologists.
>sporadic massacre
Literally the first permanent white settlement in the US ended up in natives slaughtering the settlers. They started that shit and now they got what they deserve.
That's an individual action. Not same as a state regulated class. Effectively you might be a slave but essentially your slave hood is tied to an inherit characteristic rather than being belonging to a class.
>They fucked with civilian settlements wherever they popped up snd slaughtered innocents?
Source? Also I assume by innocents you mean the US Army?
>white slaves were just isolated cases
>Roanoke colonists were the US army
So, hypothetically, if China conquered, colonized, and thoroughly eliminated the modern population of America (including you and your descendants), and neglected the survivors you would be fine with it?
I was saying individual action referring to analogy of murder, not slavery.
Doesn't matter. A dead person is a dead person, and a slave is a slave.